The speed at which this regular weekly feature comes around is a little bit terrifying for me. I literally feel like I blinked and went from being 12 weeks pregnant and announcing our impending arrival, to suddenly being here – 31 weeks and with birth just around the corner! Anyone else feel their pregnancy going scarily fast?
The last week has been mainly about getting organised. It’s like a switch has been flipped and, as soon as the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine broke up for summer, I went into overdrive to start getting things done.
I (finally) washed the moses basket retrieved from the loft a while ago. It’s now all gleaming and clean, and the white lining is sparkling rather than slightly yellowing. This pleases me – you’ve got to take the small pleasures where you can when wine and your favourite cheese are off the menu.
We also made some proper decisions about the baby’s bedroom. After umming and ahing whether to do a feature wall in wallpaper we’ve opted for a cheaper scenario, with mint coloured paint on that wall and some beautiful wall decals from the Mamas and Papas Patternology range. I can’t wait to get it done and blog about our mint, yellow and grey nursery.
I’ve also nearly finished upcycling my grandmother’s old rocking chair, to give it a new lease of life as my nursing chair. Good old Annie Sloan chalk paint.
I’m well and, apart from feeling a bit uncomfortable at night as I struggle to sleep on my left side (I’ve always been a tummy sleeper!), I have nothing to complain about. The cankles and puffy feet are still here and I’ve just accepted they’re probably not going anywhere until after this baby is born. Hey ho.
The baby continues to wriggle and have regular parties in my belly – I even managed to film a bit of kicking action and share it on Instagram the other day! I do find this part of pregnancy pretty amazing. As much as it freaks the husband out – “It’s like an ALIEN! In your BELLY!” – I think it’s incredible to think there’s a little person in there kicking about, getting hiccups, wriggling and moving.
We’re off on holiday on Saturday for a week in Cornwall and I’m looking forward to some family time and a bit of a rest. Being at home is just a constant reminder of what I need to get done and I’m still juggling lots of work deadlines, which sometimes makes me frustrated I can’t cut myself in two and get double the amount of things finished!
Link Up!
Have you had a good week? Anyone else getting the baby’s room ready? Or perhaps you’re in the hospital bag packing stage? Or still eating biscuits, enjoying the fact you’ve got aaaaages left…
Last week we had a brand new #BlogBumpClub blogger join in – go and say hello to Kelly at Scissor Paper Rock and leave a reassuring comment on her post “27 reasons why I’m too immature to have a baby“!
To link up couldn’t be easier – just leave a link to your latest pregnancy post here and don’t forget to display the badge below on your own blog so other pregnant bloggers can find out about us.
If you want to join in the chat on Twitter then just tweet with the hashtag #BlogBumpClub – and if you tweet me a link to your post I’ll be sure to RT it for you. I’m @mollyjforbes on Twitter.

Oh I get you on the sleep thing. I am still able to sleep on my tummy but not sure for how much longer and sleeping on my back just makes me struggle to breathe. Hate this part of pregnancy!! You are still looking fab my lovely, hope you’re having an awesome holiday x x x
I’ve also got some of my Granny’s furniture in our new nursery – it’s such a lovely thing to do.
Isn’t it? It’s like a bit of a new story is being added. Lots of memories and I love the idea of being able to tell the baby about my grandmother when he or she grows up. I was 12 weeks pregnant at my grandma’s funeral and I like to imagine it as being a kind of continuation of things. My grandma would have loved the chair being used for something so special. x
Hope you’re having a fab time in Cornwall!
?Transatlantic Blonde?
Brilliant time so far! x
ha ha, not got a bump like you ladies, but can remember it all vividly and lovingly. Hope that I can be a lurker on this blog. XXX
You’re always welcome! Can’t wait to see you all soon. xxxx
I love the sound of the nursery – the colour scheme sounds lovely! Will have to have a look out for the instagram vid – i love seeing bumps wriggling! #BlogBumpClub
Wriggling bumps are pretty amazing aren’t they?!
Fast AND slow. Am a bit shocked to be near 36 weeks. But when I think I’ve been pregnant every single day of 2014 … it feels like a very long time
Also impressed by organisation even if it’s just buying paint and washing stuff. That seems quite advanced. Love the colour scheme too, mint yellow & grey is a gorgeous combination. Look forward to see end results!
Me too – I just need to get backside in gear and actually apply the paint now!
This pregnancy has definitely sped past – it felt like one minute I just found out and the next I’m here at 37 weeks wondering where all that time went. And I think you’re a lot more organised than we are – although I did at least locate the hospital bag this week!
Locating the hospital bag is the ultimate in organisation – you’re ready to go! x
Mr G has been filming the crazy bump action too! Never had it this violently at this stage with either of the it’s entertaining! (although it is also very uncomfortable!) You sound more organised than me.. eek! x
I wouldn’t say I was organised – I’ve bought the paint and that’s pretty much it! x
haha My partner hasn’t felt our little one move yet but I certainly have and shout exactly the same as your OH – ALIEEEEN!
Just found your instagram vid – that is proper scary (in a lovely way!) I had no idea there would be SO much movement that you could see it (so naive!)
That mint, yellow and grey nursery looks so gorgeous! I have no idea what to do in our spare room. It’s just very white at the minute and I’d only just kitted it out for my own little work space with a new desk etc. so I guess I need to have a rethink :p
Best get writing this weeks post! Thanks for the lovely mention
Ha – it is a bit alien-like, especially when you can see it move on the outside! You’re more than welcome for the mention – loved your post, it made me laugh. xx
Your bump is so neat and pretty! Yay for holiday!!! It’s so nice to get away and get a break from all the prep and general day to day pregnancy related issues- things always seem better on Hol! Hope you have a fab time!! X
We can’t wait! x
There is something scary about hitting the 30 week mark, isn’t there? It’s almost like that’s a countdown and no longer a count up. Still loads of time left though (that’s what I keep telling myself!) I’m also a tummy sleeper and do find forcing myself onto my left side tricky. Enjoy your holiday xx
30 weeks certainly feels like a milestone. And now I’m hurtling towards 32 weeks it all feels rather… real! x