birds with f

Ever wondered what connects the tiny Fairy Penguin and the majestic Fork-tailed Flycatcher? These birds belong to an extraordinary alphabet club that begins with ‘F’!

Nature has gifted the world with a stunning array of feathered wonders whose names start with this charming letter.

From the coastal shores of Australia to the dense rainforests of South America, these remarkable birds display incredible diversity in their appearance, behavior, and habitat.

Did you know? The Forest Owlet was believed to be extinct for over 100 years before being rediscovered in 1997, making it one of ornithology’s most incredible comebacks!

This trip analyzes these beautiful creatures — from the dazzling Fiery-throated Hummingbird with its jewel-like feathers to the intelligent Forest Raven capable of using tools. Each bird tells a unique story of adaptation and survival in an ever-changing world.

The Stunning World of ‘F’ Birds

1. Fairy Penguin


The Fairy Penguin is the smallest species of penguin, standing around 13 inches tall. Its back has a distinctive blue hue, and its underparts are white. These penguins are excellent swimmers, using their flippers to steer through water efficiently.

  • Region of Habitat: Southern coastlines of Australia and New Zealand

  • Scientific Name: Eudyptula minor

  • Feeding Habits: Feeds on small fish, squid, and crustaceans

  • What Sound They Make: Short, barking or braying calls

Fun Facts

Despite their tiny size, Fairy Penguins can swim up to 4 miles per hour and may travel 10-15 miles during a single hunting trip.

2. Flightless Cormorant


The Flightless Cormorant has vestigial wings too small for flight but uses strong legs and webbed feet to swim. It’s one of the rarest cormorant species. It is known for its excellent diving skills while foraging underwater.

  • Region of Habitat: Galápagos Islands

  • Scientific Name: Phalacrocorax harrisi

  • Feeding Habits: Eats eels, fish, and octopuses

  • What Sound They Make: Low grunts and hissing sounds

Fun Facts

This bird developed flightlessness due to the lack of land predators on the islands, allowing it to evolve stronger swimming over flying.

3. Franklin’s Gull



Franklin’s Gull is a medium-sized gull with black hooded heads during breeding season. Its pinkish underparts and sharp-contrast wings make it unique. The gull is highly social and often migrates in large flocks.

  • Region of Habitat: North and South America

  • Scientific Name: Leucophaeus pipixcan

  • Feeding Habits: Insects, small fish, and aquatic invertebrates

  • What Sound They Make: Sharp, high-pitched “kek-kek-kek” calls

Fun Facts

Unlike many gulls, Franklin’s Gull molts all its flight feathers at once, making it flightless for a brief period each year.

4. Forest Kingfisher


The Forest Kingfisher sports brilliant blue and white plumage and prefers wooded areas near water. It nests in termite mounds and uses precision dives to catch prey. It is a swift and territorial bird.

  • Region of Habitat: Northern and eastern Australia, New Guinea

  • Scientific Name: Todiramphus macleayii

  • Feeding Habits: Insects, small lizards, and frogs

  • What Sound They Make: Sharp, metallic “tchit-tchit” call

Fun Facts

It often nests in active termite mounds, where the heat and structure provide ideal conditions for raising chicks.

5. Fork-tailed Flycatcher


The Fork-tailed Flycatcher is known for its long, elegant tail and agile flight. Its plumage is mostly white with a black cap and gray back. It performs aerial acrobatics to catch flying insects mid-air.

  • Region of Habitat: Central and South America

  • Scientific Name: Tyrannus savana

  • Feeding Habits: Flying insects like beetles, flies, and grasshoppers

  • What Sound They Make: Repetitive “kip-kip-kip” calls

Fun Facts

Males have tails that can be over twice their body length, which they use to attract mates and navigate tight flight patterns.

6. Falcated Duck


The Falcated Duck features a metallic green head and long curved tertial feathers. It is a dabbling duck and prefers shallow wetlands and marshes. Its graceful plumage makes it stand out among waterfowl.

