Before Christmas, I felt like I was about to crack. A family bereavement, 80 hour weeks, pressures in my working life and sheer exhaustion had me on the edge. I felt like I was swimming upstream in a river, against an incredibly strong tide, trying to keep afloat. Actually, I felt a bit like I was drowning.
That was November and December, but January and February have been different. My attempts at regaining some kind of control over what I take on and how I manage the working mum juggle seem to be working (most of the time).
I’ve made a few changes and taken a good look at what I can physically manage with the time I have to do what I need to do. It’s helped. I no longer feel like I’m drowning. Instead, I’m drifting along on a canoe, floating with the tide rather than trying to swim against it.
I am happy.
I’ve written a piece about regaining a sense of balance over at MAMA UK, which has been published today. I’d love for you to have a read and let me know how you manage your own juggle. I’ve put five of my own tips down there, but I reckon there’s room for far more.
Don’t want to create a spoiler here, so I’ll just say that your 2013 pledge to yourself sounds right on the money!
All the best
Sounds great well done. Il have a read xx