Funniest Seagull Jokes You Need to Know

Looking for seagull jokes online often leads to disappointment, with most collections offering bland, repetitive punchlines that barely make anyone smile.

These attempts at bird humor frequently miss the mark, leaving you searching for better options that can actually entertain your friends and family.

We’ve solved this problem by putting together 260+ genuinely funny seagull jokes that will get real laughs every time you share them.

This collection includes short zingers, family-friendly jokes, witty bird puns, and clean humor that works for any occasion.

Get ready to discover fresh, entertaining jokes about our favorite coastal birds that you’ll love sharing with others.

Seagull Jokes About Food


  1. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
    Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!
  2. What’s a seagull’s favorite snack?
    Fish and chips, but hold the chips!
  3. Why don’t seagulls like fast food?
    Because they can’t catch it!
  4. What’s a seagull’s favorite dessert?
    A piece of crumb cake!
  5. Why do seagulls prefer salty snacks?
    Because they live by the ocean—it’s in their blood!
  6. What do seagulls call their fancy dinners?
    “Sea-lect Meals!”
  7. Why did the seagull bring a sandwich to the beach?
    Because he didn’t trust the seafood restaurant!
  8. What do you call a seagull eating tacos?
    A “gull” on the spice coast!
  9. Why did the seagull refuse to eat his vegetables?
    He said, “I’m strictly pescatarian!”
  10. What’s a seagull’s favorite kind of bread?
    Gull-ic bread!

Seagull Jokes About Weather

  1. Why do seagulls hate storms?
    Because they can’t weather the squawk!
  2. What do seagulls do during a heatwave?
    Chill out by the “gull-breeze!”
  3. Why do seagulls fly south in the winter?
    Because it’s snow laughing matter staying up north!
  4. What’s a seagull’s favorite weather?
    Cloudy with a chance of breadcrumbs.
  5. How do seagulls predict the weather?
    They use their bird-brain radar!
  6. Why did the seagull bring an umbrella?
    Because it heard the forecast called for “fowl” weather.
  7. What do seagulls do during a thunderstorm?
    Hide under the pier and play hide-and-squawk!
  8. Why don’t seagulls like sunny days?
    The glare makes it hard to spot snacks!
  9. What do you call a seagull caught in a hurricane?
    A wind-squawk survivor!
  10. Why did the seagull enjoy the rain?
    Because it made everything extra salty!

Seagull Jokes About Seagull Families

  1. What do you call a group of seagulls that sing together?
    A gull-choir!
  2. Why did the baby seagull get in trouble?
    It was being too gull-ible!
  3. What’s a seagull parent’s favorite bedtime story?
    “Wings and Waddles: The Tale of the Brave Little Gull.”
  4. How do seagulls discipline their kids?
    They give them a stern squawk!
  5. Why do baby seagulls love hide-and-seek?
    Because they’re great at “winging” it!
  6. What’s a seagull mom’s favorite saying?
    “If you don’t clean your nest, you won’t get dessert!”
  7. Why do seagull dads tell the worst jokes?
    Because they love to crack “yolk”s!
  8. What did the seagull siblings argue about?
    Who got the bigger piece of driftwood!
  9. What do you call a seagull that loves its family?
    A wing-man!
  10. Why do seagulls always stick together?
    Because they’re birds of a feather!

Seagull Jokes About Jobs


  1. What job did the seagull apply for?
    A “gull” guide!
  2. Why did the seagull fail its job interview?
    It kept squawking over the interviewer!
  3. What’s a seagull’s dream job?
    A beach patrol officer!
  4. Why don’t seagulls work at fish markets?
    They’d eat all the profits!
  5. What do you call a seagull who delivers the mail?
    Winged express!
  6. Why are seagulls bad at office jobs?
    They don’t understand the pecking order!
  7. What do you call a seagull scientist?
    Dr. Squawk!
  8. Why do seagulls hate meetings?
    They’d rather fly solo!
  9. What job do seagulls have at airports?
    Wing traffic control!
  10. Why do seagulls avoid being accountants?
    Too many “squawks and balances!”

