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“When I used to work full time, when you girls were young, I’d try to take a snapshot of a special moment and save it in my head to make it last longer.” My mum was trying to cheer me up yesterday, as she detected my dreary mood. Our mini holiday to their place in Devon was at an end. I felt sulky and dark, like a teenager.

It’s been a weekend of snapshots. So many moments I’ve tried to savour and keep. But, as with everything, each one has slipped through my fingers like sand, leaving me with nothing but a delicious memory.

A trip to the beach, an Easter egg hunt, a (few) cold gin and tonics, a hot bath in a rolltop tub, a snooze on the sofa in the middle of the day, a book… these are the things I’m holding tight to as normal life resumes. These are the photographs in my head.

If I close my eyes hard enough, they’re right there before me.