birthdays, celebrations, family, Gary Barlow pillowcase, getting old, Le Creuset teapot, turning 29
When it comes to birthdays, I am very much of the Make A Fuss variety. I lap up the attention a birthday brings like a cat slurping at a bowl of cream.
I revel in the limelight of birthday greetings, cheerily sharing the secret of the special day with anyone who cares to listen. I have been known to stop complete strangers in the street, just to let them know it’s my birthday – although now I have a toddler who does that task for me.
In many respects I am still the child I once was. Feverishly anticipating the exciting tinge of the day – even if there was school – and looking forward to cake, cards and maybe even the odd present.
But as I look over the pile of gifts I received for my birthday earlier this week, I have to accept that the child has gone.
Instead, in her place, sits a woman hurtling towards the end of her twenties, who squealed with delight at the foot-massaging slippers and pyjama bottoms bought as a present by the husband.
The shiny new peg holder was opened with whoops of joy as I realised I could finally bin the creation I once fashioned from an old jumper and broken coat hanger.
And when the paper was torn off this little beauty I actually shed tears of pure, unadulterated pleasure…
Just look at her, sitting there in all her perfect spherical beauty. My mother has done me proud…
I cried over a teapot.
And rather than rushing out to buy a new pair of shoes with the generous cheque given to me from Granny from the North (my mother-in-law), I put it straight into our savings account.
Yet another sign of how birthdays have changed.
But when it comes to presents, one thing remains the same. A certain man still has the ability to make me smile. Maybe a hint of my younger self lingers on after all.
It’s official, I’m eleven years old again…
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Ha, happy birthday again chuck x
Thanks chuck! x
Happy birthday, may there be many more teapots and Gary Barlow pillow cases to fill your days with joy
End of your twenties indeed! Get on with you, you’re just a little chick – I could be your mother and I also love Gary Barlow, but I suspect I know who he’d choose…
Happy birthday, you whippersnapper! LOVE the teapot; the GB banner, not so much!
Happy Birthday! Soon will come the point where you have to hide the ‘amusing’ cards from the child who can read them and ask what they mean. Until they enjoy Mr Barlow, and the teapot!
Haha! Belated Happy Birthday. It’s definitely an age thing – my Mum got me a Le Creuset teapot for my last birthday too (although mine was a slightly scary orange one rather than your nice understated white one…). Roll on 30 I say, when I’m hoping for bedsocks…