  • Region of Habitat: East Asia and parts of Southeast Asia

  • Scientific Name: Mareca falcata

  • Feeding Habits: Aquatic plants, seeds, and insects

  • What Sound They Make: Soft whistles and quacks

Fun Facts

They sometimes appear in North America during migration, making them a rare and exciting sighting for bird watchers.

7. Fiery-throated Hummingbird


This hummingbird dazzles with its shimmering green body and an iridescent orange-red throat. It is one of the most colorful hummingbirds in its range. They are quick and aggressive defenders of feeding territories.

  • Region of Habitat: Costa Rica and western Panama

  • Scientific Name: Panterpe insignis

  • Feeding Habits: Nectar and small insects

  • What Sound They Make: High-pitched squeaky chirps

Fun Facts

They can rotate their heads to show off their fiery throat feathers, which flash vivid colors in sunlight like living gemstones.

8. Fiordland Penguin


The Fiordland Penguin is a shy, crested penguin with dark blue-black upperparts and white underparts. It nests in dense coastal rainforests and is rarely seen. It returns to the same nesting area each breeding season.

  • Region of Habitat: South Island of New Zealand

  • Scientific Name: Eudyptes pachyrhynchus

  • Feeding Habits: Fish, squid, and krill

  • What Sound They Make: Low growls and braying calls

Fun Facts

They are also known as “Fiordland Crested Penguins” and are highly sensitive to human disturbance, making conservation crucial.

9. Fieldfare


The Fieldfare is a thrush species with a grey head, chestnut back, and speckled chest. It forms large winter flocks and feeds mainly on the ground. It is especially common in open countryside.

  • Region of Habitat: Europe and Western Asia

  • Scientific Name: Turdus pilaris

  • Feeding Habits: Berries, insects, and earthworms

  • What Sound They Make: Harsh “chack-chack-chack” calls

Fun Facts

Fieldfares often form defensive lines to fend off predators like hawks, flapping and mobbing to protect their flocks.

10. Fischer’s Lovebird


Fischer’s Lovebird is a small parrot with green plumage, an orange head, and a white eye ring. It is social and often seen in noisy flocks. These birds form strong pair bonds and are popular as pets.

  • Region of Habitat: Central Africa, mainly Tanzania

  • Scientific Name: Agapornis fischeri

  • Feeding Habits: Seeds, fruits, and greens

  • What Sound They Make: High-pitched, rapid screeches

Fun Facts

They get their name from their affectionate behavior—mated pairs are often seen cuddling or grooming one another.

11. Florida Scrub Jay


The Florida Scrub Jay is a bold, curious bird with bright blue wings and a gray belly. It’s the only bird species endemic to Florida. These jays are known for their cooperative breeding and family groups.

  • Region of Habitat: Florida, USA

  • Scientific Name: Aphelocoma coerulescens

  • Feeding Habits: Insects, acorns, small vertebrates, and berries

  • What Sound They Make: Harsh, scratchy “shreep” calls

Fun Facts

They bury thousands of acorns each year for future food, unintentionally helping oak forests grow through forgotten caches.

12. Fox Sparrow


Fox Sparrows are large, chunky sparrows with reddish-brown plumage and spotted chests. They forage by kicking leaf litter with both feet. These secretive birds are usually spotted alone or in small groups.

  • Region of Habitat: North America, especially western and boreal forests

  • Scientific Name: Passerella iliaca

  • Feeding Habits: Seeds, insects, and berries

  • What Sound They Make: Melodic, whistled songs and sharp “chip” calls

Fun Facts

There are multiple regional subspecies with different plumage types, making them fascinating for bird ID enthusiasts.

13. Forest Raven


The Forest Raven is the largest of the Australian corvids, with glossy black feathers and a heavy bill. It thrives in forests and open landscapes. A scavenger, it is often seen feeding on roadkill.

