A family tradition and your chance to win a luxury Fortnum & Mason hamper

It’s become a bit of a family tradition that whenever we return from a trip away we always follow the holiday with a day at home. It’s an opportunity to deal with the inevitable pile of washing and for me to catch up with some work.

At 7am, as the day stretches ahead with no obligation to meet anyone or be anywhere, it feels like a bit of a luxury. By 1pm we all tend to be tearing our hair out. And by 3pm I often give up completely, shut the laptop, turn off the washing machine, stop shouting at everyone to “LET ME GET ON WITH STUFF I NEED TO DOOOOOO!” and sit on the sofa. If you can’t beat them, join them.

It’s at this point the girls will throw themselves on me and the NLM will breathe a sigh of relief that he has someone to share the toddler mayhem and five year old dramas with. Now, it’s not uncommon on days like today for us all to still be in our PJs at 4pm, as we realise that getting dressed is just one thing on our huge post-holiday To Do list that we simply can’t fit in.

So what do you do when you find yourself on the sofa, in your PJ’s, with a rumbling stomach and a faint feeling of failure at not having ticked off the mountain of chores you had set yourself? You have a family movie afternoon with some sofa tapas, that’s what you do.

Sofa tapas sounds far fancier than it actually is. My five year old calls it “sofa party food” which means, basically, a selection of snacks that we can all tuck into while watching a family film on Netflix (today’s choice: Ratatouille).

For the perfect sofa tapas you need:

  • Fresh bread (a sourdough loaf or anything from the bakery section of the supermarket – non of the sliced stuff here)
  • Houmous (or your dip of choice – we alternate between houmous and guacamole)
  • Carrots and cucumber, sliced (if you’re feeling adventurous you could add sliced red pepper and raw brocolli to the mix)
  • Pate on melba toast
  • A selection of cold meat-based snacks (the five year old’s choice today was scotch eggs and sausage rolls)
  • Popcorn – obviously.

As you can see, it’s a complicated dish requiring hours of patient nurturing. Ahem.

The thing is, whenever we eat like this the girls dive straight in and there’s nothing left on the plate. It’s such a treat to eat in front of the telly, all sharing snack food from the same dish, that they seem to revel in the novelty of it all. It means we actually get to watch at least some of the film, and I feel like the day hasn’t been a total failure after all.

Win a luxury Fortnum & Mason hamper!

To reach true #snackgoals you need an exceptionally fancy hamper packed with delicious treats – and you can’t go far wrong with Fortnum & Mason. Just imagine your next family movie night was accompanied with a Fortnum & Mason hamper – the ingredients to harmonious family time if ever I heard it.

To win you simply need to answer the following question:

What’s your sofa snack of choice?

Tell me, do you have a favourite recipe you go back to time and time again? Maybe you’ve got loaded nachos down to a fine art, or you make a mean muffin. Whatever your sofa snack of choice, I want to know.

Let me know your sofa snack below and you’ll be in with a chance of winning a luxury Fortnum & Mason hamper. Don’t forget to complete the Rafflecopter widget so your entry can be counted!


Competition Terms and conditions:

There is one prize of a Luxury Hamper. The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered. Open to UK residents aged 18 and over. Competition is closed to employees and relatives of Molly Forbes, Mother’s Always Right and DFS. The competition opening date is 1st April 2016, and the closing date for entries is 14th April 2016 One entry per person The winner will be chosen by blogger Molly Forbes at Mother’s Always Right and will be contacted directly on the email address provided. If the winner does not respond within 7 days a new winner will be drawn. The winner’s name will be available on request. By entering this competition participants consent to their full name being available by request. The prize will be sent within 28 days of receipt of the winner’s address. DFS reserves the right to amend or withdraw the competition at any time without notice or liability. Entry to this competition confirms that participants have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. This competition is governed by the laws of England and any dispute shall be governed by the English courts.


This post is brought to you by DFS. Visit the DFS website to find out more about their great range of DFS Sofas.





    • Debbie Hoare says

      My favourite snack would be something along the lines of a plate of mussels in a creamy white wine or garlic sauce, followed by a salted caramel dessert with cornish clotted cream ice cream. After this I would be in heaven!

