How to host your own bingo party at home

The last time I played a family game of bingo, I was aged 11 years old and sitting in the living room at my grandparents’ house one New Year’s Eve. Despite knowing people who’ve scooped huge amounts of money at their weekly bingo night, I’ve never ventured along as an adult. But it can’t be argued – Bingo is now huge in the UK, with more than 3.4 million people playing the game online. In fact, 60-year-old John Orchard from Long Sutton took home 5.9 million UK pounds last year.

Today we have some bingo experts (yes – such things DO exist) on the blog to share some tips for hosting your own bingo party at home:

Not everyone plays bingo because of the money, there are some who do it just for fun. In fact, the players at cheekybingo can play for free and yet get a chance to win for real. That sure is a win-win situation, but what is priceless is playing bingo with the family. The laughter and the excitement that this game brings to a home makes it a popular weekend activity. Even famous personalities like supermodel Kate Moss and Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta Jones host their own bingo games at home.

If you are new to the game, then it will be advisable to attend a bingo session at the Gala Bingo Tourquay so you will have an idea on how this game is played. Once you got a hang of the game, you can now start hosting your own bingo party at home. Here are some tips on how you can have a fun family bingo:

Bingo Equipment

You can either purchase bingo supplies at ClubKing or make your own equipment. For those who are planning to host a weekly bingo party at home, then it is best to buy high-quality bingo equipment. If you just want to try this game out, then you can just improvise a bingo cage and bingo balls. You can print out bingo cards or even customize your own cards at Bingo Card Generator.


You don’t have to buy expensive items because you can offer services instead of things as prizes for the winners. For example, your husband won the game, then you can let him off washing up duty for a week. If your guests are music lovers, then you can give away your vinyl record of The Beatles as the jackpot prize.



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