When I first started driving just over ten years ago now, I didn’t have to worry about car insurance. I was insured on my mum’s car, so she was in charge of sorting out all the adult stuff – like insurance – for me. I didn’t know that, statistically speaking, young drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than older, more experienced drivers. I didn’t know that young drivers are more likely to make a claim on their insurance, leading to an increase in insurance premiums.
At the age of 18, I didn’t have to ring around car insurers to find a good deal. But when I got my first car a few years later, it came as a surprise to find most insurance packages cost more than my car was worth. At the time, I didn’t know about the various steps I could have taken to present myself as a safe road user, to lower my insurance costs.
But it is possible. Here’s how:
Buy a low risk car
When you get a car insurance quote from Swinton, a low risk car with a small engine can get you a better deal. Choosing a car with a big engine in your first few years of driving is likely to push up your premium.
Car geekery is another way to make your insurance costs rocket. Modifications to your vehicle to make it go faster could make the chances of an accident more likely, which is both dangerous and expensive. Once you lose your no-claims bonus you’ll find your insurance costs more.
Keep your car safe
Where you park your car can have a big impact on how much you pay for insurance. If you keep your vehicle off the street at night (either on a drive or in a garage) you’ll be reducing the risk of theft or accidental damage, which in turn means insurers will look more kindly on you and offer you a better deal.
Choose PassPlus
There’s passing your driving test and there’s PassPlusing your driving test. The DSA set up the PassPlus scheme to help new drivers get more experience on the roads.
To sign up to the course, you need to enrol within a year of passing your test. You’ll learn how to deal with situations that you might not have come across during your standard driving lessons. For example, dealing with hazardous driving conditions like bad weather and dazzling headlights, as well as motorway driving, are all things covered on the course.
It only takes six hours to complete the course and insurance companies approve the scheme. If you do the course, you’ll be adding an extra layer of experience to your driving which can help save you money on your premiums.
Gain as much experience as possible (and drive safely)
When you first start driving, there’s no better way to get a great deal on your insurance premiumsthan by driving safely. If you can keep your no-claims bonus intact for as long as possible, when you come to renew your policy your premiums will be much less. The more experience you have, the safer and more reliable you will become on the roads.
Think telematics
Many insurance companies offer a service where a box is placed into your car which monitors how you drive. This information is saved in your own individual portal which you can view online. The data it stores is designed to show you exactly how you drive, to help you become safer behind the wheel. It can also be used as evidence of your reliability, which in turn can push your insurance premiums down.
Please see my disclosure page for more information.
Make sure you update your car insurance BEFORE 21st December if you are female. New EU rules come into play and women will have to pay more and men less. This is called Equality of the sexes despite the fact young blokes cause most accidents.