Seagull Jokes About Travel

  1. Where do seagulls go on vacation?
  2. Why do seagulls love cruises?
    All-you-can-eat buffets!
  3. What’s a seagull’s favorite mode of transport?
    “Fly” class!
  4. Why don’t seagulls use GPS?
    They just wing it!
  5. Where do seagulls stay when they travel?
    In a flocking inn!
  6. Why did the seagull get lost on his trip?
    He flew off course for breadcrumbs!
  7. What’s a seagull’s favorite tourist spot?
    The Great Gull-f Reef!
  8. Why don’t seagulls need passports?
    They’re world travelers by birth!
  9. What’s a seagull’s least favorite travel destination?
    Landlocked cities!
  10. What’s a seagull’s dream vacation?
    A flight around the world!

Seagull Jokes About School

  1. Why did the seagull drop out of school?
    He couldn’t pass bird-brain math!
  2. What’s a seagull’s favorite subject?
    History—specifically the “Featheral Era!”
  3. Why are seagulls bad at spelling?
    They always wing it!
  4. What do seagulls do in gym class?
    Play flock ball!
  5. Why did the seagull hate science class?
    Too many flight experiments!
  6. What’s a seagull’s favorite book?
    “Gulliver’s Travels!”
  7. Why do seagulls get detention?
    For talking back too much—squawk, squawk!
  8. How do seagulls graduate?
    With flying colors!
  9. Why don’t seagulls bring their homework?
    It always gets blown away by the wind!
  10. What’s a seagull’s least favorite grade?
    The one where they had to learn about penguins!

Seagull Jokes About Love

  1. What did the seagull say to his crush?
    “You make my heart soar!”
  2. Why do seagulls make great partners?
    They’re always up for a date by the sea!
  3. How do seagulls confess their love?
    With a heartfelt squawk!
  4. What’s a seagull’s idea of romance?
    Sharing a sunset and a bag of chips!
  5. Why did the seagull break up with his girlfriend?
    She was too flighty!
  6. What’s a seagull’s pickup line?
    “Are you a breeze? Because you lift me off my feet!”
  7. Why do seagulls write love letters?
    To show their feathers of affection!
  8. How do seagulls celebrate anniversaries?
    With a flight down memory lane.
  9. What’s a seagull’s favorite romantic movie?
    “Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun!”
  10. Why don’t seagulls believe in soulmates?
    They prefer a more “wing-it” approach!

Seagull Jokes About Music


  1. What’s a seagull’s favorite instrument?
    The gull-tar!
  2. Why do seagulls love karaoke?
    Because they’re natural squawkers!
  3. What’s a seagull’s favorite music genre?
    Rock and gull!
  4. Why did the seagull join a band?
    To play in the squawk quartet!
  5. What’s a seagull’s favorite song?
    “Free Bird!”
  6. Why don’t seagulls make good DJs?
    They always scratch the records with their beaks!
  7. What do you call a seagull who sings opera?
    Pavarotti Gull!
  8. Why did the seagull take singing lessons?
    To improve its high “C!”
  9. What’s a seagull’s go-to dance move?
    The feather shuffle!
  10. What do you call a seagull rap battle?
    A squawk-off!

Seagull Jokes About Sports

  1. Why don’t seagulls play baseball?
    They can’t hold the bat!
  2. What’s a seagull’s favorite sport?
  3. Why did the seagull join the soccer team?
    He had a great “wing-span!”
  4. What do seagulls call a touchdown?
    A “squawk-down!”
  5. Why do seagulls hate tennis?
    Too many nets!
  6. What’s a seagull’s favorite Olympic event?
    High diving!
  7. Why are seagulls great at beach volleyball?
    They’re always flying to save the ball!
  8. What do you call a seagull referee?
    A squawk-official!
  9. Why don’t seagulls watch basketball?
    They think the court is too grounded.
  10. What’s a seagull’s favorite workout?

