G activity ideas to engage your toddler is a wonderful playtime to spend with them. Learning can be more interesting with fun play. These activity-based play times make your kids more hooked without any deviation. This one letter-based activity is capable of creating focused learning for toddlers and preschool learners.
Teaching One letter at a time with crafts is a remarkable implementation for parents and teachers who are dealing with preschool kids. Crafts and arts have a soothing effect on your mind, especially with kids. It makes them calm and listen, and it elevates motor activities. The priceless gift of satisfaction is achieved by creating their craft.
We present you the 20 fun-filled memories of G activities to create with your kid. Here, the G is divided into three categories for crafting. The uppercase, lowercase, and the entities from G. Let’s start exploring!
1. Match the Letters
The simple and no-clutter art is mom-friendly as it only involves a dot marker and a printable sheet. Your wish is granted to have more fun with less mess! Download these sheets and print them out to have your little hands have the activity.
Getting Ready
Print out the sheets and get ready with the markers. That’s all it needs
You have to mark the specific G in color and ask your little one to differentiate the upper and lower case g by giving the colors inside the circle. In this way, you can teach your kids color coding. You can use crayons if you don’t want to use the markers.
2. Giraffe with Buttons
This is a classic craft you can enjoy with toddlers. G for Giraffe can be the first animal you can introduce with a little bit of drawing and coloring, and crafting.
- Yellow construction paper.
- Black marker.
- Small, medium, and large size buttons in orange and red color.
- Glue
Getting Ready
Print the uppercase G on the construction paper. Draw a giraffe head on the same paper and cut it out.
Ask your little darling to stick the buttons on the body of the G and the head of the giraffe on the tip. Ask them to draw eyes, nose, and mouth. For the final touch, let him add the horns and legs to the paper. Trust me; they can do awesome drawings. This is as easy as it seems; only you might need some hand in applying the glue.
3. Collage the G
For practice purposes, you can introduce the college idea of nurturing your kid with the alphabet. But make sure it is one at a time for easy remembering. You can use both upper and lower case g’s.
Getting Ready
Draw the uppercase G on the white card and cut it out. And draw your favorite G animal, Gorilla, or gumball machine that may be on the red card. Write down the upper and lower case g on the dot stickers.
Ask your kid to peel off the g sticker and stick it on the white card with any pattern they love. This idea is totally to make the kids understand the difference between upper and lower case letters. And finally, ask them to glue the gorilla on top of the G to give the final touch.
4. Seek And Hide
Awesome mind game for toddlers to engage the little hands along with the brain. It can be played well with more learning. And one more thing about this activity is it makes the memory sharpen.
- Counting cubes
- Printable memory game with G’s
Getting Ready
Once you are ready with the material, you are ready. No need for some extra addition. Print Out the G sheet, and start with your kid.
You have to explain to your kid the colors to be used for upper and lower cases. Then ask them to identify anyone, either the upper case or lower case, then place the cubes over it.
5. Doh- Lettering
Play-doh is the favorite for all the kids. You can spend your time seamlessly by just giving them the Play-doh. You will find more time for yourself here with the doh, as the initial part of playing majorly involves the doh alone. Now let’s make a memorable activity with doh.
Getting Ready
Take the printout of your preferred G sheet. Place the dry-erase sheet over the printout so that you can use the sheet next time.
Ask your little one to roll the Play-doh to form the shape G. And fix it inside the G in the sheet. It is easy to follow the lines on the sheet.
6. Sensory Game with G
Sensory games are always popular with kids. Even as an adult, we do feel like running our hands in a bowl of rice whenever we see it, right? That’s what we are going to do with some colors. Let’s make the rainbow rice tray for this activity.
- Rainbow letters, wooden letters, magnet letters
- G rainbow letter printable
- Food color
- Ziplock bag
- Fine motor tools
- Baking sheet
- Parchment paper
Getting Ready
Use a zip-lock bag for coloring the rice. Pour 1 cup of rice into each cover and add food color or watercolor to get the desired color. Cover the bag. And shake it until the color is fully spread. Then pour the wet rice on parchment paper and let it dry.