  1. says

    Depends on who’s snacking tbh…..

    If it’s ALL of us, it tends to be homemade salty popcorn (with extra choccy snacks for Daddy as he doesn’t do popcorn…..weirdo…..)

    We have “World Cup Tea” (so named because it was the World Cup on TV 1st time we had it) which is basically just a selection of frozen party food which takes 12 mins in the oven!! (lazy but true……)

    On the rare chance it’s JUST ME, then it’s Nacho style, chilli topped Sweet potato wedges with cheese, jalapeños and anything else I fancy!!

  2. says

    It depends on how hungry we are. Homemade pizza is a great sofa snack for bottomless boys. This week we have been having Easter popcorn, which is basically popcorn with added bots, so micro eggs and mini marshmallows! The husbeast would tell you that it is any chocolate with a hard shell, such as mini eggs or M&M’s as you can sit them on the sofa arm with no fear of the dreaded melt and stain!

  3. Paz says

    If it’s an evening snack for adults only then it’s nuts, nuts and more nuts along with posh cheeses and crackers.

    If the children are still up then we mix the healthy with fun eating fruit and veg sticks, crisps, cheese, crackers and popcorn.

  4. Amanda Coffman says

    My sofa picnic is salted sticks. These are crisps that have the perfect amount of salt. Delish 🙂

  5. says

    We had one of these days today! We had cabin fever but it was most definitely worth it.

    My all-time fave sofa tapas dish is a whole roasted camembert with honey and bread – YUM.

  6. Becky Duffy says

    Chocolate, especially if I don’t have to share (probably sounds a bit mean) but it’s the best way!

  7. Ileana F says

    Has got to be cheese, crackers and a sweet chutney or pickle! Although if its a romantic movie, we always break out the ben and jerrys…. I say we but I actually mean ME!!!

  8. Jodie Cook says

    Marshmallow fluff! It’s supposed to be a bread spread or cake filling, but sometimes we have it straight from the container with a spoon each! Peanut butter is also good for this “alternative method” 😉

  9. Fiona K says

    Salt & Sweet popcorn – very moreish and satisfies a sweet tooth and the desire for something savoury at the same time

  10. Amelia Kennedy says

    I’ve found a great range of sugar-free chocolate in Holland & Barrett, so we gorge on this whilst watching TV at the weekend. A slightly less guilty way of indulging …

  11. michelle evans says

    My hubby does a Mean ‘Nachos with tomato and melted Cheese topping topping’ kids love it whilst watching a film

  12. Caroline James says

    It depends what kind of mood I’m in. If I’m feeling angelic I will eat chopped melon, or if I am after a mega munch I make nachos. Seriously loaded with pulled pork, gooey melted cheese and loads of jalepanos. *drool*

  13. Elizabeth Hinds says

    I don’t have a recipe as such – I’m definitely a chuck a bag of Walkers Sensations crisps into a bowl and grab some shop-bought dips kind of person! I especially love tsatziki and homous 🙂

  14. Lucy says

    Toasted pitta bread cut into quarters with pick ‘n’ mix fillings. The pick ‘n’ mix is ends of things from the fridge, freezer and pantry. Usually a few onion rings, guacamole, cottage cheese, pickled onions, halloumi, carrots, peppers…. whatever needs using up. It can lead to some very unusual combinations, pickled onions, teriyaki sauce and coleslaw is not recommended!

  15. Kat Lucas says

    We make a bean nacho on a plate with a can of refried beans spread around, topped with shredded white mild cheddar cheese and to taste, we put chopped onions, mushrooms, peppers and micro until cheese is melted, usually about 8 minutes and then top with shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, salsa, sour cream and guacamole to taste and dip with tortilla chips….and having just typed this, we have decided to have this for dinner…YUMMY

  16. Frances H says

    A ploughmans cracker feast, Mature cheddar cheese, a dollop of small chunk Branston pickle all piled onto a buttered Jacobs cracker.

  17. Edward Guerreiro says

    My favourite sofa recipe are my chicken wings, cooked in an ‘airfryer’ (I have the Breville Halo Plus, which I love). They come out really well.

