It’s a sad day when you find yourself revelling in triumph after beating a toddler at poohsticks, especially when that toddler is not your own.
But this is what my life has now become. I never win anything, you see. Not even a tenner on the Lottery. So to win a game of poohsticks is, actually, rather a big deal.
I realise I’m not doing myself any favours here. You’re probably rolling your eyes at me already and mouthing get a bloody life. But I can’t help it if I’m a competitive person who spends her life pretending not to be competitive at all.
So imagine my angst / excitement / crushing sense of foreboding when I found out about the MAD blog awards. Here’s my chance to actually win something. A real victory. One that doesn’t involve conning a two year old during a game of poohsticks.
But then I bump back to reality and remind myself that I’m not a winner. I’m a poohstick cheating loser who’s never won anything at all.
Feeling sorry for me yet? Have I tugged at your heart strings enough? (Emotional blackmail is my forte, one that my baby has clearly inherited).
So let me tell you about the MAD blog awards. They’re the awards which recognise brilliance in blogging amongst Mummy and Daddy bloggers. There are fifteen categories, all with very tempting prizes. But to even get nominated is a rather big deal. Each category will get whittled down to five blogs, the five with the most nominations. The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges.
All sounds rather scary doesn’t it? But who dares wins and all that…
And here’s the bit where the bribery comes in. If I get nominated then I promise I will share with you a true story involving me, nakedness and a gang of firemen. It isn’t that kind of story – I’m really not that kind of girl. But it is funny. Or at least it was for anyone who happened to be in the area at the time.
So maybe you think my Rod Off post is deserving of a nomination for the Best MAD Baby Blog. Or maybe my Sitting Envy post did it for you. Or maybe you’ve enjoyed reading about my foray into exercise and how I became a flatulent car thief. If that’s the case you might want to nominate me in the Best New MAD blog category. Whatever, I’m not picky.
But remember this, I’ve never won anything before and if I get nominated you’ll be richly rewarded with a very true and very shameful story. Note the use of bribery and emotional blackmail in this post. My baby may only be nine months, but I’ve already finely tuned the two key skills needed to raise her for the next eighteen years…
To nominate me, simply follow this link or click on the badge above to take you to the MAD Blog Awards nomination form.