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I had a conversation with my mum the other day. She’s very wise, my mum.

“Live in the here and now. You never know what’s around the corner. Life’s too short,” she said.

She’s right, you know.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind. The daily struggle and juggle. Daily worries, long-term planning, anxious what ifs.

But these aren’t the things I’ll take with me when I’m gone.

THIS is the memory I’ll take with me. My daughter sitting on her dad’s knee, waving at passers by as she rides the train on a family day trip.

Seeing the gold medal won in the running race by my hypermobile daughter and knowing she’s finally holding her own when it comes to walking, romping across the finish line in the Toddler Olympics at her childminder’s:

Sitting in the sunshine on a Friday afternoon in our local pub, enjoying a cold G&T as my two year old sips juice and waves to canal boats passing by.

There’s been too much sadness recently. Stories of people I know going through all sorts of difficult and painful experiences. It shouldn’t take hearing of these to make me wake up and realise I need to stop fretting.

My mum’s right. Life’s too short.


It would seem it’s not just my mum who’s wise.

I recently read two posts which really resonated with me, so I’d like to link to them here. This one by Ben at Goodbye, Pert Breasts and this one by Jane at Northern Mum had me nodding along in agreement. My mum would absolutely agree.