  • Region of Habitat: Tasmania and southeastern Australia

  • Scientific Name: Corvus tasmanicus

  • Feeding Habits: Carrion, insects, fruit, and small animals

  • What Sound They Make: Deep, croaking “kronk” or “orrk” sounds

Fun Facts

They are known for their intelligence, being able to use tools and even mimic sounds they hear regularly.

14. Forster’s Tern


Forster’s Tern is a graceful white seabird with a black cap in summer and a long forked tail. It hovers over water before diving for fish. These terns breed in colonies in marshes and coastal areas.

  • Region of Habitat: North America, especially near coasts and wetlands

  • Scientific Name: Sterna forsteri

  • Feeding Habits: Small fish and aquatic invertebrates

  • What Sound They Make: Sharp, squeaky “kik-kik” calls

Fun Facts

Forster’s Terns often reuse the same nest from previous years, sometimes just adding new material to it.

15. Flaming Sunbird


The Flaming Sunbird is a dazzling bird with bright crimson and yellow plumage in males, while females are more subdued. It flits among flowers in search of nectar. This bird is active and almost always moving.

  • Region of Habitat: Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines

  • Scientific Name: Aethopyga flagrans

  • Feeding Habits: Nectar, insects, and spiders

  • What Sound They Make: High-pitched trills and chirps

Fun Facts

Their slender, curved bills are perfectly adapted to extract nectar from tubular flowers, much like hummingbirds.

16. Fan-tailed Cuckoo


The Fan-tailed Cuckoo is a sleek bird with a yellow eye-ring and barred tail feathers. It is often heard before it’s seen. This cuckoo is known for parasitizing the nests of smaller birds.

  • Region of Habitat: Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Southeast Asia

  • Scientific Name: Cacomantis flabelliformis

  • Feeding Habits: Caterpillars, insects, and larvae

  • What Sound They Make: Descending whistled call, often repeated

Fun Facts

The female lays eggs in other birds’ nests, tricking them into raising her chicks—a behavior called brood parasitism.

17. Forest Owlet


The Forest Owlet is a small, critically endangered owl with a round head and no ear tufts. It has bold white eyebrows and heavily spotted plumage. Rediscovered in 1997, it was once thought to be extinct.

  • Region of Habitat: Central India

  • Scientific Name: Heteroglaux blewitti

  • Feeding Habits: Small mammals, birds, and insects

  • What Sound They Make: Low, repetitive hoots

Fun Facts

It remained undiscovered for over a century before being rediscovered, making it one of ornithology’s biggest surprises.

18. Fulvous Whistling Duck


The Fulvous Whistling Duck is a cinnamon-colored duck with a long neck and legs. It’s named for the distinct whistling sounds it makes. These birds often gather in large flocks in wetlands.

  • Region of Habitat: Tropics and subtropics worldwide, including parts of the Americas, Africa, and Asia

  • Scientific Name: Dendrocygna bicolor

  • Feeding Habits: Seeds, aquatic plants, and invertebrates

  • What Sound They Make: Loud, clear whistling calls

Fun Facts

They often feed at night and perch in trees, unlike many other duck species, showing remarkable adaptability.

Some Birds that Start with “F”