    All I do is mix the wings with 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. red pepper flakes, 2 tsp black pepper, 2 tsp cayenne, 2 tsp poultry seasoning and 1 tsp lemon juice. Let it marinade for some time (However much time I have).

    Then, I mix 2 tbsp. hot pepper sauce, 1 tsp pepper, 1 tsp cayenne and two cups of flour. Then just dip the wings into the flour mix, and let them rest until the coating goes sticky. Then add them to the airfryer and cook for about 30 mins, not moving them for at least 20 mins, or the coating comes off.

    Simple, and delicious.

  18. Leanne V McKenna says

    I have a serious sweet and salted popcorn addiction. I used to eat pitta sticks with humus (alot healthier!)

  19. Krzysia says

    I love a glass of our homemade elderflower wine with some tasty salted snacks such as Phileas Fogg bubble crisps.

  20. Sam McKean says

    Me, the husband, the kids, a blanket, a movie and some popcorn and haribo….perfect recipe for a great family night in.

  21. Anthony Harrington says

    chocolate or cheese on biscuits, if I am really pushing the boat out, I will have melted cheese on toast with red onion

  22. Jo Carroll says

    A huge dessert spoon and spending the evening in the company of Ben & Jerry is all it takes for me 😉

  23. Kristy Brown says

    My go to snack is a plate piled with celery, carrot and cucumber sticks, grapes (red), sliced apple and humous.

  24. Caroline H says

    Veg sticks and a couple of homemade dips (whizzing up a hummus or tsatsiki takes minutes) plus a good old-fashioned 70s retro cheese, picked onion and pineapple hedgehog!

  25. Rachel Ray says

    Cake! I flipping love the stuff! Marble cake is the current favourite.
    But, I try and be good and I love fruit so often chomp on melon or pears or mango. Sometimes push the boat out with popcorn or nachos too when I’m adventurous.

  26. Gillian says

    My 2 boys and I make an amazing rocky road – chocolate, marshmallows, raisins, biscuits, syrup & more. The perfect treat for a weekend with a nice coffee ????????

  27. Robyn Seviour says

    Really cant believe I’m admitting to this… my favorite sofa snack, especially if Ive had a bad day, is a mars bar sandwhich toasted in a toastie machine! Oh my goodness is it good! I don’t have it often though, honest 😉

  28. claire nutman says

    Ingredients: My family, comfy cushions, knitted throws, big helping of love, and a sprinkling of savoury salty snacks and milkshakes x

  29. Janice Papworth says

    I make a quick guacamole in the food processor – blitz one tomato and one clove of garlic. Add one ripe avocado scooped out of the skin and a squeeze of lemon juice if you have it. blitz until smooth. Serve with tortilla chipc. Very garlicky so great to be staying in and eating this!

  30. Lindsey Stuart says

    We lovely sofa nights! I always make sure we have plenty yummy snacks
    Our family favourite sharing yummy treat is Volovants filled with chicken and white sauce! They are super tasty and can be eaten hot or cold.
    You can fill the volovants with any filling you prefer, I often use my left over chicken fricasse as my filling.
    The only problem is they are very addictive ????

  31. Lorraine Tinsley says

    Peanut butter and choc chip mug cake- peanut butter, one egg and a handful of chips, mixed together and microwaved- amazing iwth vanilla ice cream and so easy

  32. Barbara Knight says

    We keep it simple, either posh crisps and nuts or something covered in dark chocolate. Or all of the above.

  33. Lucia says

    Homemade guacamole and doritos! Slice two avocados and add a couple of crushed garlic cloves. Mash together with a fork or masher then add a small pot of natural yoghurt and stir through until everything is an even consistency (or leave it a bit lumpy if you like!) Then I like to add some chilli flakes, coarse ground black pepper and a squeeze of lemon/lime! Perfect!

  34. Ani Costa says

    Greek yogurt (the real stuff,not that nonsense “like Greek yogurt” stuff!) drizzled with honey & sprinkled with fresh blueberries(or any other toppings e.g. raspberries, choc chips, granola)

  35. Anna K says

    Doritos (or other tortilla chip) on a plate, cover in cheese and melt under the grill. Great with a sour cream dip.

