Comments on: Keeping in touch, growing up and changing friendships
Life as a mum, uncutThu, 09 Mar 2017 15:41:01 +0000hourly1 grandma from the north
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 19:27:48 +0000 channel I can use, but VERY important visits and family traditions as anchors. Whatever…we never feel distant and when we get together even though it might be many weeks – the time just slips away. Loving Family is a time traveller!
]]>By: Molly
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 13:10:31 +0000 don’t even know my own number, let alone any one else’s!
]]>By: Molly
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 13:08:54 +0000 – I used to text my old house mate and vice versa. Usually when one of us was hungover and we were texting to request a cup of tea brought to us in bed!
]]>By: Eleanor
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 15:27:24 +0000 my Philips C12 was my first texting phone, I can still hear its cheery little tone! My best mate had one too and we lived together, so we had to have different tones. She’s been my best mate for 30 years. We keep in touch by mainly texting, actually, and, now, WhatsApp.
]]>By: Alice
Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:54:14 +0000’m ALWAYS having to look up numbers – I don’t know how I coped in the old days! I remember those lovely teen texting times, counting down the 10ps until my £10 of credit had gone. Ahhh, makes me sad my own kids will never know the joys of this – and snake!