I’ve started feeling the same, and I’ve tried to do all four of your rules recently. If I’m with my daughter, I often put my phone in a different room, to avoid temptation. Often it’s just habit that makes me scroll through Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and frankly I’d rather spend quality time with my little girl. The one rule I need to be better at is the social media blackouts. I need to spend whole evenings without my phone or laptop nearby. I don’t remember the last TV show or movie I watched without checking Twitter.
I also find myself going through weird periods of social media paranoia, where I think I’m the LEAST interesting person in the world, and why oh why would I bother anyone else with my thoughts on a tweet or Facebook status. It makes me retreat a little from the social media world for a few days…. then usually I get over it again and go back to tweeting merrily. But it’s something that hits me every few weeks. Weird huh?!