Comments on: London with a baby – the Huggies Wipes adventure
If not, ask GranTue, 24 Nov 2015 07:01:04 +0000hourly1 Gill Crawshaw
Sun, 05 Jul 2015 14:06:11 +0000 SAD to miss this, lucky babies, it looks really amazing (as do you! And so relaxed after the tube stress, must have been a pretty special place). We’ve always used the Pure wipes since way before we started working with Huggies but I wish I’d known you can use them from birth as it would have saved a lot of faff, especially second-time-round. Glad you survived the London-with-baby-trauma xx
]]>By: Molly
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 19:31:35 +0000’m looking forward to a cold glass of Prosecco (or three) tomorrow evening and a barbecue while the kids are in bed. Bliss!
]]>By: Kathryn
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 17:20:48 +0000 done on such an epic journey. I’m the same about London, even though I lived there for about a decade I feel like a real country mouse going to the big city now. Baby girl looks like she had a fab time. Now it’s your turn! xx
]]>By: Mim
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 13:36:04 +0000 I still can’t get over how gorgeous the pics are! What a wonderful day and so lovely to meet you both in person Mim x
]]>By: Molly
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:53:43 +0000 was worth it – and lovely to meet you there! x
]]>By: Molly
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:53:21 +0000 was on good form until she got tired. I’m with you – they need a mum’s room too! xx
]]>By: Molly
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:52:49 +0000 thank you Fritha – the feeling’s mutual! If you ever get the chance to check out the baby spa with baby number 2 you should totally go. Might even win you some sleep afterwards – it really relaxes them! x
]]>By: Molly
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:51:58 +0000 thank you Kiran. The Pink Lining rucksack came in especially handy for this trip!
]]>By: Kiran
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:40:15 +0000 baby spa sounds lovely! And I’m with Fritha – you look gorgeous Molly, and so does baby girl x
]]>By: Fritha Strickland
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:13:11 +0000 Molly this is such a cute post and can I say that you are looking amazing? I know that’s not what the post is about but I am getting hair envy and clothes envy seeing your pics here. A baby spa sounds wonderful, I remember taking Wilf to baby massage and just how much he loved that x