Seagull Jokes About Pirates

  1. Why do pirates love seagulls?
    They’re great at finding treasure islands!
  2. What’s a seagull’s favorite pirate phrase?
    “Squawk me hearty!”
  3. Why did the pirate argue with the seagull?
    It stole his crackers!
  4. What do you call a pirate with a seagull on his shoulder?
    Captain Squawkbeard!
  5. Why don’t seagulls join pirate crews?
    They don’t want to walk the plank!
  6. How do seagulls help pirates?
    They scout for treasure from the skies!
  7. What do you call a seagull that hoards gold?
    A gull-digger!
  8. Why do pirates teach seagulls to talk?
    To help them send secret messages!
  9. What do seagulls say to pirates?
    “Land ho, and snacks too!”
  10. What’s a pirate’s least favorite thing about seagulls?
    They always steal the hardtack!

Seagull Jokes About Technology

  1. Why don’t seagulls use smartphones?
    They can’t text with their wings!
  2. What do you call a tech-savvy seagull?
    An iGull!
  3. Why did the seagull get banned from the internet?
    Too many phishing scams!
  4. What’s a seagull’s favorite app?
  5. Why do seagulls avoid video games?
    They get distracted by real-life crumbs.
  6. What do seagulls do with laptops?
    Peck out sea-mails!
  7. Why don’t seagulls like drones?
    They don’t like the competition in the sky!
  8. How do seagulls learn coding?
    They go to Flock Academy!
  9. What’s a seagull’s favorite computer program?
    “Microsoft Flock!”
  10. Why don’t seagulls use social media?
    They’re afraid of “tweets!”

Seagull Jokes About Science


  1. Why don’t seagulls like chemistry?
    Too many elements to juggle!
  2. What’s a seagull’s favorite planet?
    Neptune—it’s closest to the sea!
  3. How do seagulls study physics?
    By testing flight aerodynamics daily!
  4. Why do seagulls hate biology?
    They’re tired of dissecting fish!
  5. What’s a seagull’s favorite science experiment?
    Dropping clams to crack them open!
  6. Why did the seagull become an astronaut?
    To see if there’s space for more snacks!
  7. What do you call a genius seagull?
    Albert Squawkstein!
  8. Why don’t seagulls like geology?
    Too much time spent on dry land!
  9. How do seagulls measure distances?
    By the number of flaps!
  10. What’s a seagull’s favorite lab subject?
    Marine biology—they love studying their neighbors!

Seagull Jokes About Other Animals

  1. Why did the seagull argue with the crab?
    It pinched its snack!
  2. What’s a seagull’s favorite fish?
    The gull-ppy!
  3. Why don’t seagulls like dolphins?
    They’re too fast to compete with!
  4. What do seagulls call pigeons?
  5. Why did the seagull avoid the octopus?
    Too many arms to deal with!
  6. What do you call a seagull hanging out with a cat?
    A risky friendship!
  7. Why are seagulls afraid of hawks?
    They don’t like getting out-swooped!
  8. What’s a seagull’s favorite dog breed?
    The sea-dog!
  9. How do seagulls feel about turtles?
    They think they’re too slow to hang out with!
  10. What’s a seagull’s opinion on penguins?
    “Why don’t they fly? Are they broken?”

Seagull Jokes About Travel Mishaps

  1. What do you call a seagull that gets lost?
    A mis-gull-culated flight!
  2. Why don’t seagulls need maps?
    They trust the wind to guide them.
  3. What do you call a seagull stuck at the airport?
    A grounded flyer!
  4. Why do seagulls avoid airplanes?
    They don’t want to be overshadowed!
  5. What happens when a seagull gets carsick?
    It squawks at every stop!
  6. What do seagulls do if they get stuck in traffic?
    Fly over it!
  7. Why don’t seagulls take buses?
    They’d rather wing it!
  8. What’s a seagull’s least favorite part of travel?
    The baggage claim—too many crumbs get stolen!
  9. How do seagulls deal with jet lag?
    They nap on the waves!
  10. Why do seagulls hate turbulence?
    It messes with their feathers!

