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I have jars aplenty. Cushions are scattered around my house in abundance. Candles line shelves and framed photos sit on cupboards. But the one vital interiors accessory we are missing from our home at the moment? Lights.

A couple of months ago I invested in a new floor lamp. The day it was delivered, two other lamps in the room promptly broke. With much of our stuff still in storage since our move to South Devon a few months ago, I couldn’t find one of the hundreds of strings of fairy lights I know we own. So, we are currently flitting between hospital-like bright lights and sheer darkness. 

We are hoping against hope to move house very soon. I have everything crossed that it will happen before Christmas (it’s making walking tricky, I can tell you). Every spare second I have seems to be spent scouring Pinterest and the vast hallways of the internet, looking for homey stuff. Lights are top of my list – there’s only so long I can put up with a lack of cosy lighting.

In my quest for attractive lights (and I use the word “quest” in all seriousness – it has become a Very Important mission) I stumbled across these examples of wall lighting that made me go all dreamy. Tragic, I know, but I can’t help myself.

Anglepoise Wall Light, Daffodil, £93.

Hector Bibendum Wall Light and Plug, £129.

Anglepoise Wall Light, Blue, £93.

In my head, I am picturing a white room with bright splashes of colour in the form of these lamps, coupled with throws and cushions and rugs. I am ignoring the inevitable mess from toys, discarded socks (they get everywhere in our house) and half-read newspapers.


Of course, also in my head, the room is also lit by the soft glow of a Christmas tree with gently twinkling (white) fairy lights. Because, in my head, we will be in the new house before Christmas. My head is a very optimistic place at the moment.

What were the first things you bought when you moved into your home?


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