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ImageAs I type this, I’m working on a computer in one room, while my husband is working on another in a different part of the house. But while our time together during the week is, at the moment, exceptionally limited, I like to think we haven’t lost that connection that drew us together in the first place.

Wedding speeches

Which is why I was intrigued when an email landed in my inbox asking how well I knew my partner. “Huh?” I thought. “I know him pretty well – who’s asking anyway?”

Turns out Osbornes Solicitors are asking, actually. They’ve launched an app called For Better or Worse? which helps to remind the person in your life about all those memories and moments together, before testing a couple’s knowledge of each other with a series of questions.

What’s the point? I hear you ask. Well, fun mainly. And to show that you still know each other and remember the important stuff. And more fun. It’s also a great way to pass the time and distract yourself from doing work at your computer. Not that I’ve done such a thing of course. *cough*

To play, all you need to do is click on this and have a go.

Ah, now I feel all warm and fuzzy.


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