Have you ever watched your baby crying or looking scared during sleep and wondered if they were having a bad dream?
Many parents ask: can babies have nightmares? While newborns probably don’t have scary dreams, babies develop the ability to have nightmares around 12-24 months old.
Before that age, what looks like a nightmare is usually something else—hunger, discomfort, or normal sleep cycles.
As your baby’s brain grows rapidly during the first two years, they spend lots of time in dream sleep. Their little minds are busy sorting through all the new things they experience during the day.
In this blog, we’ll analyze when babies start having nightmares, why they happen, how to tell the difference between nightmares and other sleep issues, and simple ways to help your baby sleep more peacefully.
What Are Nightmares?
Nightmares are scary dreams that happen when you’re sleeping. They can make you feel afraid, worried, or upset.
These bad dreams might wake you up feeling scared or with your heart beating fast. Everyone has nightmares sometimes – kids, teens, and adults, too.
Nightmares often show things we fear in real life, like being chased, falling, or losing someone we love. Sometimes they happen when you’re stressed, didn’t sleep well, or watched something scary before bed.
The good news is that nightmares aren’t real, even though they feel very real when you’re having them. Most people feel better quickly after waking up and realizing it was just a dream.
Nightmares vs. Night Terrors
Nightmares are different from night terrors because nightmares are scary dreams you can remember after waking up, while night terrors are episodes where a person might scream or show fear while sleeping but usually doesn’t remember anything when they wake up.
Aspect | Nightmares | Night Terrors |
Sleep Stage | Occur during REM sleep (later in the night) | Occur during non-REM sleep (early in the night) |
Baby’s Appearance | A baby may cry or appear scared but is fully awake | A baby may scream, thrash, or cry but appears half-awake |
Consciousness | Baby remembers the bad dream (if old enough) | Baby is not aware and usually doesn’t remember it |
Ease of Waking | Can be easily comforted and reassured | Often difficult to wake and may become more agitated |
Recommended Response | Gently wake and comfort the baby | Do not wake, instead observe and ensure safety |
Typical Age Range | More common from 6 months and older | Usually begins between 18 months and 4 years |
Can Babies Have Nightmares?
Babies sleep a lot, but we’re not sure if they have nightmares like older kids and adults. When babies sleep, their brains go through different cycles – some deep and some lighter (called REM sleep).
During REM sleep, dreams happen. Babies spend more time in REM sleep than adults do, so they definitely dream!
But having scary nightmares is different. Experts aren’t sure if babies’ brains are developed enough to feel fear in their dreams or remember them.
Their brains are still growing and learning to understand the world. So, while babies might cry or seem upset during sleep, we can’t know for sure if they’re having actual nightmares or just responding to other things their bodies are feeling.
When Do Babies Start Having Nightmares?
Babies can begin experiencing nightmares around 12-24 months of age, though some research suggests they may have disturbing dreams as early as 8-10 months.
True nightmares generally emerge when a child’s cognitive development reaches certain milestones.
Developmental Timeline
Age Range | Developmental Notes on Nightmares |
0–6 months | Babies aren’t cognitively developed enough to have nightmares. Night wakings are usually due to hunger, discomfort, or sleep cycle transitions. |
6–12 months | As memory and object permanence develop, babies may have disturbing dreams, though not full nightmares like older children. |
12–24 months | True nightmares typically begin. Toddlers have enough imagination and memory to experience scary dreams. |
Nightmares vs. Normal Night Wake-ups
Nightmares and normal night wake-ups can sometimes be confused, but they have distinct characteristics.
Here’s how to distinguish between the two:
- Normal wake-ups: Baby may fuss but is easily comforted, might be hungry or uncomfortable, and typically falls back asleep relatively quickly.
- Possible nightmares: The baby wakes suddenly and appears frightened. It may be difficult to console, seem disoriented, and resist returning to sleep.
Peak Nightmare Ages (3-5 years)
Nightmares typically become more frequent and vivid during the preschool years because:
- Imagination becomes more developed and elaborate
- Children begin processing more complex emotions and experiences
- Magical thinking is at its height
- Children start understanding concepts of danger and fear more clearly
Why Do Babies Have Nightmares?
Babies have nightmares as part of normal brain development. Their growing brains use sleep to process new experiences and emotions from the day.
When babies encounter something unfamiliar or slightly scary (like a loud noise or strange face), their brains might replay these experiences during sleep in a frightening way.
Changes in routine, being overtired, or not feeling well can make nightmares more likely. Babies don’t have the words to tell us about bad dreams, but they might cry out, seem afraid, or be hard to comfort.
