Dear School,
I know you probably get this all the time and I expect you’re over the whole “WAIL! My child is too young for school!” thing. But if I didn’t write this on the eve of my daughter starting school for the first time then I wouldn’t be much of a mum blogger would I?
I’m also aware that this whole starting school thing isn’t about me. It’s about my child and her readiness for taking on a new adventure, not about my readiness to accept she’s no longer a baby.
And I know that you have lots of other kids to worry about and mine isn’t the only one meeting a huge milestone tomorrow.
All these things are true, School. But I still have some polite requests. In return, I promise to get my daughter to class on time, promptly reply to school letters and – you never know – I may even volunteer for the PTA.
So, my requests….
Please look after her while she’s with you. Please remember she only turned four a couple of months ago. Please be kind and give her some reassuring words if she cries when I leave her. Please help her to make new friends and give her plenty of opportunities to play.
Please cut her some slack if she’s tired and needs a quiet rest with a story – she still regularly falls asleep in the afternoon at home after all. Please give her a hand cutting up her school dinners if she asks you for help, she’s still getting the hang of using her knife and fork on trickier meals.
Please don’t be too quick to grade her or decide on her level of academic attainment – she’s more than a number on a sheet. Please give her time to settle in and flourish. Like I said, she only turned four a couple of months ago.
I’m trusting you School. I hope this is going to be the beginning of an exciting, fun and interesting time for my daughter.
I’m putting my own wobbles away. I won’t bore you with the fact that, in my head, it’s only about five minutes since my daughter looked like this:
I won’t take up your time sharing my inevitable feelings of wonder that the past four years have slipped by so quickly. I won’t indulge any bereft feelings I may harbour after spending our best ever summer together as a family.
I’ll leave you to find out for yourself that my daughter is independent, funny, stubborn, but sometimes shy. I’ll leave you to discover that her loves in life at the moment are Peppa Pig, Olly Murs, telling herself stories and dancing.
Get ready School. Because she’s ready for you. Bring it on…
A First Time School Mum.
Ah cute! And if you do decide to join the PTA, it will be the coolest newsletter ever!
Ha – I hadn’t thought of that! x
Touching words. Now I feel teary! F will have a great time and at least Gove won’t have too much of a hand in her education now. Love ma x
You can’t cry Mum, you didn’t cry when I started school! I think your actual words were, “I positively skipped down the road after dropping you off!”. xx
Good luck Freya – the teacher may be feeling a little nervous too!!!!
She loved every second and announced that school is more fun than being at home. Long may that attitude continue!
This is great! So well said too. Good luck little lady in your new adventure. And good luck Molly, with those pregnancy hormones it’ll be hard not to cry yourself.
Amazingly I managed not to cry. I think because F was so happy and excited it really helped!
It’s all up hill after day one. Have fun x
Up hill? Say it doesn’t get harder?! xxx
Oh oh oh. Good luck Molly! Frog doesn’t need it – she’ll be FINE, and love every exhausting second.
Make sure you do something nice for you as a distraction while you wait for that clock to tick round…
You’re so right – she loved it. She’s been up at 6.30am every day asking when it’s time to go again!
oooh she is wearing a tie! oh little froglet
I know – she seems far too little to be wearing a tie!
This is lovely and says everything that I’m sure I’ll want to say in a year’s time. I can’t wait to hear how Frog gets on! Good luck Frog – and Molly – tomorrow!! x
She loved it – and I bet G will be exactly the same. I’d hyped it up in my head and was all prepared for tears etc but there was none of that. It was all very calm and she happily waved me goodbye. Here’s hoping it continues to be a success! x
Georgia and Maisie often fell asleep and was left in the quiet area and Mrs P put a blanket over them
Marcus was too hyper for a mid day snooze!!!
Bless them – I can clearly picture M and G fast asleep in the quiet area! x
Aww hope all goes well for her first day tomorrow
She looks super cute in her uniform. Can’t believe she’s only just turned 4 and going to school! My son is almost 5 and started school 2 weeks ago, he loves it btw and can’t wait to go each morning so fingers crossed for yourself.
I know – seems so little but she loves it so hopefully this year will be a success! x