Beautiful and Unique Goddess Names for Girls

Girls’ names inspired by goddesses have been popular for centuries. Parents often seek names that signify strength, beauty, and wisdom for their daughters.

However, finding the perfect name can be a challenge with so many options available.

I’ve got good news for you. This list of over 347+ Greek goddess names offers a wide range of beautiful and unique choices for your little girl. 

In this article, I’ll share these goddess-inspired names grouped by origin. I’ll also provide their meanings, helping you find the ideal name that resonates with your family’s values and aspirations for your daughter.

Meaningful Goddess Names for Girls

Meaningful Goddess Names for Girls

1. Athena

  • Meaning: Goddess of wisdom and war
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Daughter of Zeus

2. Hera

  • Meaning: Queen of the gods
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Goddess of marriage and birth

3. Aphrodite

  • Meaning: Goddess of love and beauty
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Symbolizes beauty and desire

4. Demeter

  • Meaning: Goddess of the harvest
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with agriculture and fertility

5. Artemis

  • Meaning: Goddess of the hunt and the moon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Protector of wildlife and young girls

6. Persephone

  • Meaning: Queen of the Underworld
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Goddess of Spring Growth and the Underworld

7. Hestia

  • Meaning: Goddess of the hearth and home
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Symbolizes domesticity and family

8. Nike

  • Meaning: Goddess of victory
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents triumph and success

9. Hebe

  • Meaning: Goddess of youth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Cupbearer to the gods

10. Selene

  • Meaning: Goddess of the moon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Personification of the moon

11. Eos

  • Meaning: Goddess of the dawn
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Bringer of the dawn

12. Iris

  • Meaning: Goddess of the rainbow
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Messenger of the gods

13. Hecate

  • Meaning: Goddess of magic and witchcraft
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with Crossroads and the night

14. Gaia

  • Meaning: Personification of the Earth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother Earth

15. Rhea

  • Meaning: Mother of the gods
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Titaness, mother of Zeus and his siblings

16. Mnemosyne

  • Meaning: Goddess of memory
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of the Muses

17. Themis

  • Meaning: Goddess of justice
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents divine order and law

18. Tethys

  • Meaning: Titaness of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Wife of Oceanus

19. Dione

  • Meaning: Mother of Aphrodite
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the oracle of Dodona

20. Metis

  • Meaning: Goddess of wisdom and craft
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: First wife of Zeus

21. Eurynome

  • Meaning: Goddess of pasturelands
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the Oceanids

22. Leto

  • Meaning: Mother of Apollo and Artemis
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Goddess of motherhood

23. Eileithyia

  • Meaning: Goddess of childbirth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Daughter of Zeus and Hera

24. Nyx

  • Meaning: Goddess of the night
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the night

25. Hemera

  • Meaning: Goddess of the day
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Personification of daylight

26. Ananke

  • Meaning: Goddess of necessity
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fate and destiny

27. Asteria

  • Meaning: Goddess of the stars
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with nocturnal oracles

28. Eurybia

  • Meaning: Goddess of the mastery of the seas
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the Titans

29. Styx

  • Meaning: Goddess of the river Styx
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the river of the Underworld

30. Clymene

  • Meaning: Goddess of fame and renown
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the Oceanids

31. Phoebe

  • Meaning: Goddess of the bright intellect
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Titaness associated with the moon

32. Theia

  • Meaning: Goddess of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Helios, Selene, and Eos

33. Electra

  • Meaning: Goddess of the storm clouds
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the Pleiades

34. Clio

  • Meaning: Muse of history
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

35. Thalia

  • Meaning: Muse of comedy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

36. Calliope

  • Meaning: Muse of epic poetry
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

37. Euterpe

  • Meaning: Muse of music
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

38. Terpsichore

  • Meaning: Muse of dance
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

39. Erato

  • Meaning: Muse of love poetry
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

40. Polyhymnia

  • Meaning: Muse of sacred poetry
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

41. Urania

  • Meaning: Muse of astronomy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

42. Melpomene

  • Meaning: Muse of tragedy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the nine Muses

43. Nemesis

  • Meaning: Goddess of retribution
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents revenge and balance

44. Tyche

  • Meaning: Goddess of fortune
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents luck and chance

45. Eirene

  • Meaning: Goddess of peace
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents peace and harmony

46. Harmonia

  • Meaning: Goddess of harmony and concord
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents unity and balance

47. Pasithea

  • Meaning: Goddess of relaxation and hallucination
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the Charites (Graces)

