“What’s it like being pregnant?” asked my husband the other day. At the time, I gave a totally unsatisfactory answer. Something like, “It feels like there’s a baby inside you,” before getting on with whatever I was doing. But I’ve been thinking about that more this week and have a better answer now.
Being pregnant is like running a marathon while being made to watch a series of tear-inducing films (think Beaches and Marley and Me) and listening to the most uplifting and joyful music around. In short, it’s long, requires endurance and is an emotional rollercoaster.
If being pregnant is like running a marathon then I’ve got to the mile before the penultimate one. The end is in sight, but there’s still a bit of a slog. I’m tired but incredibly busy, although I know that very soon the adrenaline will hit for that final mile.
Anyway, enough of the similes. You get the idea. Pregnancy is amazing but also hard work. I’m tired and busy. There – could have just summed the whole thing up in ten words.
For me, I’m at one of the most exciting stages of pregnancy. Last weekend we ventured into the loft and got out of all the baby clothes and paraphernalia. Seeing the tiny babygrows fluttering on the line felt like a big milestone…
I washed the pram / carry-cot section of the travel system, washed the covers on the bouncy chair, washed the fabric inserts on the car seat. We put up shelves in the nursery and packed away various nappies, wipes and baby pamper products.
Meanwhile, the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine and my parents started phase 1 of a big garden makeover and we emptied the office and started to paint the built-in desk. It was a busy weekend.
I’ve also had two home visits this week, one from my midwife and one from my health visitor – introducing herself before the baby’s born. It’s a totally different kind of service to the one we had where we used to live and makes me feel lucky to know there’s such great home support for after the baby’s born.
Things are all feeling very imminent now. I can almost see the placards cheering me on to that penultimate mile.
All the baby prep has fallen at the same time as my last work deadlines. I have two big projects to complete before I handover for my maternity leave. These will be done by Tuesday next week, so after that I can focus on rest, reading and relaxation. Oh, and spending time on all fours attempting to get my baby out of the back to back position (although I had the exact same with Frog so I’m thinking it could just be due to the shape of my pelvis).
It means I’m not getting much sleep at the moment because Frog hasn’t started school yet (first day on Monday – argh!) so I’m juggling work with having her at home. Most of my work is getting done between 6pm – 1am and I’m not sleeping brilliantly, hence the tiredness.
Anyway, the end is in sight. Roll on next week when I can stop and… I don’t know. Just be for a while. Fingers crossed the baby doesn’t have other ideas and make a slightly early appearance.
Link Up
How’s your week been? Last week I missed a big congratulations to another #BlogBumpClub baby – congratulations DamBaby on your beautiful new baby girl!
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Well described! The end is near in deed. I am so wishing mine arrives earlier now that I am full term. The waiting and constant messages from family is driving me a little impatient :-). Hope you enjoy your maternity and that you get the time you need to relax before the baby arrives. x
This is the best time – although I’m hoping the baby doesn’t arrive early so I can enjoy some peace and quiet and relax a bit first! x
Eeeek how exciting getting everything washed and ready, i love seeing baby clothes on the washing line!
Sorry I haven’t been joining in for a while – I’ve barely been spending time blogging lately as I don’t seem to have the motivation so not really had time to check out other blogs etc. Hoping I can stick around this time haha!
I am ready to start joining in, just as you are about ready to have your baby! I totally agree with your description, I think I am finally finding my stride in the marathon at 14 weeks, although a long way still to go!
I love seeing the baby clothes on the line – Im so excited!
It’s a definite milestone isn’t it?!
Sounds like you’ve been a very busy bee recently, bet you just want everything done and to relax a bit before baby gets here. Fingers crossed it all works out smoothly for you and hopefully Frog gets on ok at school, only a few more days till she’s there. My sons been at school for 2 weeks now and he’s enjoying it, not so much the homework mind you haha. Can’t blame him though!
Thanks for another great linky
You’re so right – I’m looking forward to a bit of time to myself. Things have been so busy and I’m starting to feel really exhausted. But hopefully next week will bring me a bit of time to myself to sit down!
Yeah fingers crossed. Sometimes we just need to be a bit selfish for a change and have a relax. It’s hard though
Yep, pregnancy is like a marathon. And add in one that where you are required to cry at the drop of a hat, are unable to control basic emotions and the fact that you do it all while lugging around the equivalent of a sack of potatoes… great fun!! Haha! Sounds like you’re getting organised though, can’t wait to get the clothes down from the loft myself
x x x
Getting the clothes out definitely feels like a big milestone. I remember washing all the clothes when I was pregnant with F – they seemed so tiny drying on the line I can’t believe she was ever that small! x