Seagull Jokes About Seagull Hobbies

  1. What’s a seagull’s favorite hobby?
    Collecting shiny objects!
  2. Why do seagulls enjoy surfing?
    They love riding the wave of the future!
  3. What’s a seagull’s favorite craft?
    Nest decoration with seaweed accents!
  4. Why do seagulls enjoy fishing?
    It’s the perfect “catch and eat” activity!
  5. What do you call a seagull that paints?
    Vincent van Gull!
  6. Why do seagulls take up photography?
    To capture their best side in flight!
  7. What’s a seagull’s favorite board game?
    Gull-opoly—it’s all about owning the beach!
  8. Why do seagulls love watching humans?
    People-watching is their ultimate pastime!
  9. What’s a seagull’s favorite card game?
    Go Fish, of course!
  10. How do seagulls spend rainy days?
    Practicing synchronized squawking!

Seagull Jokes About Movies


  1. What’s a seagull’s favorite movie?
    The Gull-father!
  2. Why do seagulls hate scary movies?
    Too many jump squawks!
  3. What do you call a seagull spy movie?
  4. Why did the seagull love romantic comedies?
    They always have a “beak” ending!
  5. What’s a seagull’s favorite action film?
    Top Wing!
  6. Why don’t seagulls watch dramas?
    They prefer lighthearted squawk-fests!
  7. What do seagulls call animated movies?
    “Flicks with flaps!”
  8. Why did the seagull bring popcorn to the cinema?
    For extra crunch!
  9. What’s a seagull’s favorite superhero?
    The Feather Flash!
  10. Why do seagulls avoid historical films?
    Too many dry land scenes!

Seagull Jokes About the Ocean

  1. Why don’t seagulls like deep-sea diving?
    It’s out of their depth!
  2. What do seagulls think of coral reefs?
    “Nice decor, but no snacks!”
  3. Why did the seagull love the tide?
    It always brings fresh food to the shore!
  4. What’s a seagull’s favorite ocean animal?
    Anything edible!
  5. Why do seagulls love the beach?
    It’s where the snacks wash up!
  6. What do you call a seagull meeting under the pier?
    A squawk convention!
  7. How do seagulls celebrate ocean clean-up day?
    By supervising from above!
  8. Why did the seagull avoid the jellyfish?
    Too stingy for his taste!
  9. What’s a seagull’s favorite shell?
    The kind with a crab inside!
  10. Why do seagulls enjoy shipwrecks?
    Free stuff!

Seagull Jokes About Fashion

  1. What do seagulls wear to a party?
    A fancy feather boa!
  2. Why do seagulls avoid bright colors?
    They don’t want to outshine the sunset!
  3. What’s a seagull’s favorite accessory?
    A pearl necklace—straight from the ocean!
  4. Why did the seagull wear sunglasses?
    To protect its eyes from all the attention!
  5. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of footwear?
  6. Why do seagulls never wear hats?
    They prefer their natural crest!
  7. What do you call a fashionable seagull?
  8. Why do seagulls love scarves?
    They keep the breeze out during high flights!
  9. What’s a seagull’s opinion on shoes?
    “We’re strictly talon-only!”
  10. Why do seagulls avoid makeup?
    They don’t need it—they’re naturally striking!

Seagull Jokes About Technology Mishaps

  1. What happens when a seagull uses Wi-Fi?
    It gets “gull-ected” to the network!
  2. Why did the seagull stop using its laptop?
    Too many viruses from “phishing” scams!
  3. What do seagulls do when their phone dies?
    Borrow a human’s for emergency squawks!
  4. Why don’t seagulls use voice assistants?
    The squawks aren’t recognized as commands!
  5. What do you call a seagull trying to fix a computer?
    A tech-squawk-tician!
  6. Why did the seagull delete all its apps?
    To make more space for sea-mails!
  7. What do seagulls think about smart homes?
    “Too grounded for our taste!”
  8. Why don’t seagulls like virtual reality?
    They prefer the real ocean!
  9. What’s a seagull’s least favorite error message?
    “No net available!”
  10. Why don’t seagulls take selfies?
    They can’t find a good angle with their beaks!

Seagull Jokes About Flying


  1. What do you call a seagull with a broken wing?
    A grounded flyer!
  2. Why do seagulls practice flying in flocks?
    To master the art of wing-manship!
  3. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of flight?
    The one with snacks at the end!
  4. Why do seagulls love tailwinds?
    Free speed boost!
  5. What’s a seagull’s least favorite flying hazard?
    Strong headwinds!
  6. Why do seagulls never take flying lessons?
    It’s all instinct!
  7. What do you call a seagull that flies at night?
    A moon-squawker!
  8. Why did the seagull take a shortcut?
    To save its wing power!
  9. How do seagulls navigate in the dark?
    They trust their squawk-sonar!
  10. What’s a seagull’s favorite mid-flight snack?
    Whatever crumbs they can snatch!

