It would appear I’ve taken up residence with a dictator. She’s short – approximately 3 foot tall – and very, VERY loud. She also likes to tell me (and everyone else) what to do. Constantly.
My daughter has changed. Again.
It happens every few weeks or so. I notice a new knowing look in her eye, a new turn of phrase or a new talent in the drawing or jigsaw puzzle department. This current change has been all about the sass.
I’m living with a two year old who would give a 15 year old with a huge rebellious streak a run for her money. There have been moments during the past week where I’ve literally been left open mouthed at the way Frog has spoken to me or her dad. We’ve had to wander out of the room scratching our heads, asking each other, “Did she really just say that?”
Take tonight, for example. Already angry that her order for “MUMMY dry hair!!!” had been ignored, Frog was on a roll. As the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine tried to coax her into her Christmas pyjamas, our little dictator lay on the floor and banged her fists hard into the carpet.
“NOOOO Daddy! I want BUTTERFLY ones! I want butterfly ones NOW!!!” She screamed.
When she was given the chosen PJs (sometimes you have to pick your battles) she stopped shouting, calmly put on her trousers then stood up, raised her hand in the direction of her father and demanded, “Don’t look at me Daddy. DO NOT LOOK AT ME!!!”
This was nothing compared to the Tuesday drama though. The Tuesday drama involved a swimming lesson and a car seat, neither of which my little diva wanted to include in her planned afternoon.
As I opened the car door and attempted to lift Frog into her seat, she turned to me and calmly ordered me to “Put down Mummy. Put ME down!” I huffed something about, “Do it yourself then” and stood back.
It was then that my fiercely independent child swung round to face me and shouted – in the middle of a busy car park – “I NOT BABY ANYMORE MUMMY!”
Can someone please tell me there’s a rule somewhere that states unruly, bossy toddlers turn into angelic teenagers? Please? Anyone?
My Youngest is EXACTLY like this……and when I ring my Mum up in desperate hopes of some words of wisdom and reassurance (being the Mother of 3 Girsl herself) all that happens is she laughs loudly and declares “She sounds even worse than your Sister, and we all know how THAT went……”
Mostly, I am preparing to move to a Convent in roughly 9 years time when my “angelic” Daughters will be 16, 14 and 11 and I will be on the verge of a nervous breakdown……
I thinnk our girls would get on very well…
My niece is just like this. She can make the house rumble when she’s having a tantrum on the floor!
It’s like you’re describing Frog!
Like mother, like daughter… that’s all I’m saying!
I have no idea what you mean *cough*…
Just be thankful she’s not a boy. My son does all this, then when I say no I get a raspberry in the face. 3 year old boys, I’ve noticed at preschool, communicate through raspberries
Is it bad that I’m trying not to laugh as I’m reading this comment?! x
Oh, I love her ‘look’. Lol. Is she not adorable! (shhh… don’t tell her I said!) You have to laugh. (Not in front of them, I hasten to add!) So cute their teeny tiny body with that big, huge, barely contained personality. My little boy is 2. He is my fourth two year old, and he is erm… well yeah, he has a terrible case of the twos.
I love this age, where they are growing and changing so fast and they boomerang back and forth between needing reassurance and a cheerleader from us, to wanting to get on their soap box and give us an ear full. I was told that I needed a nap… with a capital N!, he told me in Tescos much to the humour of the check out lady. For what it is worth it does get a little easier in some ways around the age of 4’ish, but I think it may be short lived, I’m not sure though, my eldest is only 8. And she still gives me that ‘look’, love it!
Isn’t she a diamond!
Hmmmm. She is, although I’m not sure you’d think that mid “DO THIS DO THAT DO IT NOW DO IT MY WAY MUMMY!” episode.
Sorry, have to say I giggled through this post. Mostly because my almost 2 yr old is very similar. Today she told me “Don’t touch my things mummy” and when I told her not to be rude she said “You being very rudey mummy” I dread to think what she will be like at 15! Heaven help us
Oh dear. Is it bad that I’m glad I’m not alone?! My toddler told me this evening to, “Be nice” after I told her not to be rude. I fear we’re both in for a rough ride!
I’d love to say it gets better with time, but I’d be lying.
Ouch. Must stock up on huge reserves of patience then!