19. Fairy Tern

20. Fiji Parrotfinch

21. Forest Thrush

22. Flame Robin

23. Forest Canary

24. Fiery-billed Aracari

25. Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler

26. Falkland Steamer Duck

27. Fork-tailed Drongo

28. Finsch’s Pygmy Parrot

29. Fairy Martin

30. Fire-tufted Barbet

31. Forest Robin

32. Fawn-breasted Tanager

33. Festive Amazon

34. Fasciated Antshrike

35. Fischer’s Starling

36. Flame-faced Tanager

37. Fiery-capped Manakin

38. Frill-necked Monarch

39. Fasciated Tiger Heron

40. Fawn-colored Lark

41. Finsch’s Wheatear

42. Fire-bellied Woodpecker

43. Falcated Wren-babbler

44. Fan-tailed Warbler

45. Fiji Whistler

46. Fasciated Wren

47. Fernando Po Swift

48. Five-colored Barbet

49. Fraser’s Sunbird

50. Flores Scops Owl

51. Flores Monarch

52. Forest Penduline Tit

53. Flores Hawk-eagle

54. Forest Rock Thrush

55. Flores Crow

56. Floreana Mockingbird

57. Flock Bronzewing

58. Forest Scrub Robin

59. Flesh-footed Shearwater

60. Flavescent Warbler

61. Flores Green Pigeon

62. Flores Sea Cuckoo-dove

63. Foothill Stipplethroat

64. Forest Fody

65. Forbes’s Blackbird

66. Forbes’s Forest Rail

67. Forest Swallow

68. Forbes’s Mannikin

69. Forbes’s Plover

70. Forbes-Watson’s Swift

71. Forest Batis

72. Foothill Schiffornis

73. Forest Bittern

74. Foothill Elaenia

75. Forest Buzzard

76. Flying Steamer Duck

77. Fly River Grassbird

78. Fluttering Shearwater

79. Forest Double-collared Sunbird

80. Flutist Wren

81. Foothill Screech Owl

82. Forest Honeyeater

83. Forest Elaenia

84. Four-banded Sandgrouse

85. Forest White-eye

86. Fuegian Snipe

87. Fuegian Steamer Duck

88. Fuertes’s Parrot

89. Fujian Niltava

90. Fülleborn’s Boubou

91. Fülleborn’s Longclaw

92. Fulmar Prion

93. Fulvous Antshrike

94. Fulvous Babbler

95. Fulvous Owl

96. Fulvous Parrotbill

97. Fulvous Shrike-tanager

98. Fulvous Wren

99. Fulvous-breasted Flatbill

100. Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker

101. Fulvous-chested Jungle Flycatcher

102. Fulvous-chinned Nunlet

103. Fulvous-crested Tanager

104. Fulvous-headed Brushfinch

105. Fulvous-headed Tanager

106. Fulvous-vented Euphonia

107. Furtive Flycatcher

108. Fuscous Flycatcher

109. Fruithunter

110. Fringe-backed Fire-eye

111. Frilled Monarch

112. Frilled Coquette

113. Forest Wood Hoopoe

114. Fork-tailed Drongo-cuckoo

115. Fork-tailed Storm Petrel

116. Fork-tailed Sunbird

117. Fork-tailed Tody-tyrant

118. Fork-tailed Woodnymph

119. Forty-spotted Pardalote

120. Flavescent Flycatcher

121. Foveaux Shag

122. Fox Kestrel

123. Fox’s Weaver

124. Forest Wagtail

125. Foxy Cisticola

126. Frances’s Sparrowhawk

127. Fraser’s Eagle-owl

128. Fraser’s Forest Flycatcher

129. Fraser’s Rufous Thrush

130. Freckle-breasted Thornbird

131. Freckle-breasted Woodpecker

132. Freckled Duck

133. Freckled Nightjar

134. Friedmann’s Lark

135. Friendly Bush Warbler

136. Friendly Fantail

137. Foxy Lark

138. Flavescent Bulbul

139. Fairy Flycatcher

140. Flat-billed Kingfisher

141. Fernwren

142. Ferruginous Antbird

143. Ferruginous Babbler

144. Ferruginous Duck

145. Ferruginous Flycatcher

146. Ferruginous Hawk

147. Ferruginous Partridge

148. Ferruginous Pygmy Owl

149. Ferruginous-backed Antbird

150. Festive Coquette

151. Field Sparrow

152. Fiery Minivet

153. Fiery Topaz

154. Fiery-breasted Bushshrike

155. Fiery-browed Starling

156. Fiery-necked Nightjar

157. Fiery-shouldered Parakeet

158. Fiery-tailed Awlbill

159. Fiery-throated Fruiteater

160. Fiery-throated Metaltail

161. Fiji Bush Warbler

162. Fiji Goshawk