Seagull Jokes About the Beach

  1. Why do seagulls always hang out at the beach?
    It’s a goldmine for crumbs!
  2. What do seagulls call a day at the shore?
    A gull-tastic vacation!
  3. Why don’t seagulls swim in the ocean?
    They’re afraid of getting their feathers wet!
  4. What’s a seagull’s favorite beach activity?
    Stealing chips from unsuspecting tourists!
  5. Why did the seagull refuse sunscreen?
    It said, “I’m already feather-protected!”
  6. How do seagulls play in the sand?
    By leaving footprints everywhere!
  7. Why don’t seagulls like sunbathing?
    They get enough sun while flying!
  8. What do you call a seagull making a sandcastle?
    A gull-structor!
  9. Why do seagulls love picnics?
    Free snacks galore!
  10. What’s a seagull’s least favorite beachgoer?
    The one with no food!

Seagull Jokes About Mischief

  1. Why did the seagull get kicked off the beach?
    It stole everyone’s fries!
  2. What do you call a seagull that plays pranks?
    A practical squawker!
  3. Why did the seagull sneak into the bakery?
    It wanted to nab some croissants!
  4. What do you call a sneaky seagull?
    A feathered thief!
  5. Why did the seagull hang out by the trash can?
    It’s the perfect spot for undercover snacking!
  6. What’s a seagull’s favorite trick?
    Dive-bombing tourists!
  7. Why do seagulls enjoy stealing food?
    It’s a piece of cake—sometimes literally!
  8. What did the seagull say after snatching a sandwich?
    “Mine now, squawk off!”
  9. Why don’t seagulls feel guilty about stealing?
    They consider it “beach tax.”
  10. What do you call a seagull that loves chaos?
    A rebel with wings!

Seagull Jokes About Their Voice

  1. Why do seagulls love to squawk?
    It’s their way of making waves!
  2. What do you call a seagull with a deep voice?
    A bass squawker!
  3. Why don’t seagulls sing in choirs?
    Their squawks are off-key!
  4. What do seagulls say to start an argument?
    “Squawk you looking at?”
  5. Why do seagulls squawk so loudly?
    To make sure everyone hears their opinions!
  6. What do you call a seagull with a sore throat?
    A raspy squawker!
  7. Why do seagulls practice squawking in the morning?
    To warm up their vocal cords!
  8. How do seagulls apologize?
    With a heartfelt squawk!
  9. What do seagulls think of silence?
    It’s for the birds!
  10. Why do seagulls never lose arguments?
    They out-squawk everyone else!

Seagull Jokes About Their Looks


  1. Why do seagulls think they’re attractive?
    They have impeccable plumage!
  2. What do seagulls call their feathers?
    Nature’s finest outfit!
  3. Why do seagulls avoid mirrors?
    They don’t need reassurance—they know they look great!
  4. What’s a seagull’s best feature?
    Their “wing-span-tastic” charm!
  5. Why do seagulls always look windswept?
    It’s their natural style!
  6. What do you call a seagull with bad feathers?
    A “ruffled gull!”
  7. Why do seagulls preen so much?
    They believe first impressions matter!
  8. How do seagulls keep their beaks shiny?
    A diet of fresh seafood!
  9. What do seagulls call a bad feather day?
    A “ruffle-pocalypse!”
  10. Why do seagulls love posing for photos?
    They’re natural models!

