My mum can take a back seat for a while. She’s not needed any more. I’ve got you, afterall.

When I rang my beloved mother yesterday in a fit of worry, terrified that my daughter was unhappy and withdrawn, that I’d made the wrong decision sending her to a childminder, that I should give up my radio job and just work from home, she didn’t answer the phone.

This was probably a good thing, because I would just have transferred the worry to my own mum. And, while Mother Worry is bad, Grandmother Worry is ten times worse.

So, instead, I turned to you.

I told you about my fears. I confided that I wasn’t sure I was doing the right thing. I asked for reassurances, advice and shared experiences.

And – jeez – you came through for me.

So, in typical daughter fashion, I’m connecting with you right now to tell you everything’s alright. Frog spoke more than a tiny whisper at the childminder’s today. She even played with a new little girl there and did some dancing. This afternoon she happily ate cake and only screamed three times during her swimming lesson (this is an improvement, honest).

I think she was just mardy yesterday at being made to wake up early and leave the comfort of her own home after a two week Easter break.

Anyway, all is well. I hope. If not then I know who to call when I have the next panic.

The ability to eat cake and feed rabbit juice = no longer mardy


Disclaimer: It’s OK Mum – you’re still my number one.

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