This week I am mainly loving being pregnant. I know, weird. I can’t drink wine or eat my favourite cheese, I have cankles and my backside is bigger than it used to be but still, I don’t mind.
After a tough few weeks where I’ve felt drained by the juggle of everyday life – work, a child with a broken leg, sleep deprivation etc – it’s felt like something has changed recently. My bump is bigger and rounder, but I quite like it. I feel more confident and, although the tiredness is still there, it’s not all-consuming.
I’m hoping beyond hope that this feeling lasts a little longer as I’m now 29 weeks. Past experience tells me to make the most of it before I get even bigger and uncomfortable.
Things I’m currently liking about being pregnant:
- Having the excuse to expand my wardrobe – and not feeling in the slightest bit guilty.
- Taking a bit of time out each day for a spot of pampering – I have this Mustela gel I’ve been using on the bump and it’s lovely.
- Watching the baby kick and wriggle late at night as I lie in bed (it’s now at the stage where I can see the movement as my belly twitches and rolls, which is kind of odd but also pretty amazing).
- Ordering new baby bits and starting to plan our summer DIY jobs to get ready for the autumn. We ordered a new cot a couple of days ago – I’ve gone with a Scandinavian brand called moKee. I picked a moKee Mini Transformable baby cot in grey stone to go with the mint, yellow and grey colour palette we’re going with in the baby’s room. I never thought I’d get so excited about a new cot. I know – I need to get out more.
Frog is getting more and more excited as the days go on and, as my bump gets bigger, she’s been talking lots to the baby too, which is unbelievably cute. She told the baby the other day she would share her favourite blankie, “When you come out”, which is possibly the biggest honour she could ever bestow on anyone. I’m not holding out any hopes of that actually happening mind you, but the thought was there!
My maternity plans are starting to come together too and I’m less panicked about how I’ll manage the juggle now. My mum (love you Mum) has promised to come over for one day a week when I return to work again, to help out with cleaning and the baby etc. I work from home so I can manage deadlines around family life, but I admit that I was overwhelmed by the thought of how this would work in reality. I feel calmer about it now though and it’s helped build the baby excitement.
And that’s it really. Nothing else to report.
Link Up!
What’s going on in your life this week? Have you felt drained or have you discovered a sudden new burst of energy? Link up to the #BlogBumpClub and share how you’ve been getting on. I can’t promise biscuits but I can vow to offer a sympathetic nod and a friendly comment!
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love that cot! we don’t tend to bother with one…. but i saw a gorgeous sleigh cotbed the other day!
Maternity leave scares me; last time around I was working in an office so I got the 90% and then SMP. This time around I’m a contractor (I have a limited company) so I’m not entitled to anything other than SMP and well that’s not exactly an amount we can function on now! If only limited companies could pay out maternity pay!
?Transatlantic Blonde: 29 Weeks?
I know the feeling – my maternity leave is totally different this time around to last time. Last time I had a full year and a good few months of that was on full pay, this time I’m self-employed so will be claiming maternity allowance – and for a much shorter time! In many ways though, this time is less stressful because I don’t have to worry about setting myself up as a freelance while on leave. That took up much of the second six months of my mat leave with Frog.
How exciting getting the cot! I can’t wait to order ours
Glad your enjoying the pregnancy more.
There’s definitely something exciting about ordering things for the baby and getting our beloved favourite bits out of the loft too. Makes it all seem so much more real!
So cute that Frog wants to share the blankie!!
I doubt that will last – her blankie is her most prized possession!
I’m feeling exactly the same! Really good at the moment, at 28 weeks, much better than the “magical” second trimester!
Aww love that you’re starting to enjoy it
I have suddenly had a burst of energy and am intent on getting things done, though i am finding everything tiring.. eurgh!
It’s true – tiredness does get in the way! I find my best time is the morning but then I have work to be getting on with. Looking forward to the hols when my work gets a bit less busy and I can concentrate more of my efforts on getting things ready for the baby!
Very glad to hear you are enjoying pregnancy this week, you have had a seriously tough few weeks so I am very glad to hear that! Loving the cot too, gorgeous! Baby room planning is always something to be excited about
It really is isn’t it? I’ve ordered a new sample of wallpaper too, which is a little bit exciting.
I think that sort of point in pregnancy is my favourite point, where you feel and look pregnant and have all the lovely kicks, but not quite at the can’t move stage! Glad you’ve had an easier time if it, makes it much more enjoyable!
Oh I’m not looking forward to the can’t move stage I must admit. Hoping this feeling lasts a bit longer!
Getting a cot is definitely exciting. Cot = baby sleeping in it = real. It’s lovely that your first talks to the bump. Looks like you have a ready made future babysitter right there. And, long may the loving of the pregnancy last! – thanks again for masterminding #BlogBumpClub
You’re welcome – and thank you for joining in! x
If you can’t get excited about a cot when you’re pregnant, when can you? It looks lovely – really looking forward to seeing your nursery progress. Glad you’re feeling better about everything this week (it is harder to do this second-time-round isn’t it? When everything carries on as normal) x
Yep – you can’t tell a four year old to slow down!
I’m so pleased you are feeling happier now! It’s a long slog – and I’m finding it much longer than with Lewis (if that makes sense?!) Enjoy it!
It is a long slog, but in many ways I think this time is going more quickly for me than when I was pregnant with F. Possibly because I have less time to think about being pregnant!
Oooh I’m looking forward to getting to that stage!
Boo and I bought our first little bits for the baby- 2 baby gros and a pop up toy- felt very exciting indeed!
Glad to hear you’re having an easier time of it lovely- long may it continue!! X
My daughter had her cast off today so hoping that things will be onwards and upwards from here on in! x
Yay for a nice calm no drama week – it sounds like you needed it! And it’s perfectly OK to get excited about a new cot – it’s a gorgeous colour and the new nursery sounds like it’s going to be beautiful!
I must admit I’m quite excited to get cracking on it! When F was born we lived in a rented cottage and, lovely as it was, we couldn’t make it “ours” in the way we can with this house that we own. Something so exciting about painting the walls and doing what we want with it! x
Ah so lovely to read things are a little easier for you now
Good old mum- my mother in law has been such a life saver recently, makes a difference doesn’t it. How long are you taking off work when baby arrives?
x x
I’m taking a whopping… TWO MONTHS! *gulp* It’s not like I’m going back to a 9-5 in an office though, so hopefully it will be manageable. I expect we’ll just find a new routine and I’ll get used to juggling my deadlines around two little people. My mum has certainly helped to calm the panic! x