It’s been six months in the making but our new bedroom is finally complete. I’m not quite sure how it took us six months to get here. Mainly, everything with kids seems to take forever and decorating is no different. We’ve done bits and pieces here and there, during late evenings after working or over snatched weekends.
Jobs that should have taken ten minutes have, inevitably, ended up taking hours due to the age of our house and the walls being full of horsehair. When we went to put up our beautiful new blind – a wooden blind in the Kaleidoscope range by Clover and Thorne – for example, we ended up creating a massive hole in the wall above the window because the wall literally crumbled into sand when we drilled into it. Fun times.
This is what the room looked like before we painted it (and before we’d finished making the wardrobe on the other side of the fireplace):
And this is what it looks like now:
This is the first bedroom I’ve had as an adult that I’ve truly loved. In the past, our bedroom has always been the last room in the house to get any attention. The same is true in this house, the first house we’ve ever really been able to put a mark on because we have a mortgage and, unlike in the past, aren’t renting.
Ever since we bought this house two and a half years ago I’ve harboured dreams of turning the bedroom into a sanctuary. A space to really relax in at the end of a long day, not just collapse and dribble onto the pillow. Up until recently, as soon as I came to bed I’d turn the light off because I couldn’t stand the room. The clutter would make my teeth itch and I’d keep hopping out of bed to tidy things away. I’d end up working late many evenings because I simply couldn’t be arsed to go to bed. My bedroom wasn’t inviting and it just felt like a dumping ground for laundry, kids’ plastic tat and smelly socks (thanks husband).
It’s amazing what a difference a beautiful new space can make. My mood has always been really influenced by my surroundings – even at university I painted my bedroom because I couldn’t stand the colour on the walls of the shared house I lived in. My husband 100% doesn’t get my obsession desire to beautify the house. For him, a room’s a room. As long as it has four walls and a ceiling then he’s happy. Mind you, this is coming from the man who had Spider Man bedding when we first met. I kid you not.
So back to the room, there’s a full tour over on Roost today, along with details of where I sourced what and a few little DIYs we did to save money. If interiors are your thing then head over for a look (and for more before and after photos).
If anyone needs me, I’ll be in bed.
Oh what a transformation! It has so much more character now x
I absolutely love the blue wall where your fireplace and wardrobes are, it looks fab! I’m glad you’ve created a room you’re truly happy with
Gemma x
The British Feather – A UK Lifestyle & Home Decor Blog