48. Enyo

  • Meaning: Goddess of war
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the destructive aspect of war

49. Adrasteia

  • Meaning: Goddess of necessity and inevitability
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the inescapable

50. Amalthea

  • Meaning: Nurturer of Zeus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: The goat who nursed Zeus

51. Alcyone

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the calm sea

52. Arethusa

  • Meaning: Nymph of a spring
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Transformed into a fountain

53. Chloris

  • Meaning: Goddess of flowers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with spring and new growth

54. Circe

  • Meaning: Enchantress
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for turning men into animals

55. Chione

  • Meaning: Goddess of snow
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents snow and winter

56. Daphne

  • Meaning: Nymph pursued by Apollo
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Transformed into a laurel tree

57. Galatea

  • Meaning: Sea nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Loved by the Cyclops Polyphemus

58. Hesperia

  • Meaning: One of the Hesperides
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Guardian of the golden apples

59. Hyacinthia

  • Meaning: Nymph associated with the hyacinth flower
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Linked to the story of Hyacinthus

60. Io

  • Meaning: Mortal lover of Zeus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Transformed into a cow

61. Laodice

  • Meaning: A name of several figures in mythology
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Various mythological stories

62. Medusa

  • Meaning: Gorgon with snakes for hair
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Turns people to stone with her gaze

63. Niobe

  • Meaning: Mother who wept for her children
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Turned into a stone

64. Penelope

  • Meaning: Faithful wife of Odysseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents loyalty and patience

65. Phaedra

  • Meaning: Wife of Theseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with tragic love

66. Philomela

  • Meaning: Woman turned into a nightingale
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Symbol of suffering and transformation

67. Semele

  • Meaning: Mother of Dionysus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mortal who became divine

68. Syrinx

  • Meaning: Nymph transformed into reeds
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the origin of the panpipes

69. Thetis

  • Meaning: Sea nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Achilles

70. Alcmene

  • Meaning: Mother of Heracles
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with strength and heroism

71. Andromeda

  • Meaning: Princess rescued by Perseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty and bravery

72. Cassiopeia

  • Meaning: Queen who boasted about her beauty
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Punished by being placed in the sky as a constellation

73. Danae

  • Meaning: Mother of Perseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Impregnated by Zeus in the form of golden rain

74. Eurydice

  • Meaning: Wife of Orpheus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents tragic love

75. Hecuba

  • Meaning: Queen of Troy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of many important figures in the Trojan War

76. Hypsipyle

  • Meaning: Queen of Lemnos
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the Argonauts

77. Jocasta

  • Meaning: Mother and wife of Oedipus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Central figure in the Oedipus myth

78. Iphigenia

  • Meaning: Daughter of Agamemnon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Sacrificed to appease Artemis

79. Ariadne

  • Meaning: Daughter of Minos
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Helped Theseus navigate the labyrinth

80. Atalanta

  • Meaning: Famous huntress
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her speed and agility

81. Dido

  • Meaning: Queen of Carthage
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her tragic love story with Aeneas

82. Ismene

  • Meaning: Sister of Antigone
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents loyalty to family

83. Laodamia

  • Meaning: Wife of Protesilaus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her devotion to her husband

84. Medea

  • Meaning: Sorceress
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her role in the myth of Jason and the Argonauts

85. Nausicaa

  • Meaning: Princess who helped Odysseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents hospitality and kindness

86. Phaethusa

  • Meaning: Daughter of Helios
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the sun

87. Phyllis

  • Meaning: Turned into an almond tree
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Symbol of love and transformation

88. Thisbe

  • Meaning: Lover of Pyramus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents tragic love

89. Aglaea

  • Meaning: One of the Charites (Graces)
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty and splendor

90. Euphrosyne

  • Meaning: One of the Charites (Graces)
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents joy and mirth

91. Thalia (Grace)

  • Meaning: One of the Charites (Graces)
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents blooming and abundance

92. Auxesia

  • Meaning: Goddess of growth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with spring

93. Carpo

  • Meaning: Goddess of the fruits of the earth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the harvest

94. Peitho

  • Meaning: Goddess of persuasion
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents charm and seduction

95. Charis

  • Meaning: Personification of grace and beauty
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: One of the Charites (Graces)

96. Carya

  • Meaning: Nymph associated with walnut trees
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fertility and nature

97. Encheleia

  • Meaning: Nymph associated with eels
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents aquatic life

98. Thero

  • Meaning: Nymph of wild animals
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the wilderness

