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I don’t know whether it’s because I’m pregnant or if it’s because of her age, but Frog has recently found a new interest in playing with her dolls. Or, one doll in particular.

She puts it to bed and puts it on the potty and cuddles it. She tells it stories and feeds it milk from a bottle (“My boobies haven’t got milk in them Mummy” she rolls her eyes when I ask why the bottle). And she names it. Every. Single. Day.

This naming business has bypassed the doll and gone straight to the actual real life baby growing in my belly. Frog is OBSESSED with what we’re going to call her baby brother or sister. OBSESSED. 

“I’m going to call the baby Nigel if it’s a boy,” she told me the other day. Nigel seems to be a particular favourite.

“I also like Thermometer as a name Mummy, because we can use that for a boy or a girl,” she says knowingly. As if Thermometer is a bonefide baby name.

Rosemary-Rose, Willy, Amelia, Summer and Annabelle are also favourites from time to time. But Thermometer and Nigel seem to be the main contenders at the moment.

We did fleetingly consider letting Frog choose the middle name of her baby brother or sister when he or she is born. We’ve now shelved that idea….