I read loads of blogs. Loads and loads and loads. The ones I really love, I subscribe to via email. This means I never have to miss anything posted and can often read as I quickly scan my inbox on my phone.
Blogging can sometimes be a bit like standing in a room full of people, shouting. Often it’s the ones who shout the loudest who get heard the most, meaning it can feel like you need to be constantly sharing your content over a gazillion different social media platforms for anyone to read you. This can all get a bit tiring after a while and can become a turn-off, which is why I try not to get too stressed by the shouty side of blogging.
I’m down with the social media stuff too. I do G+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram. I’m a member of all the main blogging networks and regularly find new blogs that way. I enjoy using these platforms and connecting with other bloggers and readers, but there’s nothing quite like reading one blog and then going straight from that blog to another and then another, seeing where it will take you, without the help of Twitter.
The three blogs I want to share with you today were all stumbled across by accident, via other blogs. Since finding them, I’ve subscribed via email and can honestly say there’s not a post that ends up deleted before it’s actually been read.
I’m really enjoying all the crafty / homey type posts around at the moment. As much as I love to read a beautifully written post – Northern Mum and Patch of Puddles being a couple of favourites – I also enjoy a post with lovely photographs of inspiring ways to brighten up your home and make things look pretty. I also like saving money, so ideas for thrifty homey crafty (yes, I think I may have just made up a blog niche) are also welcome.
That’s probably why I loved this post from Capture By Lucy so much. Her ideas for making your own beautiful wrapping for presents tick both the thrifty box and the crafty box. It’s a really lovely idea for a unique way to make your presents stand out this Christmas.
I also enjoyed this post from Lulastic recently. All about how to shop in charity shops, it’s full of useful tips from the Queen of charity shops herself. Frog has a few presents this Christmas that have been sourced in our local charity shops and now I’ve been inspired to go back and see what other bargains I can find.
And finally, this post at Growing Spaces is also worth a look. An easy to follow tuturial for how to make an outdoor light tree, Heather (a.k.a. “Mrs Christmas” – if you haven’t bought her Ideal Home’s Complete Guide to Christmas yet, I implore you to do it NOW) has inspired me to try a similar creation in our back garden.
Now, go forth and read!
This post is inspired by Super Amazing Mum and her brilliant PAPS linky, all about sharing the posts you’ve loved reading and getting back to the basics of blogging.
(Oh – and one more thing. If you subscribe to Mother’s Always Right via email, you may need to resubscribe. A few technical glitches have meant some people haven’t been receiving my posts, so if you’re among that number just pop your details in the envelope icon at the top left of the screen and all should be fine again.)
You are too kind
The first link to my new slice of cyberspace too, thank you! I also loved Capture By Lucy and Growing Spaces recent crafty posts too, so awesome 
Ha – welcome to your new home. Think I need to send you a moving in card or something?!
Chuffed to have made it onto your list here – thanks, you’re a superstar! And definitely have a go at the tree idea – it’s so ridiculously simple I felt a bit of a fraud doing a how to on it.
It’s a brilliant idea – never would have thought of it myself. LOVE it! x
Pinterest, Instagram, G+? Oh Lordy, I evidently haven’t mastered the science of blogging. Lovely idea for a linky and lovely entry from you!
Wow! Thank you so much I am touched!! xxx