99. Nysa

  • Meaning: Nymph of the mythical land of Nysa
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the upbringing of Dionysus

100. Aegina

  • Meaning: Nymph and mother of Aeacus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Island named after her

101. Althaea

  • Meaning: Mother of Meleager
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents maternal love

102. Antheia

  • Meaning: Goddess of flowers and vegetation
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the blooming of nature

103. Arete

  • Meaning: Personification of virtue and excellence
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents moral virtue

104. Beroe

  • Meaning: Nymph of Beirut
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the city of Beirut

105. Britomartis

  • Meaning: Goddess of mountains and hunting
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with Crete

106. Coronis

  • Meaning: Mortal lover of Apollo
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Asclepius

107. Cyrene

  • Meaning: Nymph and huntress
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Founder of the city Cyrene

108. Helle

  • Meaning: Mortal who fell into the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Gave her name to the Hellespont

109. Hyale

  • Meaning: Nymph of the clouds
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents cloud formations

110. Hyas

  • Meaning: Brother of the Hyades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with rain

111. Ianeira

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

112. Idyia

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Medea

113. Lampetia

  • Meaning: Daughter of Helios
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with sunlight

114. Leucothea

  • Meaning: Sea goddess
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents salvation at sea

115. Lyssa

  • Meaning: Goddess of rage
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents mad rage and frenzy

116. Melite

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents calm waters

117. Melobosis

  • Meaning: Nymph of fruit trees
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fertility

118. Myrrha

  • Meaning: Mother of Adonis
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Transformed into a myrrh tree

119. Nomia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the pastures
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents rural life

120. Oenone

  • Meaning: Nymph of Mount Ida
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Lover of Paris

121. Philyra

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Chiron

122. Phoebe (Titaness)

  • Meaning: Goddess of intellect
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Titaness associated with the moon

123. Pitys

  • Meaning: Nymph of pine trees
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Transformed into a pine tree

124. Plouto

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents wealth

125. Polydora

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea’s bounty

126. Pomona

  • Meaning: Goddess of fruit trees
  • Origin: Roman mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents abundance and harvest

127. Praxidike

  • Meaning: Goddess of justice
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents judicial punishment

128. Psecas

  • Meaning: Nymph of the dew
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents morning dew

129. Psyche

  • Meaning: Goddess of the soul
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the human soul

130. Rhodope

  • Meaning: Nymph of a mountain
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents mountainous regions

131. Sinope

  • Meaning: Nymph of the river
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the river

132. Thespia

  • Meaning: Nymph of a fountain
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater sources

133. Thyia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the wild
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with wilderness

134. Tritonis

  • Meaning: Sea goddess
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

135. Amyntor

  • Meaning: Nymph of the mountains
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with mountainous regions

136. Anemone

  • Meaning: Nymph of the windflowers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents spring flowers

137. Anthousa

  • Meaning: Nymph of flowers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents blooming

138. Apate

  • Meaning: Goddess of deceit
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents trickery and deceit

139. Argyra

  • Meaning: Nymph of the Silver Waters
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

140. Ascalaphus

  • Meaning: Demon of the underworld
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Servant of Hades

141. Astydameia

  • Meaning: Princess and consort
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with various myths

142. Calypso

  • Meaning: Nymph of the island of Ogygia
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Detained Odysseus for years

143. Callirrhoe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the rivers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with fresh water

144. Callisto

  • Meaning: Nymph transformed into a bear
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation and the constellation Ursa Major

145. Camilla

  • Meaning: Warrior maiden
  • Origin: Roman mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the hero Aeneas

146. Canace

  • Meaning: Daughter of Aeolus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her tragic love story

147. Cassiope

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with various myths

148. Chalcomede

  • Meaning: Nymph of the bronze seas
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

149. Chelone

  • Meaning: Nymph transformed into a tortoise
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents silence and slowness

150. Cleodora

  • Meaning: Nymph of the springs
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with freshwater springs

151. Clytie

  • Meaning: Nymph transformed into a sunflower
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents unrequited love

152. Colubra

  • Meaning: Nymph of snakes
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents serpents

153. Cranaea

  • Meaning: Nymph of the rocks
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents rocky landscapes

154. Creusa

  • Meaning: Daughter of Priam
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Wife of Aeneas

155. Crisa

  • Meaning: Nymph of the golden fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fertile lands

156. Daedalion

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a hawk
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

157. Deianira

  • Meaning: Wife of Heracles
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her tragic love story