After drying the rice and setting everything in a bin, place all the sensory G letters inside the bin and hide them. Ask your kid to use the fine motor tools to take the letters. Ask them to place the letter on the right upper and lower case printouts.
7. Salt Paint the G
Salt painting is one of the most beautiful art kids can create. The paint flowing through the salt is one of the methods for relaxing art.
- Cardboard
- Glue
- Pencil
- Watercolor
- Art tray
- Salt
- Painting brush
Getting Ready
Draw the letter G on the cardboard and trace the outline with glue. After applying the glue, pour salt inside the glue in the G shape. Let the glue dry, or else you might end up on a messy workboard.
Now your little one can start creating the colors by painting the salt with watercolor. If they take the option of different colors, then it will be a mind-blowing rainbow salt art you can get.
8. Find the G Sound
This is one of the classic ways to teach the kids letters. It’s done by asking the kid to talk about the G letter, animals, and objects. This is going to be the first and most fun way for your kid to learn the letters.
G Letter worksheet
Getting Ready
Just taking the printout is needed to get ready for this g activity
Let your kid find out the objects or animals’ names starting with the letter G and color it. This way, they can simultaneously learn the letter and coloring.
9. Find the Secret Letter
Who wouldn’t love surprises? And obviously, kids are the most enjoyable ones. This secret game is going to be your kid’s favorite as it shows the hidden letter with their activities.
- White Card sheet
- Watercolor
- White crayon
- Art tray
- Paint brushes
Getting Ready
Take the white card sheet and write down the letter G all over the paper with a white crayon. You can write both upper and lower cases or focus on any one form to memorize.
Let your kids use the watercolor paint and paint the white sheet to identify the letters. The letters will pop up with coloring over them. They will surely enjoy this craft with more fun. Finally, ask your kid how many G’s they have found to make them learn a bit of math.
10. Scavenger Hunt with G
This g activity is played with a fun physical activity to run around the house and find the objects. Kids always love to move out, so let them have fun with this activity.
- Letter G objects
- Hula hoop
- Painter’s tape
Getting Ready
Inside the hula hoop, stick the painter’s tape in the shape of the letter G. Then hide the g letter objects all over your house.
Let’s start the hunting! Ask your kid to go and find the objects with their first letter starting with G. You need to place the objects easily accessible for younger kids. For older kids, the challenges can be in and out of your house sometimes.
11. G for Garden
The word garden can be put into the theme of your G activity. And simultaneously, they can learn the art of gardening and the tools used for it; without doubt, they surely will love this activity.
- Sensory bin
- Cocoa powder
- Flour
- Vegetable oil
- Fake flowers
- Kids’ gardening play set
- Garden stones
- Mini pots
Getting Ready
In the sensory bin, mix 2 cups of flour and vegetable oil with cocoa powder to get the soil color. Place all the accessories.
The kid will love to play with the dough by filling the pots, which look like a pot filled with soil. And top it with artificial flowers. They can use the gardening tools for playing as sensory and motor activity.
12. The Lego G Activity
Building blocks and Lego sets have great playtime with kids. You can use the Legos to create a learning activity. You can have fun without messing up here too.
- Letter G printout
- Lego set
Getting Ready
Just bring your point-out sheet and Lego set together; it is as simple as it seems.
Ask your little one to create the letter G by arranging the LEGO pieces over the line of the letter. And finally, let your kid count the Lego pieces to know how many they have used to create the letter G.
13. G with Sprinkles
One thing is for sure; your kid will be readily available for this sprinkle activity right after you say this.
- Card paper
- Marker
- Sprinkles
- Art tray
- Painting brush
Getting Ready
Draw a big G on the white Card paper and place it on an art tray.
Give your kid the cup of sprinkles you brought and ask the little hands to arrange the sprinkles over the line of the letter and remove the excess with the painting brush. Excess sprinkles will flow into the tray. This colorful art activity is helpful with fine motor skills in recognizing letters.
