Please tell me I’m not the only one who has just wanted to get NAKED this week?! Blimey, being pregnant in this hot weather is doing my cankles no good. Aside from that, I can’t believe it’s now week 11 of the #BlogBumpClub. Apologies for my tardiness this week – today we have been mainly doing this:
Today marked the first day of the summer holidays for us (although Frog has her pre-school leaver’s service tomorrow which I will inevitably cry at) and it means SIX WHOLE WEEKS of the NLM – a teacher – being at home with us. Hurrah! So after a hospital appointment for Frog’s leg we hot-footed it to the beach to do some physio in the sea.
Although Frog has now had her cast off for a whole week she’s still not putting any weight on her “bad” leg, meaning I’ve still had to carry her around in this boiling heat, which has been tough. Today’s X-Ray showed the bone has fully healed and the physio thinks her lack of weight-bearing is mainly down to being scared. She has another physio session on Monday and we’ve been instructed to get her in the water as much as possible, which is fine by me because the water is COOL and I am HOT.
If you’re suffering with the heat then I can thoroughly recommend bobbing around in the cool water (be it swimming pool or sea) for a bit to feel a million times better. By the time I got out of the water my cankles were almost non-existent. Amazing.
The rest of the week has mainly been spent wearing as few clothes as possible…
I even opted for one of my pre-pregnancy bikinis today at the beach because it was too hot even for my maternity tankini!
In true sod’s law fashion, I’ve also had a cold for the last couple of days. Every sneeze has been like a game of pelvic floor Russian roulette and, I’ll be honest, I’ve not won every round (tmi – sorry).
Aside from the cold and the cankles though, I’m feeling pretty good. Knowing we now have six weeks of fun helps. With the NLM at home it means the work / mum juggle is a lot easier, plus much of my work scales back over the summer holidays anyway. Win.
I’ve also been getting very excited about our own arrival in the autumn after seeing the adorable snaps of Chelle’s (of Unique & Chic) newborn son. Congratulations on the latest #BlogBumpClub baby Chelle!
Link Up!
How’s your week been? Anyone else have the urge to get naked and go and find a nudist beach somewhere? Just me?!
Link up to this week’s #BlogBumpClub with your latest pregnancy post and I can promise friendly comments and cankle chat. You can also get involved on Twitter using the hashtag #BlogBumpClub. You’ll find plenty of chat over there about pregnancy symptoms, great pregnancy products and general sympathising over cankles and the like.
Don’t forget to grab the badge below to display on your own blog so your readers can find out about us – the more the merrier. Plus, if you tweet me a link to your post with the #BlogBumpClub hashtag I’ll be sure to RT it for you too. I’m @mollyjforbes on Twitter.

First time linking up – hope you don’t mind but I’ve linked my announcement post from a couple of weeks ago as I haven’t written one yet this week
I am with you on the weather!! I’m only 19 weeks but have never felt more uncomfortable in the heat! I’m usually so cold blooded and wear my coat even in the height of summer but this pregnancy lark is hot work!!
Going for a swim is a fab idea! I may have to jump head first into the lake next to us if it doesn’t cool down soon!
Yay! Another new #BlogBumpClub blogger – you’re very welcome! Congratulations on your pregnancy – popping over now to check out your post. Lovely to have you here and hopefully see you next week! x
Oh to wear a bikini.. I have envy! x
I wouldn’t have envy – the rest of the beach was probably wincing but it was far too hot to wear anything else. My husband assured me there were blokes on the beach with bigger beer bellies than my own pregnant bump and said no one gave a toss what I wore, so I just got on with it!
We went to the outdoor pool in Gourock yesterday and it was heavenly!
?Transatlantic Blonde?
Sounds perfect – outdoor pools are the way to go at this time of year!
Happy 30 weeks!! You’re looking fab, I must say. And I feel for you in this heat, its really not so bad for me being only 24 weeks. But I know I’m going to struggle in Sicily in a couple of weeks. Not sure I’ll be brave enough for a bikini though!!
x x x
Ah but you’ll be on holiday so won’t have to do anything! I love the sunshine and the summer weather, but it’s only really enjoyable when you’re big and pregnant when you don’t have to do anything in it. If you can sit around, swim and eat lovely food all day long then you’re onto a winner!
My week has also been insanely hot and no sign of that changing! – Trying very hard not to complain as am a sun lover – but in combination with the bump I’m starting to feel like a human oven.
Good news about Frog’s X-Ray … and just in time to enjoy the long Summer together!
It is tricky when it’s so hot – as much as I love the heat I’ve definitely done my fair share of moaning recently. If my feet weren’t so puffy I don’t think it would have been so bad!
Oh I know the naked longing! I actually make the husbands byttie every morning totally starkers – it aint pretty but needs must! LOL
My link up post will come in particularly useful with all the naked-ness!
Good for you – and you’re right, it did come in useful! x
I love your dress! We live no where near the sea (couldn’t get much further away in Birmingham!) So making do with cool showers!
Ah cool showers and constant trips to the fridge work just as well too. The dress is a pre-pregnancy stretchy number from Sainsbury’s of all places!
Oh it is so hot isn’t it? So uncomfy being pregnant in this heat, and the nights, aaaargh! Definitely trying to wear as little as possible! My physio was asking if I had been wearing my tubigrip support (which goes from my upper thighs all the way to my ribs) and erm in this heat, no! Way too hot and itchy for that!! Loving the sneezing comments bless you, get those pelvic floor exercises going hehe I think most preggo ladies can relate to that! Glad to hear Frig’s cast is off, and the swimming sounds lovely!
Ooh that tubigrip sounds horrendous in this heat. Definitely don’t blame you for not wanting to wear it when it’s a gazillion degrees outside!
I’ve been sneezing like a gooden’ the past two days. Oh and no, you are not alone at all!! I’ve been spending most of my days at home wearing just my pants.
Yay to living in pants in the summer. We should start some sort of pregnant women naked pants commune… or something.
I am so completely and utterly with you on wanting to wear as little as humanely possible at the moment! I spent a whole afternoon last week sat in the paddling pool at my inlaws and it was bliss – I can only wish for being nearer the sea, it would just be bliss to go for a wallow in the nice cold water!
I think I may spend the rest of the summer in the sea Carie – I love the heat but blimey it’s hard work when you’ve got to lug around a big old bump with you! x