158. Deidamia

  • Meaning: Princess of Scyros
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with Achilles

159. Delos

  • Meaning: Birthplace of Apollo and Artemis
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Sacred island

160. Derceto

  • Meaning: Goddess of fertility
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fertility and abundance

161. Doris

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of the Nereids

162. Dryope

  • Meaning: Nymph transformed into a tree
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

163. Echidna

  • Meaning: Mother of monsters
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents monstrous creatures

164. Electra (Pleiad)

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with the constellation Pleiades

165. Enarete

  • Meaning: Wife of Aeolus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents wind and air

166. Epicaste

  • Meaning: Mother of Oedipus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Central figure in the Oedipus myth

167. Eriphyle

  • Meaning: Mortal who betrayed her husband
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents betrayal

168. Europa

  • Meaning: Mortal loved by Zeus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Gave her name to the continent Europe

169. Eurymedusa

  • Meaning: Mortal loved by Zeus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

170. Galanthis

  • Meaning: Woman transformed into a weasel
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents cunning and transformation

171. Halie

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

172. Harmothoe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

173. Hesione

  • Meaning: Daughter of Laomedon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Rescued by Heracles

174. Iodame

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a statue
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

175. Iphianassa

  • Meaning: Daughter of Agamemnon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents sacrifice

176. Isara

  • Meaning: Nymph of a river
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

177. Itylus

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a nightingale
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

178. Laistrygonia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

179. Lamia

  • Meaning: Child-eating demon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents horror and fear

180. Lycoris

  • Meaning: Nymph of the forest
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents nature

181. Lysippe

  • Meaning: Amazonian queen
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents strength and leadership

182. Maia

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Hermes

183. Merope

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the constellation Pleiades

184. Mestra

  • Meaning: Daughter of Erysichthon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

185. Myrrhina

  • Meaning: Nymph of the myrrh tree
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents nature

186. Nais

  • Meaning: Nymph of the rivers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

187. Nausinous

  • Meaning: Son of Odysseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents lineage

188. Nycteis

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

189. Ogygia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the island
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents isolation

190. Othreis

  • Meaning: Nymph of Mount Othrys
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents mountains

191. Pallene

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

192. Panope

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

193. Patroclus

  • Meaning: Companion of Achilles
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents friendship

194. Periboea

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

195. Perimede

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

196. Periphas

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

197. Periphetes

  • Meaning: Son of Hephaestus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for his strength

198. Podarge

  • Meaning: One of the Harpies
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents swiftness

199. Procris

  • Meaning: Wife of Cephalus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents loyalty

200. Protesilaus

  • Meaning: First Greek to die at Troy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents bravery

201. Pyrrha

  • Meaning: Wife of Deucalion
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Survived the great flood

202. Rhene

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

203. Rhoeo

  • Meaning: Nymph of the river
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

204. Scylla

  • Meaning: Sea monster
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents danger at sea

205. Thaleia

  • Meaning: Nymph of comedy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents humor

206. Theano

  • Meaning: Priestess of Athena
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents wisdom

207. Thoe

  • Meaning: Sea nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

208. Tisiphone

  • Meaning: One of the Furies
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents vengeance

209. Tryphaina

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

210. Tyro

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

211. Xanthippe

  • Meaning: Wife of Socrates
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her sharp tongue

212. Zelus

  • Meaning: Personification of zeal
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents rivalry

213. Zeuxippe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the rivers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

214. Admete

  • Meaning: Daughter of Eurystheus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Known for her association with the labors of Heracles

215. Aethra

  • Meaning: Mother of Theseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents motherhood

216. Amphitrite

  • Meaning: Goddess of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Wife of Poseidon

217. Anchiale

  • Meaning: Titaness of the warmth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents warmth and heat

218. Andromache

  • Meaning: Wife of Hector
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents loyalty and sorrow

219. Anticleia

  • Meaning: Mother of Odysseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents motherhood

220. Astydamia

  • Meaning: Princess and consort
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with various myths

221. Aulis

  • Meaning: Port where the Greeks gathered before the Trojan War
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents a place of gathering

222. Baucis

  • Meaning: Mortal who showed hospitality to the gods
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents hospitality

223. Callirhoe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the rivers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with fresh water

224. Celaeno

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the constellation Pleiades

225. Chryse

  • Meaning: Nymph of the Golden Lands
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents wealth

226. Chrysothemis

  • Meaning: Daughter of Agamemnon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

