child development, language development, Parenting, personalities, toddler language skills, toddlers
Do you ever get those moments when you look at your child and think, “I’m only just getting to know you”?
I have them. Every. Single. Day.
Especially at the moment. I look back at those snuggly, sleep-deprived newborn days and remember how I used to hold my milky baby close to me, drinking in the smell of her head as she snored on my chest. During those weeks I thought I could never love anyone or anything as much as I loved that tiny creature.
But I was wrong.
Because that tiny creature has turned into a bundle of energy, sass and attitude. That tiny creature has blossomed into a lanky toddler with a laugh loud enough to fill any Olympic stadium. That tiny creature is now a little girl, with likes and dislikes, a sense of humour and the ability to articulate what makes her cross.
As every day passes our conversations develop so that I get to know my daughter a little more each week. I know she has a mischievous streak and will run barefoot across stones to avoid bedtime if she doesn’t feel like it. I know she likes to eat sausages with tomato ketchup now – and tomato ketchup alone. I know she loves new clothes, especially ones of the dressing-up variety. And books – she can’t get enough of them.
The other night at bedtime, Frog threw a massive wobbler. Screaming and thrashing around and kicking, my two year old railed against me, the woman trying to make her go to sleep. After five minutes she stopped and looked up at me through a mist of tears. “I angry Mummy,” she told me. “I sorry Mummy,” before leaning down and giving me a kiss. She’s never done that before.
I like this blossoming flower. And I can’t wait to find out who she’s going to be next week.
My daughter turns 10 this month and is starting to look like a teenager. Often, when I look at her, ‘I think I don’t know you at all!’ The biggest shock is when they grow up to be totally different to you in taste and personality.
I’m not sure I’d have much in common with a ten year old either…
she is such a sweetie, I love the first few years watching them develop into littlepeople of their own..my daughter is now 9 the years pass far far too fast!
It’s very entertaining – for me at least! I think the development of language is probably the most exciting bit yet.
My eldest is 13 1/2 and you get those feelings again once they’re teenagers. They change so much in their looks and attitude. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a vile child, he’s respectful, just so different to what he was even a year ago. I looked at him the other day and realised he’d matured in his face, he doesn’t look like a boy anymore, he’s starting to look like a man!
I can imagine it never really ends. I remember my mum saying to me that she liked getting to know her children as adults too. The relationship changes between parents and kids throughout life I guess – all very deep and meaningful!
Love her
She’s clearly very clever. Clever kids expect more of us. How amazing that she can articulate to you her feelings verbally. I love her vibe :0)
hehe love the cheeky newborn face. Dylan may not have the words yet but his personality gets stronger and cheekier by the day and I love watching him grow and learn! x
Your frog sounds just like my LLC from the ketchup to the sass to the books to the paddy! It is a wonderful time with many a trying moment mixed in!. I love seeing their language blossom, particularly their ability to express how they feel.
Utterly gorgeous. And the good news is it keeps getting better and better. There are more challenges, but more fun moments too
I’ve been thinking recently that I can’t believe just how my love for Talitha keeps growing and growing. It’s one of motherhood’s mysteries.
It’s so true – almost painful sometimes, the love for them. x