Organisation takes on a new meaning when you have a baby. I remember, with Frog, spending a while sourcing decent second hand baby stuff, buying new bits and squirrelling stuff away so I felt “ready” to be a mum. As if the very fact of owning a car seat would make me fully prepared for the adventure ahead. I think it’s the psychological aspect to the whole nesting thing. The more you clean or sort through stuff, the calmer you feel about the chaos that’s about to erupt. Or maybe that’s just me.
Anyway, things haven’t been that different this time around. The last week has been spent getting the baby’s room in order. We’re nearly there – the walls are painted, the new cot is up, my late grandmother’s rocking chair is newly upcycled and in the corner. We just have to put up some shelves and accessorise it all with a few last pretty bits (baby mobile, the odd print, a cute lamp).
I’ll be blogging about it properly once it’s done, but here’s a little preview…
We’re going away again soon, so I’ve been in a bit of a rush to get on top of a few work deadlines, as well as sort out baby clothes and the stuff in the loft (yet to be done). I don’t know if that’s contributing to my current feeling of slight panic, but I know it’s not helping.
In a couple of days I’ll hit the 35 week mark and that’s kind of scary. If I had the beginning of maternity leave and no other child to look after then it wouldn’t seem such a big milestone. But, as it stands, the end of this pregnancy coincides with my daughter starting school and a very busy two weeks of work. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t starting to feel a bit sick.
Yesterday I had a huge panic about it all. Mixed in between the excitement of meeting our new baby and seeing Frog become a big sister, is this underlying worry. It’s stupid, but I’m nervous about how I’ll do the school run and get us all out of the house by 8.30am every morning. I’m helping a friend a couple of mornings so there will be two children to take to school, along with a baby to feed and change. I know I’ll be OK and I’ll make it work, but my natural state of worrier is taking over a bit at the moment!
I think the organisation of the baby stuff is my way of trying to take some control and feel at least a little prepared. I wanted to go into September with all the big baby stuff organised – the clothes washed, the hospital bag packed, the nursery decorated. In my head, once that was done, I could fully focus on all the other stuff that September will throw at us. Does that sound stupid? Probably.
Anyway, in between the nerves I’ve been feeling very positive about things. I’m still well and have plenty of energy during the day. I’ve got another midwife appointment later today and then we have a home visit from the health visitor in a couple of weeks, which is brilliant and something that never happened when we lived in Berkshire.
The hormones seem to be doing their job – I’m excited about breastfeeding again and being back in the baby zone. And I’m continuing to enjoy long bubble baths, pregnancy yoga and slathering delicious smelling cream onto the growing bump. (My new favourite is this TEN hydration cream I was sent to review. It’s creamy and smells lovely – I’ve been plastering myself in it every morning and night!).
Link Up!
I can’t believe we’ve had 15 weeks of the #BlogBumpClub already. Last week I absolutely loved this simple and beautiful post from Dambaby. If you’ve got a couple of minutes read it – it’ll be worth it, I promise.
Link up your most recent pregnancy post here and don’t forget to grab the badge so other pregnant bloggers can find out about the linky.
As always, if you tweet me a link to your post I’ll be sure to share it for you (I’m @mollyjforbes on Twitter). If you follow the #BlogBumpClub hashtag you’ll also see there’s lots more baby-related chat on Twitter too. Come and join in!

Love the stars!
?Transatlantic Blonde?
Wow the nursery is looking fab!! And as for the school run- if I can get 3 out, you can do it. Get everything ready the night before, including clothes and bags packed etc. And don’t get everyone up too early otherwise there is more time to sit, watch TV or make a mess. I can’t leave the house with a mess behind me!! That said, leave breakfast pots til you get back. And keep an eye on the clock. As long as you get out the house on time, in one piece, you will be fine. And accept help if its offered too. And don’t forget your tissues. And please remind me of all this when I start to panic next week too! I will be dropping Eva at before school club, Bella at nursery, then Luka at his school- 3 drop offs, Arrrrrrrrgh!
x x x
The nursery looks lovely, such pretty colours
I started to panic a bit towards the end of my last pregnancy trying to get everything done. You’re right in that it’ll be harder getting organised this time as you’ll have a school child and a baby to handle first thing every morning. I’m sure you’ll manage some how though, mums always seem to get through.
My son just started school as well but I’ll have a few months to get used to him being there before having to trek a baby with me as well. I hope your daughter settles in at school
I know exactly how you feel! But I’m hoping that Carie is right and things will just work out. The baby will just have to fit into the school run routine – even if they’re alseep/not dressed/hungry!
I have recently bought some easy relaxed and mix/match clothes (tops and harem pants) for me on the school run! I figured that I won’t have much time to get dressed either!
Good luck with the rest of your nesting and remember, all the baby will really need is you so make sure you rest too x
Well it looks like nesting is in full swing, and your nursery is going to be beautiful – I love the stars. Try not to worry about working out how you’re going to manage with two; it seems completely nonsensical and impossible at first but you do find your way I promise and before you know it two is normal and completely doable and just having one feels like a complete luxury!
I really hope so!