227. Diomede

  • Meaning: Hero of the Trojan War
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents bravery

228. Electra (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the ocean

229. Elpis

  • Meaning: Personification of hope
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents hope

230. Ianthe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the violet flowers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

231. Isis

  • Meaning: Egyptian goddess
  • Origin: Egyptian mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents motherhood and magic

232. Leda

  • Meaning: Mortal loved by Zeus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of Helen of Troy

233. Melanippe

  • Meaning: Daughter of Aeolus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

234. Melia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the ash trees
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents nature

235. Menippe

  • Meaning: Daughter of Orion
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents sacrifice

236. Rhadamanthys

  • Meaning: Judge of the dead
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents justice

237. Aegiale

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

238. Anticlea

  • Meaning: Mother of Odysseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents motherhood

239. Cybele

  • Meaning: Mother of the gods
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fertility and nature

240. Electra (Nereid)

  • Meaning: Nereid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

241. Atropos

  • Meaning: One of the Fates
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents destiny

242. Lachesis

  • Meaning: One of the Fates
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents destiny

243. Clotho

  • Meaning: One of the Fates
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents destiny

244. Aigina

  • Meaning: Nymph and mother of Aeacus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Island named after her

245. Amatheia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

246. Amphinome

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

247. Auge

  • Meaning: Daughter of Aleus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents motherhood

248. Eidyia

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents knowledge

249. Pandora

  • Meaning: First mortal woman
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents curiosity

250. Aglaia

  • Meaning: One of the Charites (Graces)
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

251. Alala

  • Meaning: Goddess of war-cry
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents war

252. Asterope

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the constellation Pleiades

253. Aegle

  • Meaning: One of the Charites (Graces)
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

254. Achelous

  • Meaning: River god
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

255. Acheron

  • Meaning: River of woe
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the Underworld

256. Alectrona

  • Meaning: Goddess of the sun
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents daylight

257. Amphithea

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

258. Anemoi

  • Meaning: Gods of the winds
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the wind

259. Arete (Virtue)

  • Meaning: Personification of virtue
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents moral virtue

260. Astraea

  • Meaning: Goddess of justice
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents justice

261. Aura

  • Meaning: Goddess of the breeze
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the breeze

262. Auxesia (Spring)

  • Meaning: Goddess of growth
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Associated with spring

263. Brizo

  • Meaning: Goddess of sailors
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents protection

264. Celaeno (Pleiad)

  • Meaning: One of the Pleiades
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the constellation Pleiades

265. Cyane

  • Meaning: Nymph of the blue waters
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

266. Delphinia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the dolphins
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents dolphins

267. Despoina

  • Meaning: Goddess of the mysteries
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents mystery

268. Dia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the day
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents daylight

269. Doris (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Mother of the Nereids

270. Echo

  • Meaning: Nymph of sound
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents echoes

271. Eleusis

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with Demeter
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

272. Empusa

  • Meaning: Demoness
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fear

273. Endymion

  • Meaning: Mortal loved by Selene
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents eternal youth

274. Eos (Dawn)

  • Meaning: Goddess of the dawn
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Bringer of the dawn

275. Ephyra

  • Meaning: Nymph of the cloud
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents clouds

276. Epione

  • Meaning: Goddess of soothing pain
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents healing

277. Eris

  • Meaning: Goddess of discord
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents strife

278. Eunomia

  • Meaning: Goddess of good order
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents law and order

279. Eupheme

  • Meaning: Goddess of good speech
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents eloquence

280. Euryale

  • Meaning: One of the Gorgons
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents fear

281. Euryanassa

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

282. Eurycleia

  • Meaning: Nurse of Odysseus
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents loyalty

283. Eurynome (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

284. Euryphaessa

  • Meaning: Goddess of the sun
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents daylight

285. Euterpe (Muse)

  • Meaning: Muse of music
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents music

286. Galene

  • Meaning: Goddess of calm seas
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents calm waters

287. Glauce

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with Jason
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents tragedy

288. Halcyone

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents calm waters

289. Harmothoe (Nereid)

  • Meaning: Nereid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

290. Harpalyce

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

291. Helike

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

292. Helle (Naiad)

  • Meaning: Naiad nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

293. Heliodora

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sun
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents sunlight

294. Herophile

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with Apollo
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents prophecy

295. Hippodamia

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with the chariot
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents speed

296. Hyades

  • Meaning: Nymphs of the rain
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents rainfall

