This month marks four years since I carved out my own little corner of the internet and started blogging. To celebrate four years of blogging I thought I’d indulge in a rare post about the subject – as well as an updated blog look (do you like it? The work of Stacey Corrin – I highly recommend her.).
Anyway, when I started this blog, my eldest daughter was a mere seven months old. My brain was like mush but I knew I had stuff to say. I had no idea of the vast wealth of blogs – and different types of parent blogs – already online. I just knew I had ideas in my head and I needed to share them with an audience bigger than just my baby.
My motivation to start blogging wasn’t just about exercising my brain though. I wanted to see if I still had the ability to write and, if so, if I could write my way to an alternative career path. I was a journalist working in a radio newsroom when I went on maternity leave. But I harboured a secret wish to go freelance and combine my broadcast journalism work with other work – writing features for magazines, copywriting, writing for other websites. Starting a blog seemed like as good a way as any to get started.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that blogging has changed my life. Four years ago, as I typed out my first hesitant words onto a screen, I was totally ignorant of what I was setting in motion. To be honest, I thought there was a high chance this could be a project I’d throw myself into for a few weeks and then give up – a bit like my attempts at knitting or, more recently, running. During the four years of blogging I’ve thought fleetingly of giving up a few times, but it’s always pulled me back in. No matter how hacked off I get with it, how many times I question the point of writing words to share with strangers on the internet, blogging always wins out.
Blogging has, for me, become about so much more than just writing words on a screen. Through blogging I’ve learned new skills. I get excited about taking photographs now, even though I’m probably not very good at it. I love using Instagram and finding new ways to see a room, or a landscape or even just a cup of tea. I’m really enjoying making videos for my YouTube channel and having fun vlogging – even if no one watches any of it. The past four years of doing this has reminded me how much I enjoy being creative in all sorts of ways – not just through writing.
It’s not just about the skills though. Blogging has led to new friendships. Real friendships with real people. When my second baby was born four months ago some of my blog friends were the first people I texted to share the news (after my family, of course). These friends sent presents and one (hi Alison!) even came to visit. If you’d have told me five years ago that I’d become one of those people who met up with strangers they’d first met online then I’d have laughed at you. But some of those strangers online have become real people who I now consider very good friends – and who I speak to almost as regularly as my own mother.
And then there’s the other side of it. The side of blogging that I had no idea existed when I set up my first WordPress account. I’ve worked with some fantastic brands over the past four years, to experience adventures with my family, try out innovative products and go to fun places that I’d never have considered doing had it not been for this blog. My original dream of combining radio work with writing work came true – largely thanks to blogging and the connections made through working online. But not only did blogging lead to new commissions, it led to an income all on its own – another outcome I didn’t originally predict.
But, most of all, I feel all misty-eyed when I look back on the four years of my life and the family milestones documented on this little space. My eldest daughter’s battle to walk, my wedding day, relocating to Devon, buying our first house, getting pregnant again and, most recently, welcoming a new baby girl into the family.
So, what’s the point of blogging? Well, four years has taught me there is no one single point of blogging, not for me anyway. And if I’ve learned anything, it’s that the best is probably yet to come.
How about you? Do you blog? What motivates you to write stuff to share on the internet with strangers?
PS. If you’re new to blogging and you’re looking for some great blogs to follow, here’s an eclectic list of some of my favourites. (It’s by no means a definitive list though – there are WAY too many amazing blogs to mention in one go.)
aww thanks for the include and my favourite bit of blogging has been the friendships I’ve made. Like you it has led me to a change of career- it has been an adventure of the best kind xx
It has! Now come down and visit me in Devon. Pronto. x
congratulations! I was 4 years last week – where has that time gone! I still don’t think we’ve met, have we? it’s weird as I feel I know you so can’t even remember if we’ve met in real life!
Have we not met? I feel like we’ve met. But actually… I’m not sure if we have or not! You were one of the first people I started talking to online when first started blogging, I didn’t realise our blogs were the same age! x
Thank you for adding me.
I really admire his you’ve carved so much out from blogging, and maintained your momentum. Whatever the challenges of life. You’ve continued to write.
Sharing stuff on the internet is such a modern accepted phenomena – but still strange. It can be an incredibly intimate experience, when you literally feel as if you are reaching a group of friends. It can feel vulnerable and empowering. It is many unexpected things. Some days it feels natural, other’s the weirdest thing to be doing.
Lovely post Molly, and I can relate to so much of it. (The journo who started the blog on maternity leave, etc….) Blogging has brought so much into my life too, but I love – like you – being able to read back about some of life’s big moments. I’ve loved making new friends too – speaking of which, I hope we can meet one day! x
Happy blog birthday! Four years, wow. Love the new look too x
Definitely love the new look!! It really reflects you. I blogged originally to keep a track of our life and to stop posting so much rubbish on Facebook continuously. That’s certainly helped
Thanks Jodie! I still post continuously on Facebook, I’ve got to admit!