  36. Michaela Smith says

    One of my fave snacks is crackers smeared with marmite and topped with cottage cheese , cucumber , onions and black pepper! Yum 🙂

  37. Jo Bryan says

    I love anything with cheese, so with crackers, quesadillas. Cheese dip and bread sticks!! Love it! Fantastic giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  38. sarah bramble says

    I love nachos with jalapenos and soured cream and grated cheese and salsa, nom nom nom (VERY bad for you though!).

  39. Sandra Lane says

    Home made pizza bites. I slice up some french bread and top with tomato paste and shredded mozzarella. Pop them under the grill and they are lovely with a glass of wine.

  40. says

    It depends on whether I’m in a sweet or a savoury mood! If savoury, we have a “sofa picnic” – cheese, cold meats, salads, olives, crackers or nice bread – nibbly bits to curb our appetites! If sweet, then at the moment it’s lots of Easter chocolate!

  41. Rachel Stephenson says

    I love pizza toast, toast the bread add tomato puree, cheese, mushrooms, sweetcorn. I like to add garlic too then put it under the grill.

  42. nicola perry says

    We love chicken with mayo sandwichs , ciabatta with smoky bacon and we cant go wrong with lots of icecream !!

  43. Iona Cornish says

    Crisps, garlic bread, popcorn, cheese on toast – basically the lovely but naughty things in life!

  44. Andrew Robson says

    Chucky egg – a bowl full of buttered bread cut into bite size bits, covered in multiple soft boiled eggs then given a good mix through. Perfect sofa food.

  45. Natalie Baskerville says

    I love to have Wensleydale & cranberries, creamy Brie, Cornish wafers and plum & apple chutney, alongside a nice cold glass of red grape shloer.

  46. kelly mobbs says

    Nachos with lots of melted cheese, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, jalapenos and chilli. I really crave this now!

  47. Hekna says

    Has to be tortilla chips and homemade guacamole. We always say we’ll just have a bit but end up finishing it off fairly quickly!

  48. Marianne Daniels says

    Pico De Gallo

    Four to six large de-seeded tomatoes, chopped
    A pinch of garlic or garlic salt
    Half a purple onion, finely chopped
    A handful of fresh coriander, chopped
    The juice of 1-2 limes, freshly squeezed
    Salt, pepper and spice to taste.

    Mix and eat with tortilla chips. My favourite!

  49. Solange says

    Oreo Truffle Balls. Ok, you’re about to discover chocolate in a whole new light. You have never tasted anything as rich and yummy as these Oreo balls. This is my secret recipe: Take one pack of Oreos and crush them up. I use a wooden spoon or a rolling pin and do it in a bowl. Next, mix in one pack of cream cheese. Roll this mixture into balls, (it can get messy!), dip them into melted chocolate and then refrigerate for a few hours until hard. Warning: You will be addicted.

  50. Karen Laing says

    I feel really inadequate now,I don’t make anything for a TV snack,If it’s going to be a movie night in then I’ll buy crisps,n dips or perhaps some chocolate all washed down with a couple of G&T’s.Thanks for the fab prize guys altough I’ve probably blown it as I don’t make anything !

  51. Paula Nixon says

    Its got to be nachos but always with homemade guac – heavy on the lime, coriander and chilli – YUM!

  52. Ruth Wollerton says

    I love raw vegetables big and small: mixed with humous, caramalised onions and mayonnaise dips along with tortilla chips for the yummiest snacking of all.

  53. Jane H Shaw says

    I love sitting down with nacho with plenty of sour cream and jalapeno peppers, sharing is not an option with these. Thanks

  54. Tina Glover says

    We love homemade cheese straws made with puff pastry cut into slices twisted and sprinkled with cheese. Our daughter also loves slated popcorn and homemade smoothies 🙂 . Thanks for the chance to win this amazing hamper.

  55. Linda Morris says

    The grandchildren love my crispy chicken goujons in pitta envelopes with salad and a garlic mayo

  56. Andy Kadir-Buxton says

    Cheesy Heats

    It is traditional to buy exotic cheeses at Christmas, but in our household they often get left until well after the celebrations before being eaten. My son, William, (when aged 9) came up with the idea of putting two different cheeses onto a cheese cracker, put another cracker on top to form a sandwich, and then microwave until the cheese has just melted. Great, that’s my son.

