This post is almost too painful to write. I’m in mourning. It’s still too soon really. Too fresh. Too raw.
I finished Friday Night Lights on Netflix at the weekend, you see. My life is now one big black empty hole. The series that has become like a best friend thanks to a recommendation from Ellie at The Mumday Times has now finished, with nothing but memories left behind. I no longer have the comforting sanctuary of Coach Taylor and his wife’s familiar marital banter, the brooding, handsome Tim Riggins, the loveable Matt Saracen. WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW?
Before you get too worried about me, I’ve been here before. I know I just need to ride out the pain and find a Netflix rebound sharpish. This is exactly how I felt after Gossip Girl, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy and The Killing. Not to mention The Bridge and – the quickest of flings – The Returned.
Anyway. I find the best way to get over the end of a Netflix relationship series is to get back on the dating watching scene pretty quickly. So here are some of the things – other than Friday Night Lights – that I’ve been enjoying on Netflix recently.
1. The True Cost
An incredible documentary right up there with Virunga. In fact, if I’d watched this a few months ago it would probably have taken the top spot in my 8 documentaries to watch on Netflix list. This film is about the “fast fashion” industry and the real cost of the clothes we wear. It’s an epic feat of film making, with a story that spans the globe and many, many people. It’s addictive viewing and left a huge impression on me, forcing me to question my own role as a consumer in the whole cycle.
2. Mermaids
You can say what you like about my Netflix viewing habits but you have to admit they’re varied. Mermaids is the classic 1990 movie starring Cher, Winona Ryder and a very young, cute Christina Ricci. It’s about mother-daughter relationships and growing up and, although I’ve seen it countless times, I love it just as much as the first time I saw it.
3. Surfwise
Another documentary I can heartily recommend. I discovered this thanks to a tip from Helloitsgemma whose judgement I thoroughly trust when it comes to these matters. Like Gemma, this documentary made an impression on me and got me thinking about it for a few days afterwards. I’m still not sure what I think, to be honest. Watch it and then let’s have a debate about it, shall we?
4. Love, Rosie
Because I’m a sucker for a film with a bit of love in it. I watched this on an evening when I’d met a deadline and the NLM was still up late working. It’s fair to say he’d never watch a film like this with me so it felt like pure indulgence. Thoroughly enjoyable if you like British romantic comedies.
5. The Best of Me
OK so I know I’m losing any kind of kudos in the film stakes with this one, but in my defence my sister had come to stay and we fancied a soppy tear-jerker to go with our cosy blanket, glass of red and bowl of popcorn. This one certainly did the job on that score. It’s not going to win an oscar any time soon (there were quite a few laugh out loud moments that weren’t meant to be laugh out loud), but it did make us both cry and provide some easy-viewing pleasure on a Friday night.
Tell me, have you watched anything brilliant on Netflix recently?
I’m a member of the Netflix Stream Team. For more information about how I work with brands check out my Work With Me page.
Mermaids is one of my favourite films!! I’m guessing you’ve probably watched House of Cards? That was my last Netflix binge. More recently I binged on Vikings over on Amazon Prime. I need to put together some of the films I’ve watched on Netflix soon. There’ve been some good’uns.
Mermaids is an absolute classic isn’t it?!
I LOVE Mermaids! Good choice.
Recently, I’ve watched Iris, Everyone Says I Love You and That 70s Show is my guilty pleasure.
I thought I’d watched everything on Netflix but I’ve not seen any of these! We’ve mainly been watching some their new stand up comedies and Wilf is loving Tin Tin which makes a change from My Little Ponnies! x
I’m being told it’s all about Narcos. Which I think is Netflix? But I’m all over the Walking Dead currently, which isn’t Netflix.
I know this feeling well. I have a series on Netflix, Community, that I like but don’t love so that when I finish something to turn to immediately. I recenly watched ‘The Central Park Five’ a documentary about five young men wrongly convicted of a horrific crime. It was so harrowing and I carried it with me for a couple of days. It made me think about how to teach children about their rights.
Oh goodness that sounds harrowing but amazing viewing. Definitely adding that one to my list. I’ve never watched Community but watched a documentary about Dan Gorman and he seems like a funny guy. Community might need to be added to my list too!
“The Good Wife”
There are 5 series of this wonderful drama, loved it.
I’ve watched them! I absolutely LOVE The Good Wife. Can’t believe I forgot to mention it in this post!
I highly recommend Reign. It’s my guilty pleasure. Historically inaccurate nonsense but very entertaining. It sucked me in & now I have to wait every week for my season 3 episodes!
Ooh I love a historical drama. Definitely going on my list!