Halloween with a baby #OrganixFoodFun

One of the things I love about being a mum is the opportunity to relive some of my own childhood traditions as well as creating new ones with my children. Halloween wasn’t a particularly big event in our house as kids, but it’s something I’ve always marked as a mum (the photo above was taken in Halloween 2011 when my five year old was still a baby *melts*).

The village where we live in Devon is a great place to be at this time of year. The kids tend to troop around together trick or treating (unwritten rule: they only knock on a window displaying a pumpkin) and there’s sometimes a party in the village hall or a parade in the town nearby. The kind of stuff you LOVE when you’re five.

Now that Baby Girl is a year old she’s starting to want to join in with her big sister, so I’ve decided to make both girls a special Halloween tea this year, complete with some pumpkin decorating that we can all get involved in.

I’ve been keeping my eyes open for some fun food inspiration and the latest Fun Food Plates recipe from Organix is just the thing.

I should say now, I’m no expert when it comes to this type of stuff. I like to think of myself as a “have a go” cook rather than a “hero” cook. It means my own creations often have a distinctly home-made, less than professional look. But these simple spiders – how hard can they be… right?

Here’s my attempt. Please don’t laugh…

This is the green-legged blackberry spider of Devon, known for its uncanny likeness to a raspberry and blueberry Organix rice cake. But don’t be fooled, these boys can move…

What do you think?!



Thanks to Organix for working with me on this post. For more information about how I work with brands check out my Work With Me page.



  1. says

    I love these – how cute! I might make some to take to a party we’re going to where there are loads of little ones :) Good rule about the pumpkin in the window. We don’t trick or treat our street at all as we have lots of eldery neighbours, so we always adopt one up the road where our friends live!!

  2. says

    Molly these are super cute!! Wilf would love it if I did something as fun as this with his snacks. We used to get Organix bits when W was a baby and I’m sure we’ll be buying them again before long with the new baby! x

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