Baba and Boo potty training pants, Kiddycharts reward charts, Parenting, potty training, toddlers
My toddler will be three years old in 5 months time. My little baby. Tiny little Frog. She is now a fully walking, talking, feisty singing little girl, with bags of personality and a hatred of nappies. Or rather, a hatred of nappies that need to be changed. So it appears that, without even planning to, we have arrived at that dreaded stage – potty training.
The process so far has involved talking about using the toilet, sitting on the toilet, discarding nappies in favour of pants for a full day, going back to nappies and, now, occasionally sitting on the toilet with constant gentle encouragement. (I’m still talking about my toddler here.) Nothing has actually been “produced” on the toilet yet, so to speak. Continue reading »