Baby buys: the activity nest

My baby is now 14 weeks old (14 weeks?! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! etc.). Despite my best efforts to bury my head in the sand it’s fair to say she is definitely no longer a newborn. At 14 weeks, baby girl is awake for longer periods and, when she’s not sleepy, as alert as ever.

She loves to be on her tummy, but the Babymoov activity nest keeps her happy on her back for a good five minutes at a time. This is a big deal as my baby’s been struggling the past couple of weeks with reflux / wind / we’re not sure issues. Whatever the problem is, she doesn’t much like to be flat on her back at the moment, so to stay on her back for five minutes shows the activity nest must be winning at something.

The picture at the top is of baby girl at 6 weeks old. The great thing about this nest is that it has an insert cushion which supports the head of tiny babies. Baby girl has used the nest since day one, for short bursts at a time. Back when she was a newborn she sometimes fell asleep in it, as it has a cushioned base which must be pretty comfy. 

We had an activity nest with our first born, but this one is far better. Let me tell you why:

1) It has removable toys on velcro straps that you can switch around and attach in different places on the nest, to keep baby interested.

2) It has a soft, comfortable base, with material made from a soft velour fabric.

3) It has play things on the base and on the side, so baby can enjoy tummy time in the nest too.

4) There is plenty of room for the baby’s changing developmental phases, with new things to play with and discover (a mirror under a flap, a scrunchy flap, a set of plastic rings).

5) The nest folds up into a transportable toy you can take with you when you go away.

The nest has a cushioned rim around the side, which not only keeps baby safe and contained in one place (for 14 weeks she’s a surprising mover) but reminds her four year old big sister that there’s a baby on the floor. It’s fair to say the novelty of having a baby sister has well and truly worn off for Frog so the days of her tiptoeing around “her tiny baby” are pretty much gone.

I find it really handy that there’s a self-contained play area for the baby to hand, especially during the early morning pre-school run mayhem. During the day I have time to lay a blanket and some toys on the floor but in the chaos of 7am – 8.30am it’s all I can do to get everyone dressed, fed and out of the door on time, let alone set up a full baby play area.

This activity nest has become another vital tool in my “How To Survive The Mayhem Of Second Baby” arsonry. The past 14 weeks would not have been the same without it.


Disclosure: I was provided the Babymoov Activity Nest for the purpose of review. All opinions are my own, as ever. The nest is £79.99 and available to buy online from the Babymoov website


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