  57. Natasha says

    I love cutting up broccoli, red and yellow peppers, carrot, celery and sugar snap peas to dip into houmous or a sweet potato dip. If I’m feeling like a treat, it’s strange but I put some Cadbury favourites on toast and put it in the microwave. You’ll be sorry you tried it it’s so good!

  58. Debbie Tainton says

    My fav. sofa snack is homemade lemon curd cake drizzled with plain chocolate. Lush especially as my son makes it.

  59. christina kennedy says

    Pizza, home made balls from the freezer once defrosted roll out and place on smallest frying pan. Smear on a bit of tomato pasata, few slices of mozzarella add a few anchovies or what ever you fancy. Sprinkle on oregano, pepper, splash of olive oil and when the base is slightly burnt, finish off under the grill. It really is super quick

  60. Emma Jones says

    Crisps – but not expensive ones. I find that the more they cost, the more disappointing (and painful in the case of hand cooked ones) they are.

  61. Hayley Morgan says

    Chips n dips!! Salsa,sour cream and chive,guacamole,hummus………the list goes on………..!

  62. debbie jackson says

    Weekdays is biscuits, weekends is BARTIME 🙂 so we share a huge bag of crisps or nachos with the kids and enjoy a good movie.

  63. Julie Guy says

    Homemade nachos is my favourite. They’re so quick to do in the microwave. Just lay out tortilla chips and salsa with grated cheese on top, then pop in the microwave for a minute. Scrummy. 🙂

  64. Mary Baldwin says

    For me, it’s blue cheese and crackers, but the rest of the family prefer sausage rolls followed by chocolate.

  65. Rachel Edney says

    I load the nachos into a grill pan and cover with lots of grated cheese, then cook until just melted. Then I add chopped up cucumber and tomatoes, a few dollops of sour cream and guacamole and a sprinkle of black pepper. It’s all loaded into a big bowl and we all tuck in. Heaven!

  66. Rachel H says

    Our family have a delicious yet simple recipe for teabread – if I am going to have a lazy afternoon on the sofa on a Sunday I always plan ahead as for the best results you have to soak the sultanas in tea overnight!

    Although it’s called a bread it is more like a cake and with butter spread on it warm out of the oven it’s so comforting and perfect for a chill out with a cup of tea in the sofa watching tv!

  67. Laura Kevlin says

    Cheese and crackers (ideally more than one type of each), grapes and sliced apple, and squares of dark chocolate….delicious!

  68. Alix Smith says

    baked kale chips – sounds healthy & boring, but sooo yummy & moorish – just bake kale in the oven with salt & coconut oil until it goes lovely & crispy – Nom!

  69. stephen holman says

    it has to be cheesy nachos for us – dead easy to make and spice up a bit with jalapeños sometimes 🙂

  70. Kat Allinson says

    I just like to have a selection of different things to choose from, carrot sticks, peppers, celery, homemade houmous, sour cream & chive dip, crisps, homemade popcorn, chocolate (melted) with strawberries, raspberries, marshmallows

  71. Vicki Violet Morris says

    Me and my step son are nice and easy a bag of toffee popcorn for me and bag of salted for him but my other half is the awkward one wanting nachos topped with chorizo slices and melted cheese on top. Which tastes great but annoying because I get stuck making it!

  72. Diane Wareing says

    If I’m with the daughter it’s savoury snacks usually something with a bit of spice. However, if it’s just me and the other half then it’s either popcorn or chocolate…..
    If I’m alone then it really depends on my mood.

  73. jo farnsworth says

    Mine would have to be salt and vinegar pringles, with some sweet and salty freshly made warm popcorn from our popcorn machine! Plus some choccie buttons…always get a sweet craving after salty things!

  74. Alison MacDonald says

    I either have salted roasted Pistachio’s or mixed mint sweets for snacking during a movie at home 🙂

  75. Phyllis Ellett says

    It has to be breadcrumb covered, garlic, button mushrooms, we make loads, they don’t last long, then for seconds and equally the same favourite is the classic cheddar cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks. Wonderful

  76. Judi Watson-Jones says

    just like most people its popcorn, chocolate and unfortunately for the waist line especially Ben & Jerrys ice cream. Also my girls are starting to enjoy cooking and this week I have had low fat Blueberry muffins and Meringues made for me – could get used to this!!