These night frights are actually signs their brain is developing normally by sorting through daily experiences.
How Baby Dreams Connect to Brain Development
A baby’s brain grows incredibly fast during the first two years. Babies spend much more time in REM sleep (dream sleep) than adults do, which helps their brains develop.
When babies dream, it’s probably different from how adults dream because babies haven’t seen or experienced much yet.
As babies’ brains develop and they learn more about the world, their dreams become more detailed. When babies reach new thinking milestones, they might have more vivid dreams that can sometimes feel scary to them.
Should You Wake a Baby from a Nightmare?
Generally, you should wake a baby having a nightmare if it seems very distressed. Gently rub its back or speak softly to ease it awake.
Once awake, offer comfort through cuddling, gentle rocking, or quiet singing. However, night terrors are different from nightmares.
During a night terror, a baby may seem awake but isn’t – they might scream, thrash, or appear terrified.
It’s usually best NOT to wake them during a night terror, as this can increase confusion. Instead, stay nearby to ensure safety until the episode passes, which typically lasts 10-30 minutes.
How to Reduce Baby Nightmares
Creating a consistent and calming environment is key to reducing nightmares in babies and toddlers. These practical strategies can help your little one enjoy a more peaceful sleep.
1. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule – Set regular nap and bedtime hours for your baby. Overtired babies have more disturbed sleep, while consistent schedules help their body clocks function properly.
2. Create a Calming Bedtime Routine – Use warm baths, gentle songs, or quiet rocking before bed. A peaceful routine helps babies transition from daytime activity to restful sleep.
3. Carefully Choose Bedtime Stories or Media – Select gentle stories without scary elements. Limit screen time before bed, as bright, stimulating content can lead to unsettling dreams.
4. Talk It Out (if age-appropriate) – Help toddlers discuss their dreams during the day. Acknowledge their feelings and create happier endings to scary dreams through simple conversations.
5. Ensure a Calm Home Environment – Babies sense tension and chaos. Keep the home peaceful, especially around bedtime, and resolve conflicts away from your baby.
Other Factors That Can Disrupt Baby Sleep (Often Confused with Nightmares)
Many sleep disruptions in babies are mistakenly attributed to nightmares when other factors may be the true cause. Recognizing these common culprits can help parents respond appropriately to their baby’s nighttime needs.
- Hunger or Growth Spurts – Babies experiencing growth spurts need more calories and may wake frequently to feed. This pattern often appears around 3, 6, and 9 months but can happen at any time during rapid development.
- Teething Pain – When new teeth are pushing through, babies may wake crying and find it difficult to console. Look for other teething signs like drooling, fussiness, or chewing on objects during the day.
- Sleep Regression – Temporary disruptions in sleep patterns often coincide with developmental milestones. These typically occur around 4 months, 8-10 months, and 18 months as babies master new skills.
- Illness or Fever – Even mild illnesses can cause sleep disturbances. Check for fever, congestion, ear tugging, or other signs of discomfort that might explain sudden night wakings.
How to distinguish from nightmares:
True nightmares typically involve sudden waking with signs of fear, whereas these other factors often involve gradual fussiness that escalates if needs aren’t met.
Nightmares also become more common after 12 months, while these physical disruptions can occur from birth.
When to Talk to a Pediatrician
While occasional nightmares and sleep disruptions are normal parts of development, certain patterns may warrant professional advice.
Contact your pediatrician if your baby experiences extremely frequent night wakings that persist for weeks, shows signs of intense fear that’s difficult to soothe, or has significant changes in daytime mood and behavior.
Other concerning signs include nightmares that consistently occur at the same time each night, excessive daytime sleepiness, or any sleep issues accompanied by breathing problems or unusual movements.
Your pediatrician might recommend adjusting sleep routines, addressing potential underlying causes like reflux or allergies, or, in some cases, referring you to a pediatric sleep specialist.
Most childhood sleep issues are temporary, but getting support can make this challenging phase easier for both you and your baby.
Wrapping It Up
So, can babies have nightmares? The answer is yes—but not right away. True nightmares usually begin when your baby is between 12-24 months old, as their imagination and memory develop.
Before that, their nighttime distress is typically caused by physical needs rather than scary dreams.
Remember that occasional nightmares are normal parts of brain development as your child processes new experiences and emotions.
By keeping a consistent schedule, creating peaceful bedtime routines, and maintaining a calm home environment, you can help reduce nightmare frequency.
Most importantly, your loving presence and comfort after a bad dream teach your baby that they’re safe and protected.
Sweet dreams are just a gentle lullaby away!