14. Popsicle G
This simple and easy popsicle stick activity develops many skills, like letter memorizing, STEM skills, and counting. It benefits both preschool kids and toddlers.
- Popsicle sticks
- White card paper
- Pencil
Getting Ready
Draw the letter G on white card paper and bring your popsicle sticks.
Ask your little kid to place the popsicle sticks over the letter in a G shape. Let them count the popsicle sticks used to have the additional learning addition.
15. Grass Activity
The simple and easily found main product is in your backyard or garden. The letter G stands for the grass, which makes it learn in a new way with grass. The freshly cut grass gives the feel to the kids’ sensory touch and develops motor activities.
- Grass shoots
- Craft paper
- Marker
- Glue
Getting Ready
You can get the grass shoots from your lawn or backyard and cut it into small pieces. Draw the letter G on the craft paper and apply glue to trace its border.
Now ask your kid to place the glued outline of the letter G activity sheet. This is sensory work to boost their confidence level by doing the work on themselves.
16. Grapes Activity
Learning the words starting with G is easy when it is done with activity-based learning.
- Letter G print out sheet
- Dot sticker
- Watercolor paint
- Painting brush
Getting Ready
Print out the letter G sheet and make all the materials available.
Your little one can start coloring the dot stickers with dark magenta to get the color of the grapes. And ask your kid to stick the grapes stickers on the letter G to have the bunch of grapes hanging from the letter G.
17. Goose with The G
The ever-loved farm animal you need to select for your g craft is the goose. They would love to engage in this activity and also have a great playtime with the goose they have created too.
- White card sheet
- Googly eyes
- Yellow card sheet
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Glue
Getting Ready
Draw the lowercase g on the white card sheet and cut out the excess sheet from the letter. Cut out a small M letter with an uneven shape on the yellow card sheet.
Now your kid can start creating their goose by sticking the googly eye on the top and sticking the M on the upper top of the g’s right side as the break. The goose is ready to play with now. Creating their playmate is such an attractive craft activity you can give to your kid.
18. Garden Flowers with G
This floral arrangement is most loved by many of the kids, as they love flowers and gardens the most.
- Craft sheet
- Marker
- Floral stickers.
Getting Ready
Draw the bubbly letter G on the craft sheet, and you are ready to go.
Ask your kid to stick the flower stickers, which resemble a garden flower, over the letter G to have a floral arrangement for the G. It’s an eye-pleasing fun g activity.
19. Glitter Activity
Playing with glitters is always fun, even with the older kids. You don’t need to ask for the younger kids, as they will be bursting out with joy for this craft.
- Chart sheet
- Marker
- Glue
- Glitters
Getting Ready
Draw the bubbling letter G on the chart sheet to give more space for the glitters. And apply glue by tracing the whole letter.
G Activity
Ask your little one to apply the glitters over the letter G and let them settle the glitters inside the letter for enough time to set with the glue. After drying, the glitter g letter is ready with perfect shimmering.
20. Classic GingerBread Man
This classic character, a gingerbread man, can make your craft more interesting with a little story time.
- Brown craft sheet
- Red craft sheet
- Googly eyes
- Buttons
- Glue
- White marker
Getting Ready
Draw the letter G on the red craft paper and cut it out. And draw a gingerbread man on the brown craft sheet and cut it out.
Now, little ones can have the fun of creating the gingerbread man by themselves. By giving the googly eyes, placing the buttons for the shirt, and drawing the hands and legs by separating them with a white marker. Finally, apply glue on the letter G and fix the gingerbread man on top of the glue.
Let’s Wrap the Bundle of Crafts!
Activity-based learning is always more interesting for kids. You can’t deny the fact that these fun activity learning processes run like a jet. Teaching and crafting can be combined with identifying the difference between upper and lowercase letters, giving shapes and drawings to the letter by adding simple craft work, or playing more fun scavenger games with these activities.
Kids love crafts if it involves more activity and playtime with the crafts. Whether it be the sensory game or fun doh play, everything intrigues them and makes their mind so happy with full contentment. Which craft are you going to try now? Let us know in the comments about your great, fun-filled craft moments!