How Long Does Teething Pain Last for Babies? A Full Guide

Seeing those first tiny teeth emerge is an exciting milestone, but the teething process often brings discomfort for babies and worry for parents.

Teething happens when baby teeth push through the gums, causing swelling, tenderness, and pain in a baby’s mouth. This natural growth process can make little ones fussy, drool more, and even disrupt their sleep patterns.

Many parents wonder exactly how long their baby will be uncomfortable during teething.

Questions like “Will the pain last days or weeks?” and “Does teething hurt the entire time teeth are coming in?” arise in parents’ minds, which is normal, as they want their baby to be completely healthy.

While every baby experiences teething differently, understanding the typical timeline can help parents prepare and find the best ways to comfort their child through this challenging but important stage of development.

Let’s learn about how long this pain last and what you can do as a parent or caretaker to provide relief to the baby from this pain.

Understanding The Teething Process

Babies usually start teething between 4-7 months old, but some may begin as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months because every baby is different!

The teething process follows these stages:

  • Gum swelling and tenderness (3-5 days)
  • Tooth breaking through the gum (1-7 days)
  • Complete emergence of the tooth (1-2 months)

Most babies get their first teeth in pairs. The bottom front teeth usually come first, followed by the top front teeth. By age three, most children have all 20 baby teeth.

Teething pain typically lasts for about 8 days: 4 days before the tooth comes through and 4 days after it appears.

However, some babies may feel discomfort for longer periods as multiple teeth come in.

How Long Does Teething Pain Last?


Teething pain for each tooth usually lasts about 3-5 days before the tooth breaks through the gum. However, the tooth may still cause discomfort as it continues to push up. The entire teething process for one tooth can take up to 8 days.

Early teeth (front teeth) often cause more pain because babies aren’t used to the feeling yet. Later teeth like molars can hurt more because they’re bigger and take longer to come through.

Several things affect how long teething pain lasts:

  • How fast do teeth grow?
  • Pain tolerance of the baby
  • Whether multiple teeth come in at once?
  • Inflammation level in the gums
  • How does the baby’s body respond to teething?

Many parents notice teething symptoms come and go over several months as different teeth develop.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething Pain


When babies are teething, they often show several telltale signs that help parents identify what’s happening. Teething typically begins around 6 months of age, though it can start earlier or later.

Understanding these symptoms can help parents provide the right comfort and care during this uncomfortable time. Parents should watch for these common symptoms:

  • Extra drooling that may cause a rash on the chin or chest
  • Swollen, red gums where the tooth is coming in
  • Constant chewing or biting on toys, fingers, or other objects
  • More fussiness and crying than usual, especially at night
  • Pulling on ears or rubbing cheeks

Not all babies show the same signs. Some babies may have lots of pain while others might not seem bothered at all. If a baby has a very high fever, diarrhea, or a rash on their body, this is likely not from teething.

Ways to Soothe Teething Pain


When your baby is fussy from teething, you need solutions fast. Teething pain can make babies irritable and uncomfortable, disrupting their sleep and eating habits.

The good news is that there are several effective methods to help ease your little one’s discomfort during this challenging developmental stage.

  • Cold Items: Chilled (not frozen) teething rings or clean washcloths can numb sore gums and reduce swelling
  • Gentle Massage: Using a clean finger to rub baby’s gums can provide relief from pressure
  • Over-the-counter Products: Baby-safe teething gels or appropriate pain relievers (always consult your doctor first)
  • Silicone Teethers: BPA-free teething toys designed specifically for babies to chew on safely
  • Avoid Old Remedies: Skip teething necklaces, alcohol on gums, or homemade remedies that aren’t doctor-approved

When to See a Pediatrician?


While teething is a normal part of baby development, it can sometimes be hard to tell when pain goes beyond what’s expected.

Parents should watch for certain warning signs that might mean their baby needs medical attention. Teething itself shouldn’t cause severe symptoms, so knowing when to call the doctor is important for your baby’s health and comfort.

If your baby shows any of these concerning signs, it’s time to contact your pediatrician:

  • Their fever is over 100.4°F
  • They refuse to eat or drink for more than a day
  • They cry non-stop, and nothing helps
  • Their gums look very red, swollen, or, they have white or blue spots
  • They have a rash that doesn’t go away
  • Teething pain lasts more than a week for one tooth

Remember that teething doesn’t cause high fevers, diarrhea, or vomiting. These could be signs of something else. Trust your feelings – if something seems wrong, call the doctor. It’s always better to check than to worry.

Final Words

Teething pain usually lasts about 8 days for each new tooth. Babies typically start teething around 6 months and finish around age 3. The good news is that the pain isn’t constant during these years.

Parents can help babies by giving them cold teething toys, gentle gum massages, and sometimes medicine recommended by doctors. Keeping a regular sleep routine also helps babies cope with teething discomfort.

Remember, these challenging days will pass. Even though nights might seem long now, someday, parents will look back and wonder where the time went.

Take pictures, write down funny moments, and share this when they are older. The tiny baby with swollen gums will soon have a mouth full of teeth and a big smile.

We hope this guide provides relief to you. The fussy teething stage is temporary, but the memories will last forever.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Long Does Teething Pain Usually Last?

Teething pain can last for a few days to a week per tooth, but some babies experience discomfort for longer, especially during a molar eruption.

Can Teething Cause a Fever?

Mild temperature increases are common, but a high fever (over 100.4°F) is likely due to another illness, not teething.

What Are the Best Ways to Relieve Teething Pain?

Cold teething rings, gentle gum massages, and teething toys can help. In some cases, pediatricians may recommend infant pain relievers.

Is Excessive Drooling Always a Sign of Teething?

Not necessarily. While teething can cause drooling, some babies drool a lot even when they’re not teething.

When Should I Take My Baby to A Pediatrician for Teething Pain?

If your baby is extremely fussy, has a high fever, swollen gums with pus, or refuses to eat, it’s best to consult a pediatrician.

Harrison Ross

Harrison Ross

Harrison Ross is an expert in early childhood development who holds an MA in Child Psychology from Stanford University. His experience as a pediatric consultant for over a decade has been instrumental in his profound understanding of baby needs and safety standards.
He frequently participates in community workshops on responsible parenting. He enjoys woodworking and exploring nature trails during his downtime, enriching his understanding of the natural materials and ergonomic designs he often recommends.

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