Have you ever wished you could earn something from the mess your child makes? How about an Amazon voucher worth £75?
All you have to do is dig out a picture of your beautiful child making a huge mess. Something like this:
This time last year Frog was learning about food.
She was learning to throw it, smear it all over her face and, occasionally, taste the odd morsel.
I remember one particular meal very clearly. We’d had carrot soup for lunch. It was everywhere – adorning the wall, floor and ceiling. Frog had food in her hair, all over her face and under every fingernail. I couldn’t imagine a day when this wouldn’t be the outcome of every mealtime. The thought of Frog using a spoon was a distant dream.
Fast-forward to today and we’re all about the spoons. Gone are the days of plunging chubby fists into plates of spaghetti. Instead, we’re scooping and aiming with perfect precision. The mess is, amazingly, minimal.
But I look back on those early days with fondess. We had great fun…
Now here’s the good bit.
If you too have messy children, you now have the opportunity to brag about it and win yourself a £75 Amazon voucher.
All you have to do is post a picture of your child making a mess, covered in mess or just generally looking messy, on your own blog, along with the following:
Here is my entry to the Appliances Online messiest kid competition at Mother’s Always Right.
Once you’ve done that, come back and leave a comment with a link to your post so I can see your picture. It really is that simple.
Then, in a couple of weeks, keep your eye on my Facebook page and Twitter feed to find out if you’ve won.
Terms and conditions:
- Competition open to UK residents only
- Competition closes Monday 6th February
- The winner will be chosen from the selection of photographs posted – the messier the better
Here’s my entry…
Great giveaway thanks
A messy flashback – http://boorootiggertoo.blogspot.com/2012/02/messy-flashback.html
Here is my entry – good luck everyone x
Here’s my entry!!!
Here’s my entry:
A messy kid is a happy kid, thats what my dad used to say lol,
heres my entry
Here is mine Molly.
Here is my entry of a very messy kid lol http://aspergersinfo.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-messy-kid-competition/
This is about as messy as it gets! http://www.lifewithkids.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/IMAG0803-179×300.jpg
We have that bib!
It’s a great bib so far but why not go the whole hog and provide waterproof trousers too as you still end up changing them?
These are so funny! I’ve been Baby Led Weaning for the last few weeks and was expecting a huge mess especially when we gave our baby messy foods like mash or sauces, but she’s so dainty. She doesn’t splatter anything, doesn’t throw, just places the food to the side that she doesn’t want and gets the spoon either straight in her mouth or almost. So I don’t have any really messy photos to enter. Am I just lucky or is the mess yet to come?
Lucky is an understatement – you are gifted with a miracle child!
Ha ha, I’ve got a feeling she just hasn’t discovrered how fun making a mess is yet!
Here is our entry, thank you for the lovely competition
Here is our entry
Thank you for a fabulous competition, something good from mess!
here is my entry http://theblabberingmrb.blogspot.com/
Neil Bothwell
Here is my entry! http://realsuburbanmummy.com/2012/01/30/nearly-1/
Here is my entry, some great pics included so far, they have made me smile!
Great competition. Great to see little ones having fun getting messy!!
Here’s my entry….http://bumps-2-babies.blogspot.com/2012/01/bring-on-mess.html
Here’s my entry… http://squeakybaby.blogspot.com/2012/01/tomato-soup.html
Hi, Here is my entry……. He just loves spaghetti!!!!
Here’s our entry – first time independently feeding – argh!
Here is mine!!
What mommy is without a messy pic, lol They are so adorable though! Great compeition. My link is here:
Here is my entry! What a great comp! Thank you x
Would a picture of me in a huge mess count? I’ve plenty of those….
Er. Can’t you just throw some chocolate at your kids and take a pic?!