  77. Ali Thorpe says

    I’m a things-with-dips kinda gal so I go for celery, cucumber and pepper sticks. toasted pitta chunks, cheddar cubes and houmous with added lemon juice.

  78. BECCA STAPLES says

    I’m on the slimmingworld diet, so chopped baby bel cheeses, pickled onions and celery sticks at the moment x

  79. Donna W says

    Pittas, veggie sticks, houmous, Tzatziki, olives, cheeses and crackers with chutney and red wine. Yummy!

  80. Toria C says

    Cold pizza, homemade nachos and grapes.
    … not together.
    … actually, together works. 😉

    Oh and cheese and pineapple on little cocktail sticks. Reminds me of being a kid when my parents would have their friends over and still tastes awesome.

  81. Theresa M says

    We don’t have family film night tapas, but we do have family movie night cheesy nachos (sometimes with dips)

  82. Judith Hamilton says

    My husband calls it football nibbles I call it dips and bits. Humus, Tzatziki, Salsa, bread sticks, carrot batons, cucumber strips, pepper strips, crisps, mini sausages cheeses, crackers and a bowl of chocolates.

  83. Joanne Blunt says

    It has to be popcorn for me. Usually a mix of swet and salty, with maybe a bit of toffee thrown in. My children love making it too.

  84. Lindy Hine says

    Pomme Bear Crisps, cubes of cheddar cheese, cashew nuts – mixed together in a bowl. Bowl 2 is White Chocolate Buttons, Maltesers and Raisins 🙂

  85. Clare Martin says

    I like to get a bag of nachos, put some tomatoes, onions and chilli on top and then cover in cheese. Bake it in the oven for 20 mins and it is delicious!!

  86. Jamie Millard says

    Tortilla chips and dip are a favourite – but i’m not a fan of corn tortilla chips. Instead, i buy some flour tortilla wraps and cut them with a pizza cutter into triangular pieces. You can either criss cross to make smaller chips or go for the full triangular segments for BIG chips. Pop them on a baking tray (no oil – keep it healthier) and bake them for 10 minutes until they go crispy.

    To go with my home made chips – i prepare a sweet chilli dip. I do like my sweet chilli to be closer to the sweet side than the spicy side so my recipe calls for honey.

    Garlic, chillies, vinegar, lime juice, tomat0, red pepper and honey. blitz it together in a blender. I use my Froothie blender because if i leave it running it will heat the dip (tastes even better warm). You could always use a microwave if you don’t have a fancy blender.

    So – my go to snack, is flour tortilla chips with sweet chilli dip.

  87. Jean Vaughan says

    We get the ‘Party Suzanne’ out and load it with crackers, cheese biscuits and nachos with a selection of home-made dips and continental meats and cheeses and spend the evening dipping and spreading, munching and crunching as the mood takes.

  88. Cheryl H says

    There’s no cooking here: our ideal sofa snack involves cold Italian meats, Brie and cheddar, tomatoes, grapes and French bread. But we do slice the French bread into rounds so we don’t eat too much!

  89. Mrs McG says

    Chorizo, popcorn, salted crackers, grapes, cheese sticks, carrot and hummus.. Yum… It’s a treat for us to have snack in front of th e TV to and the kids love it.. Mummy sometimes has wine too 🙂

  90. Stacey Leigh says

    I’m pregnant at the moment and constantly hungry and craving chicken, so Chicken satay sticks are a quick sofa snack for me 🙂 x

  91. Sharon Worsley says

    If it’s me and the little one he tends to like dry cereal and some raisins. If it’s me and the hubby then I make a home made slimming world quiche which we nibble on

  92. Andrew Williams says

    If it’s a Saturday night and being naughty it’s usually a bar of chocolate and something like a bag of chocolate peanuts.

    If I’m having a good day (diet wise) it’s usually bowl of grapes and something like bag of rice cakes.

  93. Susan Laing says

    Now it as to be Metcalfes’ Popcorn but as a child my mother used to butter digestive biscuits for me? I know I was an unusual child ha!

