Somehow, I am hurtling towards being 23 weeks pregnant. Somehow, we’re in our third week of the #BlogBumpClub (the new blogger antenatal club!). And somehow, it’s Thursday of half term already. I swear time is speeding up for me at the moment.
That’s sort of how it’s been throughout this pregnancy actually. Although I felt really sick and tired in the first trimester, it did hurtle along pretty quickly. And now I’m already over halfway there it seems kind of unreal. I remember being pregnant with Frog four years ago and forgetting what it felt like NOT to be pregnant. Time seemed to move more slowly back then!
The last week has reminded me of the need to listen to my body a bit more at the moment. It’s half term, so the daughter and (teacher) husband are both at home. That means cramming in more family activities alongside my regular work deadlines – and some redecorating. Last night I was sick again for the first time since I was 12 weeks pregnant. A reminder that I’m not super-woman and tiredness is especially unglamorous when you’re pregnant.
Still, it was nice to have a night away in my home town of Bristol last weekend. I caught up with my oldest friend and we had lunch, went to the cinema, did a spot of shopping and she even did my nails. It was AMAZING.
I even had time to try on a pair of maternity trousers from Topshop. And, of course, I bought them…
If you’re struggling to find maternity clothes then I suggest you check out Jennie at Edspire’s #BlogBumpClub post from last week – Pregnancy Pretties. There are some lovely brands featured, including some lovely comfy PJs which are my main obsession at the moment.
So how have you been this week? Link up and don’t forget to join in the chat over on Twitter if you like too – just follow our hashtag #BlogBumpClub. It’s always nice to find others in the same boat! There’s also a badge too – you can grab it yourself at the bottom of this post.

Groovy trousers!
Thank you! They are my fashionista trews – the NLM finds them amusing. Because he is not a fashionista. Obvs.
I’m going to be showing off maternity wear from now on on WIWW–I don’t have any other choice
Bring on the maternity wear! I’ve been in it from around 12 weeks – second time around my bump went BOOM much earlier! x
Sorry to hear you were poorly this week. I caught a bug over the weekend and its so much harder to shake things off or cope with tiredness while pregnant. Take it easy x
I haven’t been ill – yet – but tiredness when pregnant is a real bugger isn’t it?! I find I get really nauseous if I get over-tired. Which isn’t particularly pleasant! x
Booo for the sickness sweetie, that sucks. It is flying by. I feel like I’ve blinked and missed half of my pregnancy. Your girly trip sounds amazing, I’m jealous x
It was SO good! Know what you mean about it flying by – I’m sure it goes quicker second time around!
Oh no! So sorry you were sick last night. Off to Topshop now to steal your trousers!!
x x
I love them! They’re so comfy and really light and cool so perfect for summer. Have added to my ever-increasing maternity wardrobe. Mind you, I’ll prob continue to wear them once baby arrives! x
I think time just does hurtle on faster with subsequent pregnancies, partly at least because if you have older children your entire focus isn’t directed at the bump, but spread around a bit more, and party because time does just seem to move faster the older I get! Or at least, that’s completely true until the last two weeks and then it slows to a crawl again!! And I’m with you on having to remember that I’m not superhuman – I’ve had a bit of morning sickness again this week and I know it’s a strong hint to slow down!
It’s definitely a strong hint. I see you’ve had it too – I think the nausea is like a big fat warning siren that I need to sit down for a few minutes and stop. Not always so easy though! x