This is a lovely post. I will have been blogging 4 years this June and also had no idea of the communities that existed. I am so grateful to have met such wonderful people through it (and still looking forward to meeting you one day)!
Early happy blog birthday to you! x
Lovely post Molly and what a great way to celebrate your blog birthday, than with a new shiny design. Glad I could make that happen for you. I’m in a similar position to you really. Without blogging, I would never have discovered my passion for WordPress and design in general. It just goes to show how it can open so many doors in so many different ways.
Glad you’re still going strong!
It’s amazing how many new opportunities, skills and relationships can come from writing stuff on the internet!
It’s really hard to explain to someone who isn’t a blogger, what the appeal of blogging is, or indeed what blogging is. One of my ‘real life friends’ found my blog just by chance a couple of months ago and liked my Facebook page. She says she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that people I don’t know comment on my photos of the girls saying ‘aw they are so cute’ etc. The funny thing is most of the people on there I do know now- they have become friends and I speak to them more than most of my friends who live down the road. My blog has definitely changed my life too- I have found a passion in photography, writing, made proper proper friends and been able to go freelance. But most of all I have documented so many more memories than I ever would have done without it. I love your blog and have done for years- keep doing what you are doing Molly!
but with more baby spam please! And I love your videos too! Thanks for the mention. x
Ah thanks Katy. Definitely more baby spam coming up. I can’t believe Baby Girl will be 4 months old in a couple of days. Got to do a post for that!
Congratulations on your anniversary. It’s amazing where blogging can take you. Look forward to reading even more if yours in the future.
Thanks Kizzy – I’m looking forward to posting more too!
Completely and wholeheartedly concur! Great post, you sum up a lot of how I feel re blogging. Congrats on four brill years and a fab new look! Xx
Same to you – love your new blog look too!
Congrats on the 4 years – seems such a long time when you put it like that, doesn’t it? I blog for mostly the same reasons as you, although I haven’t quite managed to get the ‘writing for magazines’ off the ground yet! I have been surprised to find my blog a very useful creative outlet and although some days I have the ‘what’s the point?’ moments too, I mostly love it!
It’s addictive isn’t it?!
Hi Molly,
It’s lovely reading your blogging journey over the past four years. I have recently started blogging so I am still getting my head around it all. It can be quite overwhelming so reading your experience is inspiring and motivating so thank you for writing about it. It takes a lot of self-discipline, motivation and creativity.
I joined the blogging adventure because I really felt the pull to write about my own pregnancy experience and how I surf the ups and downs using sophrology and mindfulness which are techniques I am qualified in. For me, blogging is a journey of personal development, allowing myself to be authentic and vulnerable, I feel that I am growing and learning every day. It is scary being ‘out there’ and I sometimes feel like I might be writing things that are too personal but at the same time, it is liberating and I enjoy it. I just hope what I write is of interest to people and can inspire them to reflect on themselves too and sprinkle a bit of mindfulness and positivity in their lives.
It sounds like you’re getting lots out of blogging already, and I’m sure even more will follow. Thank you for the comment – it’s so great to come across new blogs.
Love the new new look and congratulations on the anniversary! I’m glad you’ve ignored the temptations to quit as I’ve loved reading your blog – in fact it was the first one that I came across when I ventured into the world of blogs. Sometimes I find myself using the phrase ‘I know someone…’ and then mention something that I’ve read in a blog, which sounds a little weird because I’ve never met them but you do almost feel like you do know someone if you’ve been reading their posts for years
Seeing how people’s lives change over time made me want to do the same – I started my own little blog (a ‘bloglet’, if you will) a few months ago and it surprises me to even look back over that short time…!
It’s definitely one of the plus sides of blogging, I love looking back on what I’ve written about over the years and seeing all the photos. Makes me realise how much we’ve crammed into four years!
Blogging has been more than I could ever have imagined. I have been blogging for 5 years now and I would never have thought I’d still be here and what I’ve achieved. The friendships being a huge part of it. You have built an amazing blog with so many wonderful memories. Congratulations xx
Five years is a huge achievement – congratulations to you too!
On the whole I love blogging (three years this summer), but occasionally I do look at it logically and think why on earth do I put so much energy into this ethereal thing which doesn’t actually exist. Happy blog birthday.
I know the feeling – I often wonder the same thing. It always pulls me back though!
Hi Molly,
Just found you through your post on FB re Cows Milk Allergy.
Hope you find my post helpful.
Your post here sums up what so many people that do not blog cannot understand.
Blogging is powerful. I would recommend it to everyone. It is a form of therapy like no other.
Here’s to that!
I will certainly read you from now on.
And I love love love the pic of you and little one working together!
Hi Emma, I totally agree – blogging IS powerful. You just have to look at the huge impact Team Honk has had raising money for Comic Relief to see what a big difference blogs can make. Thank you for your lovely comment.
Congratulations on four years! I can’t agree more with everything you’ve said- so many skills gathered and such a privilge to have a space to write that people come too. I am going to crack on with a Youtube channel too this year- mega eek!
You are too kind to include me in that brilliant list