163. Fiji Petrel

164. Fernando Po Speirops

165. Fiji Shrikebill

166. Fernando Po Batis

167. Feline Owlet-nightjar

168. Fairy Gerygone

169. Fairy Lorikeet

170. Fairy Pitta

171. Fairy Prion

172. Falkenstein’s Greenbul

173. Familiar Chat

174. Fan-tailed Berrypecker

175. Fan-tailed Gerygone

176. Fan-tailed Grassbird

177. Fan-tailed Raven

178. Fan-tailed Widowbird

179. Fanti Drongo

180. Fanti Saw-wing

181. Far Eastern Curlew

182. Fatu Hiva Monarch

183. Fawn-breasted Bowerbird

184. Fawn-breasted Brilliant

185. Fawn-breasted Thrush

186. Fawn-breasted Waxbill

187. Fawn-breasted Whistler

188. Fawn-breasted Wren

189. Fearful Owl

190. Fea’s Petrel

191. Fernandina’s Flicker

192. Flat-billed Vireo

193. Fiji Wattled Honeyeater

194. Fiji Woodswallow

195. Flame Bowerbird

196. Flame-breasted Flowerpecker

197. Flame-breasted Fruit Dove

198. Flame-breasted Sunbird

199. Flame-colored Tanager

200. Flamecrest

201. Flame-crested Manakin

202. Flame-crested Tanager

203. Flame-crowned Flowerpecker

204. Flame-eared Honeyeater

205. Fuscous Honeyeater

206. Flame-fronted Barbet

207. Flame-rumped Tanager

208. Flame-templed Babbler

209. Flame-throated Bulbul

210. Flame-throated Sunangel

211. Flame-throated Warbler

212. Flame-winged Parakeet

213. Flammulated Bamboo Tyrant

214. Flammulated Flycatcher

215. Flammulated Owl

216. Flammulated Treehunter

217. Flappet Lark

218. Five-striped Sparrow

219. Fiji White-eye

220. Five-colored Munia

221. Fischer’s Turaco

222. Fine-banded Woodpecker

223. Fine-barred Piculet

224. Fine-spotted Woodpecker

225. Finn’s Weaver

226. Finsch’s Bulbul

227. Finsch’s Euphonia

228. Finsch’s Francolin

229. Finsch’s Imperial Pigeon

230. Finsch’s Parakeet

231. Finsch’s Rufous Thrush

232. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker

233. Fire-capped Tit

234. Fire-crested Alethe

235. Fire-eyed Diucon

236. Fire-fronted Bishop

237. Fire-maned Bowerbird

238. Fire-tailed Myzornis

239. Fire-tailed Sunbird

240. Firethroat

241. Firewood-gatherer

242. Fiscal Flycatcher

243. Fischer’s Greenbul

244. Fischer’s Sparrow-lark

245. Fish Crow

246. Fynbos Buttonquail

Final Thoughts on Our Feathered Friends

From the tiny Fairy Penguin to the majestic Forster’s Tern, these “F” birds showcase nature’s incredible diversity.

These charming creatures demonstrate that even within a single letter of the alphabet, an extraordinary range of adaptations, behaviors, and habitats exists, spanning every continent.

The Forest Raven’s intelligence charms observers, the Flaming Sunbird’s brilliant colors mesmerize, and the Fork-tailed Flycatcher’s acrobatic hunting style intrigues. Each species holds endless potential for quest and awe.

Anyone spotting one of these remarkable birds in the wild or even just in photographs might take a moment to appreciate the unique role each plays in the planet’s ecosystem.

The world of birds truly stands as a testament to nature’s boundless creativity!

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Justin Phillips

Justin Phillips

Justin Phillips, a Zoology graduate from the University of Cambridge, has been captivating our readers with his love for animals and wildlife since 2017. With 12 years of experience as a wildlife conservationist and researcher, Justin has traveled the world, studying various species in their natural habitats. His articles provide fascinating insights into the behavior and conservation of animals, inspiring readers to appreciate and protect the natural world.

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