Seagull Jokes About Their Intelligence

  1. Why do seagulls consider themselves smart?
    They can outwit any picnic-goer!
  2. What’s a seagull’s idea of a challenge?
    Figuring out how to open a chip bag!
  3. Why don’t seagulls take IQ tests?
    They don’t need a test to prove their genius!
  4. How do seagulls solve problems?
    They wing it!
  5. What do you call a seagull who outsmarts a fisherman?
    A mastermind with wings!
  6. Why do seagulls avoid complicated plans?
    They prefer simple, crumb-focused strategies.
  7. How do seagulls learn new tricks?
    By watching and squawking notes!
  8. What’s a seagull’s motto?
    “Work smarter, not harder.”
  9. Why do seagulls consider themselves experts on humans?
    They’ve spent their whole lives observing beach behavior!
  10. How do seagulls impress each other?
    By pulling off daring snack heists!

Seagull Jokes About Their Friends

  1. Who’s a seagull’s best friend?
    The pelican—it’s always willing to share!
  2. Why don’t seagulls get along with crows?
    Too much competition for shiny objects!
  3. What’s a seagull’s favorite bird to hang out with?
    The albatross—they share ocean vibes!
  4. Why do seagulls avoid pigeons?
    They’re too city-oriented!
  5. How do seagulls make friends with dolphins?
    By squawking compliments about their flips!
  6. What do seagulls think of parrots?
    “Show-offs with their fancy vocabulary!”
  7. Why do seagulls like hanging out with humans?
    Unlimited snack potential!
  8. What do seagulls call a group of flamingos?
    “The fancy feather crew.”
  9. Why do seagulls love hanging out with otters?
    They’re great at cracking open clams!
  10. What’s a seagull’s opinion on penguins?
    “They’d be cooler if they could fly!”

Seagull Jokes About Dreams and Aspirations


  1. What’s a seagull’s biggest dream?
    To open their own seafood buffet!
  2. Why do seagulls admire airplanes?
    They wish they could fly that fast!
  3. What’s a seagull’s ultimate goal?
    To become the snack king of the beach!
  4. Why do seagulls dream of treasure maps?
    X marks the crumb spot!
  5. What do seagulls aspire to be when they grow up?
    The “top squawk” in their flock!
  6. Why do seagulls want to learn magic?
    To make snacks appear out of thin air!
  7. What’s a seagull’s idea of paradise?
    A deserted island filled with breadcrumbs!
  8. Why do seagulls practice tricks?
    To wow their flock-mates!
  9. What’s a seagull’s biggest fear?
    A snackless future!
  10. What do seagulls wish for on shooting stars?
    Endless bags of chips!

Seagull Jokes About Retirement

  1. What do retired seagulls do for fun?
    Relax by the waves and snack all day!
  2. Why do seagulls look forward to retirement?
    No more diving for food—it’s all about scavenging!
  3. What’s a retired seagull’s favorite activity?
    Watching the tide roll in.
  4. Why do seagulls retire on quiet beaches?
    Fewer tourists, more crumbs!
  5. How do seagulls celebrate retirement?
    With a grand beach party!
  6. What do you call a retired seagull?
    A “resting squawk-er.”
  7. Why do seagulls brag about retirement?
    They’ve earned their feathers!
  8. What’s a seagull’s idea of a retirement gift?
    A lifetime supply of chips.
  9. How do retired seagulls stay active?
    A casual flap along the shore!
  10. Why do seagulls never really stop working?
    They always have their eyes on snacks!


We hope this collection of 260+ seagull jokes brought smiles and laughter to your day.

From quick quips to funny stories, these jokes celebrate the amusing antics of our feathered beach friends in ways that everyone can enjoy. While seagulls might steal our sandwiches, these jokes steal the show at any gathering!

Why does good humor matter? Because sharing a laugh brings people together, breaks the ice, and makes memories.

These seagull jokes are your ticket to becoming the life of any party or brightening someone’s day.

Have a favorite seagull joke from our list? Share it in the comments below!

And don’t forget to bookmark this page for when you need a quick laugh or the perfect joke to share with friends.

Zoe Gray

Zoe Gray

Zoe Gray is a full-time freelancer and philosopher with a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Yale University. Her expertise in literary analysis and cultural studies brings depth to her collection and interpretation of quotes. Her background in philosophy and literature enables her to unearth and elucidate the deeper meanings behind famous sayings.
Her approach is unique in its blend of historical context and contemporary relevance, making her collections resonate with a wide audience. She is a great traveler and a photographer who captures moments and narratives from different cultures, adding a global perspective to her work.

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