It’s hard to believe but Baby Girl turned five months old a few days ago. Five whole months. Wow. I know all parents say this and I’m probably sounding like a broken record but HOW THE HELL IS SHE FIVE MONTHS OLD ALREADY?! Anyway, the fact she’s now five months old means it’s been five months where my Instagram feed has looked like this: baby, baby, baby, baby, cup of tea, baby, baby, baby, baby, outfit, baby, baby, baby etc. Yep, my second daughter is most definitely an Instababy.
I was thinking the other day about the different ways people use Instagram. For me, it’s a place where I can snap pretty things and chart my life in images. At the moment, I don’t have much use for snaps of my outfits (mainly existing in loungewear, ahem) and I’m not exactly travelling the world right now. So it’s all about the other pretty things in my life: my kids. And seeing as my older one is at school all day that leaves me with one thing to photo: my baby. Sorry Internet, but I really have no choice but to spam you silly with baby-spam.
While it might get old for anyone who follows me on Instagram (I’m @mollyjforbes over there by the way) I love the fact that with my second baby I have this great record of her first days. Of course I took loads of photos of Frog when she was a baby (and still do), but being on Instagram has forced me to take a different kind of photo. Many of my pics of Frog at this age are a bit blurred, over-exposed or taken so wide you can barely see the baby in the picture.
Although I might not be as diligent in charting the milestones in the red book this time around, I do have a record of what my second baby did when, thanks to Instagram. For example, I know that she rolled from her back to her front when she was 18 weeks old (she did the other way at 12 weeks). I know that she started sucking her toes with fury aged four and a half months, at which point she also learned to sit in a wobbly position.
Instagram reminds me my baby loves to lie on her front and is desperate to get moving (thanks to the regular hazy blur where her legs and arms are flapping away in excitement in the photo). It’s also photographic proof that we’re still getting very little sleep (thanks tag-teaming children, LOVE YOU).
My baby-spam is a record of my baby girl’s first white blonde hair, first set of passport photos and her changing facial features, as she alters from a dead-ringer to her sister to looking far more like me at the same age.
And, finally, another huge development this month (and charted on my Instagram feed) is the emerging bond between my two girls. They’re both real pals these days, snuggling together comfortably to watch telly or splashing each other in the bath. As Baby Girl grows she’s becoming ever more interesting for her big sister, and Frog is clearly FASCINATING for Baby Girl.
I should apologise now really, because I expect the baby-spam will continue for a good while yet. Sorry, Instagram.
Are you on Instagram? What do you like to take pictures of?
(And while we’re at it, here are some of my favourite Instagram accounts to follow at the moment: @iamalisonperry for outfits, tea and pretty flowers, @mummydaddyme for more outfits and cute kiddo styling, @vixbrown for gorgeous baby-spam, @musingsfromalondonmum for outfits, interiors and London living, @tigerlillyquinn for travel and interiors inspiration,@wildandgrizzly for more travel and interiors inspiration, and @capturebylucy for beautiful styling and photography.)
haha I was about to comment and say FLOWERS and TEA! But you beat me to it.
I can’t think of any kind of spam I like more than babyspam. I even prefer it to holidayspam. And your baby girl is one of the cutest on my IG feed xx
As you look at the babyspam I’m looking at your tea pics and remembering of the day I could drink a cup of tea while still hot!
Babyspam is the best – and also a large part of my Instagram, though in my case it’s because Pip is the only one that stays still long enough for a picture! I think the thing I love the most about Instagram is that it is a view into daily life and if that life means babies and loungewear then long made the babyspam continue!
Oh wow thanks for the lovely mention! I am totally addicted to Instagram – don’t know what I’d do without the encouragement and support of my followers on there. It’s a really positive platform and what I love is that you can share anything you want as often as you want. Oh and more baby pics please mine are so big now!!!! Xxx
It’s such a great platform isn’t it? And with a feed as pretty as yours I’m not surprised you have lots of support. x
Everyone loves baby spam, at least that’s what I keep telling myself as I post my millionth picture of my babe! I love that I have all these records of those milestones, much nicer in photo form than the silly red books! Xx
You’re so right. Far more interesting than the red book!
I struggle to get an even amount of photos between my three. I regret not taking many photos of P1 when she was born.
I’m regularly being told off by my four year old for taking too many photos!
Baby spam is definitely my favourite kind of spam. Carry on as you are thank you! P.S. Five months? Are you sure?!
Crazy isn’t it?!
I love your instababy spam, partly as a reminder that my baby days are over and partly in a longing sort of way!
I will instababy spam in the night when she’s wide awake to balance out the longing Jen!
I can’t believe she is 5 months old already! Time goes so quickly second time round, Tiger is 2 next month and I still think of him as a baby! x
I think I’ll see Baby Girl as a baby even when she’s 18!
five months?!?! How did that happen! She is seriously adorable though – love the pic of her looking up at her big sis
It’s one of my favourites too!
I adore your baby spam- I can live my broody times through your feed as I don’t think my husband is ready for a third haha.
and thank you for mentioning me! I love Instagram so much- by far the best form of social media there is!
Even more I was pregnant I loved baby spam…its way cuter than food spam anyway! I’m now following you on Instagram to support and coo over your beautiful baby spam campaign!
Ooh I shall look you up to follow back!
goodness she is adorable. i wouldn’t say i take photos of anything in particular, but i’d definitely say i love sharing some colour!
I love colour too – love your feed!