  94. olivia Kirby says

    My favourite is a cheeseboard – Stilton, Comte and a Goats cheese with oatcakes and celery – just yum

  95. Cathy O says

    My easy favourite snack is a bowl of my favourite cereal with some extra fruit or seeds or chocolate on top.

  96. Pauline Wilson says

    I am particular to Ritz cheese crackers with Primula out of a tube squeezed on them, particularly the ham or chive one

  97. Lauren Olds says

    My favourite is roasted pistachios with plenty of salt and black pepper.

    I also recommend putting some popcorn kernels in a pan with a spoonful of oil and when they are popped, sprinkling with some parmesan cheese. It sounds weird but it’s really tasty.

  98. James Hamilton says

    My favourite recipe for a night in on the sofa on a healthy day is celery with red pepper and chickpea humous. On a not so healthy day… Nachos with melted cheese, salsa, guacamole and sour cream. Pure bliss!

  99. Dale Dow says

    I love to make my own bombay mix!
    fried chickpea flour noodles, chickpeas, dried peas, flattened or puffed rice, fried onion, fried lentils and nuts and lots and lots of spice!

  100. Donna Clinton says

    We love our crisps so we love making our own sweet potato crisps and enjoying them on the couch watching tv!

  101. says

    I make some lovely little sandwiches (cut off crusts, thin bread, spread filling and then roll up like swiss rolls) but they are for dainty eaters only – men just swallow them down!

  102. Kez says

    Our favourites are homemade air popped popcorn with melted vitalite and cinnamon, and tortillas with hummus, great for watching movies or playing games together.

  103. Simon Keeping says

    My favourite sofa snack is a tasty cheese board, it has to have Brie, a very mature cheddar, Dorset smoked red and stinky Stilton !!

  104. Victoria La Mon says

    Either sweet popcorn or chocolate depending on my mood, if its been a rough day it can be both though ! 🙂

  105. Michelle Wild says

    Tastiest snack I had one the sofa was pilchards in tomato sauce on toast, (toast only one side), with red and yellow peppers and English mustard think that was all …… got from Corrie!

  106. Helen A says

    When I’m on my own I love to eat feta cubes, olives, sunblush tomatoes and mini cheese-stuffed peppers. Yum!

    If there’s a few of us/the kids we have the usual freshly made popcorn with different seasonings on – Asda do a lovely chilli and lime popcorn seasoning.

  107. Tammy Stevenson says

    My favourite sofa snack is much like your with bits of watermelon, apple and a carrot chopped up. If we have had some stir fry the night before I make some lettuce cups with a spoonful or two in each. Sometimes we will add some chocolate covered fruit if we have been good.

  108. Aidan says

    Layer up nachos with refried beans, grated strong cheddar and salsa, nuke to melt cheese, add sour cream. Collapse on sofa.

  109. Philip says

    I like a giant grilled cheese sandwich with baby tomatoes and cucumber on the side with an ice cold beer.

  110. Lucy beckett says

    I made an amazing stuffed butternut squash once. I’m a terrible cook so that was a big thing for me and was delish ????

  111. Pia Stephens says

    I’m getting so hungry just from reading all the answers! ????

    I love a grilled cheese sandwich with fresh tomatoes and ham

  112. Sharon Jackson says

    Ok don’t laugh but my mouthwatering snack for a night on the sofa, in front of the TV would have to be my all time favourite (maybe not to everyone’s taste) hehe,
    “Mushy peas on hot buttered toasted french bread” 🙂
    “To die for”

  113. Sue Price says

    My favourite sofa snack is homemade Cheese, courgette and red pepper muffins. They’re delicious and healthy so I can eat 2 almost guilt free ??

  114. Lindsay Davies says

    I love making nigella’s hokey-pokey! It’s so very easy and cheap to make yet so lush. It’s just like homemade crunchies without the chocolate . Once you start you can’t stop eating ????????

  115. Lindsay Davies says

    I love making nigella’s hokey-pokey! It’s so very easy and cheap to make yet so lush. It’s just like homemade crunchies without the chocolate . Once you start you can’t stop eating ????????

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