297. Ianeira (Nereid)

  • Meaning: Nereid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

298. Idyia (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents knowledge

299. Ino

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a sea goddess
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

300. Iphis

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

301. Leucippe

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a bird
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

302. Leucothea (Naiad)

  • Meaning: Naiad nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

303. Leucothoe

  • Meaning: Mortal turned into a tree
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

304. Liriope

  • Meaning: Nymph of the springs
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

305. Lycurgus

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with lawmaking
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents law

306. Lysianassa

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

307. Macaria

  • Meaning: Goddess of blessed death
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents peaceful death

308. Melaina

  • Meaning: Nymph of the springs
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

309. Meliboea

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with transformation
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents transformation

310. Merope (Nereid)

  • Meaning: Nereid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

311. Myrina

  • Meaning: Amazonian queen
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents strength

312. Nereus

  • Meaning: Sea god
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

313. Nicaea

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

314. Nike (Victory)

  • Meaning: Goddess of victory
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents triumph

315. Ocyrhoe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the swift-flowing waters
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

316. Pallas

  • Meaning: Titan is associated with war
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents war

317. Pasithea (Graces)

  • Meaning: One of the Charites (Graces)
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

318. Penthesilea

  • Meaning: Amazonian queen
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents strength

319. Periboea (Naiad)

  • Meaning: Naiad nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

320. Perseis

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

321. Phaino

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

322. Philyra (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents knowledge

323. Phoebe (Naiad)

  • Meaning: Naiad nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

324. Phyllis (Naiad)

  • Meaning: Naiad nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

325. Pleiades

  • Meaning: Group of seven nymphs
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the constellation Pleiades

326. Plouto (Nereid)

  • Meaning: Nereid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

327. Poinonia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

328. Polydamna

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

329. Polyhymnia (Muse)

  • Meaning: Muse of sacred poetry
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents poetry

330. Polymede

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

331. Potamoi

  • Meaning: Gods of the rivers
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

332. Praxidike (Justice)

  • Meaning: Goddess of justice
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents justice

333. Proioxis

  • Meaning: Goddess of onrush
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents speed

334. Pronoea

  • Meaning: Nymph of foresight
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents foresight

335. Protogeneia

  • Meaning: Firstborn daughter
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents primogeniture

336. Pyrrha (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

337. Rhadamanthus

  • Meaning: Judge of the dead
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents justice

338. Rhene (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

339. Rhode

  • Meaning: Nymph of the rose
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents beauty

340. Rhodope (Naiad)

  • Meaning: Naiad nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents freshwater

341. Scylla (Oceanid)

  • Meaning: Oceanid nymph
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

342. Selene (Moon)

  • Meaning: Goddess of the moon
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the moon

343. Sithon

  • Meaning: Mortal associated with the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea

344. Thebe

  • Meaning: Nymph of the city
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents urban life

345. Thelxiepeia

  • Meaning: One of the Sirens
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents allure

346. Thesprotia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

347. Thyone

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

348. Tithorea

  • Meaning: Nymph of the mountains
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents mountains

349. Triteia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

350. Tritogenia

  • Meaning: Nymph of the fields
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents agriculture

351. Urania (Muse)

  • Meaning: Muse of astronomy
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents astronomy

352. Ursa

  • Meaning: Nymph of the bear
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the constellation Ursa Major

353. Xantho

  • Meaning: Nymph of the sea
  • Origin: Greek mythology
  • Cultural Significance: Represents the sea


Let’s wrap up our journey through the world of goddess names. I hope this list of over 347+ beautiful and unique options has sparked your imagination and helped you find the perfect name for your little girl.

Remember, choosing a name is a personal decision. Whether you pick a name for its meaning, sound, or cultural significance, the most important thing is that it feels right for your family.

Did you find a name that caught your eye? Or perhaps you’re still mulling over a few favorites? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Drop a comment below and share which goddess names resonated with you.

If you’re still searching for the ideal name, why not explore our other naming articles? There’s a whole world of inspiring names waiting for you to discover.

Tessa Thompson

Tessa Thompson

Tessa Thompson, a Yale University Linguistics graduate, has been a valuable contributor to our blog section since 2018. With over a decade of experience in onomastics, Tessa specializes in uncovering the origins and meanings behind names from various cultures. Her previous work includes collaborating with top websites and consulting for expectant parents. When she's not researching names, Tessa enjoys traveling and learning about different naming traditions worldwide.

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