Every summer I do a mini overhaul of my skin and beauty regime. In fact, “regime” is probably a bit of a highbrow word for what I do: chucking away any out of date make-up and switching around moisturisers. With two young children, a house to keep together, work and school runs, I simply don’t have time to pamper myself for hours (or even minutes) on end every day. Quite frankly, I have better things to do. With this in mind I’ve decided to go bare faced for summer with the help of a new hero product in the Elizabeth Arden range – Advanced Ceramide Capsules.
The claims? That these little capsules of joy offer triple the amount of anti-aging power, firming skin and reducing the signs of wrinkles and lines. OK, so I’m only 33, but it’s fair to say I have my fair share of lines – or, “sleep deprivation warrior marks” as I like to call them. Like most people my age, the lines are mainly around my eyes which, coupled with the dark circles that often sit there, don’t make me feel exactly jubilant about giving up the make-up.
I rely on a bright red lip and a heavy dose of eyeliner to distract from the under-eye bags and crow’s feet adorning my face, but I was interested to see if the Elizabeth Arden capsules, along with the Ceramide Lift and Firm Day Lotion, could make a difference before I’d applied my warrior paint.
First thoughts – the capsules look so pretty. They’re like little pearls of perfection which you twist to let the magic inside run out. Don’t do what I do and twist and squeeze though, or you’ll end up wasting a whole capsule of magic all down your top. And DEFINITELY don’t let your toddler near them. We had a near miss with that this morning.
Then you simply rub the serum into cleansed skin, before you put your moisturiser on. Simple. It took me less than 30 seconds and the effect was instant – my skin felt hydrated, supple and beautifully silky smooth.
There’s something ever so indulgent about using good quality skincare. To me, it’s the equivalent of the hot cup of tea I so often don’t get to drink or the magazine I rarely get to sit down and read. It’s a moment of time dedicated to myself in the day which makes me feel like I’m really looking after myself. And, because of that boost, I become that tiny bit more patient as a mum – that’s how I justify it anyway.
So back to the skincare products then, and I can safely say I’m sold. I’ve been using these for a few days now and can already see a difference. My skin feels smoother, more taut and brighter somehow. Plus, the serum and the cream are both a joy to apply – they slide on and sink into the skin almost without really needing to do anything. There’s no excess rubbing or greasy residue, which isn’t always a given with serums or rich oils.
The bare faced experiment is going well so far. I’ve not given up the slap completely, I’m still prone to a dash of mascara and a hint of tinted lip balm but, at the moment, that’s doing me fine. As a mum who’s currently potty training and going through some hellish toddler bedtimes, this is a big result I reckon.
Now’s the time to update your own skincare for spring and summer because Elizabeth Arden are treating offering a free Big Beauty Gift* with any two purchases from the brand, one to be skincare.
Thanks to House of Fraser and Elizabeth Arden for working with me on this post. For more details of how I work with brands check out my Work With Me page.
*While stocks last
I really need more of a skin and beauty routine as I know it’s taken it’s toll of late with sleep deprivation. I do the same and every spring chuck out loads of products I don’t use anymore but I hate wasting so just need to find more products like this one that actually works and keep on to that
Laura x
Argh not sure I could go barefaced. Your skin does look really clear. I’ve added these to my wish list as they’re a bit (a lot) above what I would usually spend. Sound great though x