This time a month ago we were still in France, but it feels like a distant dream already. It really was the most amazing summer, and a huge part of that was being able to spend so long abroad. We’d decided after our holiday in 2017 that we were going to do everything we could to spend a full month in France this year – there have to be some benefits to Simon being a teacher!
Anyway, I haven’t really written about our holiday, mainly because I deliberately used the time to switch off. I made a couple of videos but avoided having my camera in my hand the whole time, choosing instead to live in the moment as best I could. And because of that, I’ve only just gotten around to looking back at the few photos I took on my DSLR. These were taken mainly with the purpose to add to our gallery wall of holiday snaps in our living room, but I wanted to share them here too for posterity.
Of course, being a family holiday we didn’t get away with it being absolutely idyllic at every single moment. Kids are still kids and you never stop being a parent, even on holiday. Yes there was the odd tantrum and yes I took myself off for a run a couple of times just to get some head-space. But, overall, it was the most amazing trip and both girls still say they miss holiday every day since we’ve been home.
One of the best things about being away for so long was the fact we didn’t feel any pressure to “make the most” of every day. Some days we just lounged around, doing nothing much more than swimming or reading. In fact, this is what we did a lot of days! On others we ventured further afield for a day out to explore a new town or attraction. Knowing we had plenty of days to do this meant we weren’t in a rush to squeeze stuff in as we have been on previous trips.
For the first two weeks of the holiday we stayed in this house, in the Dordogne near the beautiful (and wine saturated!) town of Saint Emilion. We went into St Emilion for the day and had the best lunch there – it gets busy and is pricey but if you can get a table in the main square by the cathedral it’s a brilliant place for people watching.
This is one of the only pictures of us together on the holiday – Freya took it!
I didn’t take one single picture on my DSLR during the second two weeks of the trip. We stayed on this campsite by the sea near Arcachon. It was a beautiful spot, but I was so involved in the holiday by that point, plus we were so busy just enjoying the area that I didn’t even think to take my camera out with us – and on the one time that I remembered to bring it I completely forgot to take any photos. True sign of a good holiday!
One of my favourite photos of the holiday is this one of the girls by the pond near the holiday house we stayed in. They’re in full feral holiday mode – Effie’s hair is goals!!
Sometimes though, the best photos are the ones you hastily snap on your phone. Here’s the one family selfie we got on the trip, taken on our last night in France when we stayed in Lorient (note to self: book a long weekend trip back there, Lorient is a beautiful city).
If you’re interested in seeing some more of our trip I made a couple of videos while we there which are up on my YouTube channel now – head on over for a watch.
What a fantastic holiday and lovely memory of your time. Xx