Comments on: Other mothers – are they that happy all the time? Really?
If not, ask GranSun, 03 Aug 2014 21:04:13 +0000hourly1 Actually Mummy
Wed, 02 Jan 2013 21:50:26 +0000 really do exist. I know one. She is a nursery teacher. She is lovely! She is also exhausting to be with. I am not like her. At all…
]]>By: Top UK Parent Blogger Posts 2012 | Tots 100
Tue, 01 Jan 2013 15:34:30 +0000[...] to compare ourselves to others but can those happy clappy Mums really be as happy as they seem, asks Mother’s Always Right, in a wry look at Other [...]
]]>By: mothersalwaysright
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 17:30:35 +0000 pleased to know I’m not the only one who shrinks from the Red Coat Mothers in intimidation! x
]]>By: Michelle Howell (@Isoisoisoooo)
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:22:52 +0000, *write….bag grammar and I haven’t even touched the wine yet! SAVE ME!
]]>By: Michelle Howell (@Isoisoisoooo)
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:21:39 +0000 completely agree with this! Especially when I’m stood outside the school gates and I see these other Mother’s with bouncing baby, bouncing smile,bouncing hair-do and boobies, waiting for their other two kids to come out of class and I’m wondering…did you do all that with the help of wine? Or are you just Supergirl? -while I stand there in my simple black jeans, trainers and whatever semi-smart-fashionable top I found in the clothes pile and threw on-. *LAUGH* because of course, I have a wardrobe but the clothes actually live on an armchair in the lounge! (WHy!? I don’t know!) My four year old is in the ‘Why’ phase right now, and whenever I mention this to the supermums in red jackets I get this ‘Awww! Aren’t they cute when they do that?’ all the while I am thinking…no not really…then they continue with ‘My Bobby used to ask the cutest things and blah blah blah’ so I pull out my bottle of wine, put on my lippy, put on my pj’s and HEY PRESTO! I’m a Butlins mummy! I’m feeling very frayed around the edges while I right this, so there may just be some murderous contempt for the red coats in there!
]]>By: Best of the UK Parent Blogs: Ten at Ten (48) | Tots 100
Fri, 09 Mar 2012 10:05:38 +0000[...] Other Mothers are always perfect, aren’t they? Mother’s Always Right takes a light-hearted swipe at happy clappy mums in Other mothers – are they that happy all the time? Really? [...]
]]>By: mothersalwaysright
Thu, 08 Mar 2012 06:28:51 +0000 love that analogy. Makes me feel much better about not being a Red Coat Mother!
]]>By: Ruth
Wed, 07 Mar 2012 21:36:46 +0000, love, love this post. Like so many of yours, it totally rings true with me. There are bits of being a mum that I completely love, but I don’t feel like any of it has come easily or naturally. Definitely no red coat in this house! We all know one or two of those Mums for whom it does all seem to come very easily, but I like to think of them as ducks – looking all serene and elegant on the surface while paddling like mad underneath. They just make it look easy, they don’t actually *find* it easy
]]>By: mothersalwaysright
Wed, 07 Mar 2012 19:15:13 +0000 dear, sounds like I’m not the only one who fails dismally at being a Butlins Red Coat Mother!
Tue, 06 Mar 2012 23:50:03 +0000 he, I did a similar lament of a post a while back after encountering one super-happy red coat of a mum that insisted on taking on entertainment duties for my toddler, whilst I stood around feeling like an utter boring twonk. Let’s stand united against these damned women!!!!