There are some things about being pregnant that I’ve only just recently remembered since last time. The feeling of wanting to “do it right” is one of them.
I didn’t want to be a moany pregnant woman. I wanted to be a pregnant woman who got on with it and looked glowing in the process. But towards the end, when I started to worry about the birth bit of being pregnant, and my feet were swollen and I couldn’t sleep for longer than two hours at a stretch, that “perfect” pregnant woman kind of disappeared.
I’m remembering that aspect of being pregnant now. Up until a couple of days ago I was still feeling pretty good. We went to a wedding and people were kind, saying I looked well. I felt it too. And I felt it for most of our trip up to see the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine’s family.
But today I’m tired. Not just a little bit tired but down-to-my-bones tired. We drove 250 miles home today and – without wanting to sound like a drama queen (sorry) – every mile was uncomfortable. I had Braxton Hicks that made me think I was going to give birth on the M6. I needed a wee and nearly wet myself. One of my feet swelled up so much that it looked like I had a balloon on the end of my leg. I was grumpy, miserable and let everyone know it.
And now I feel annoyed with myself. I’m lucky. My baby is kicking around inside me, I have a loving husband who listened to me moan for 250 miles without telling me to shut up. I have a beautiful daughter who told me, “Don’t be grumpy Mummy, we love you. Daddy’s just trying to help.” Yes I feel like there’s not enough room for my insides AND a baby, but I need to suck it up. That’s what it’s like being eight months pregnant.
So I’m ending this post on a happy note. Three beautiful new #BlogBumpClub babies were born last week – congratulations Goriami, This is Wiss and Space for the Butterflies. You’ve all reminded me that the swollen feet and the tiredness are totally worth it.
Link Up
Anyone else trying to keep upbeat amidst the discomfort this week? How have you all been doing? Link up your latest pregnancy post below and join in the chat.
The #BlogBumpClub is a bit like a blogger antenatal group. It’s no fun if you’re just chatting to yourself so link up and comment on other posts if you can. You can also join in on Twitter using the hashtag – and feel free to tweet me with a link to your post so I can share it too. I’m @mollyjforbes over there.

Journeys are no fun when heavily pregnant. We flew back from Italy and that was bad enough! x
I had no idea how hard work sitting down for a while was – totally underestimated it! x
Slow with this weeks #BlogBumpClub … but my bump has finally become a baby! Hurrah hurrah yippee!! …
Well, of course you’ve been there before but if I can offer any support, having also felt a bit miserable from 36 weeks onwards … now my baby’s here I’ve completely forgotten all of that uncomfortable hugeness. It’s just a few short weeks, the finish line is in sight. But I think it’s ok to wallow in grumpiness sometimes too. You deserve it after 8 months of good humour!
x Milly / DamBaby
Wow! Congratulations! Amazing news – well done! xx
Ah, it really is all worth it. But you have every right to have a moan now and then because late pregnancy is hard! I’ve been there 3 times already and hope to be there again soon. Suck it up indeed, but don’t forget you are doing an amazing thing and deserve a little extra leeway for that x x x x
Thank you! I think I’ll feel better once I’ve completed my final work deadline and can relax a bit – at least that’ll mean I can go to bed at a normal hour, even if I don’t get much sleep when I’m there! x
It really is worth it I promise -and you’re so nearly there now
It’s like the end of the marathon! x