The diary

This is a transcribed entry from my actual diary, started in 1994. I was 11. In my infinite wisdom I decided to write up this diary and then put it on the radio. You can listen to some of the past entries either here or here.

It’s all rather embarrassing, but going through it has brought back some funny memories. So read on and then tell me, what were you doing on 21st October 1994?


Dear Diary,

It’s been a VERY busy day today. At lunch, Helena kicked Amy’s ball onto the roof and we weren’t allowed to go and get it. Then the boys came and – even though it was girls day in the football area – they TOTALLY took over!!!

Miss said they had to let us play because it was girls day so then we had a big game of girls v boys. The boys had more in their team so about two of them came on our team, but the STUPID boys still won… It’s only because they were FOULING all over the place!!!

One of them kicked the ball at me really hard and it hurt. So I pinched Neil because he was cheating but then he pinched me back and kicked the ball at me again. I cried and walked off. Well wouldn’t you?!!!!

But then I was worried I would be missing too much so I decided to come back again.

I hope they don’t let the stupid BOYS play next time.





9 Responses to What were you doing on 21st October 1994?

  • Beth says:

    This made me laugh! Love that they were “FOULING” all over the place. Oh, the indignation! The exasperation! Just brilliant, I think I can identify with that at 28 years old. Also, “XOXO”? Were you Gossip Girll?

  • 21st October 1994. ‘S. was still uninspiring so I was reduced to snatching his Private Eye to get his attention, but he just walked off. Drank numerous cups of tea so I could go into his office to offer one too, but each time I planned to be reconciled I ended up walking out in a huff and had to make more tea to try again. Lunched, or rather cappuccinoed, with F and P and discussed P’s landlady whom P will no longer tolerate on account of her a) leaving a coffee mug ring for the duration of P’s holiday with a reprimanding memo attached b) throwing out the fridge and c) looking like Frankenstein when she opens the door to the gasman.’ (Well, you did ask!)

  • I was no doubt having some teenage drama. I was in the final year of A-levels. So you’ve made me feel old……thanks :D

  • I always regret not keeping a diary. This is lovely to look back on even if you did find it a bit embarrassing!

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