Comments on: On the post-newborn phase and not getting stuff done
If not, ask GranSat, 04 Apr 2015 19:47:07 +0000hourly1 Molly
Mon, 09 Mar 2015 12:03:38 +0000 the feeling!
]]>By: Molly
Mon, 09 Mar 2015 12:03:22 +0000 words – I think I need to start being a bit more realistic about what’s achievable and remembering it’s OK to sometimes say no if I can’t do something!
]]>By: Molly
Mon, 09 Mar 2015 12:02:32 +0000’s a great idea! I must admit, I’m very spoilt because my mum comes round every fortnight and helps me with a bit of cleaning. She is my saviour at the moment – don’t know how I’d manage without her! x
]]>By: Emz
Thu, 05 Mar 2015 10:45:34 +0000 don’t be so hard on yourself Molly! You’re doing a brilliant job – you are so right though, its like you hit the halfway mark with a newborn and suddenly people expect a bit more of you (damn them). I still have the occasional morning nap because I need it, but it feels weird & a bit naughty doing it when mine is nearly one! I write a weekly ‘to do’ list & I’m lucky if I get two things out of ten on there done, if I can manage three things then its been a good day! One thing that makes a huge difference to mine & my husbands time is having a cleaner once a week, its not a huge cost, could that be something that might help? It does massively for us as it just means that one less stress to think about xx
]]>By: Jenny M
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 09:00:23 +0000 feel for you! It took me about 2.5 years to start shedding the brain fog. Sleep makes such a difference – some babies sleep and some babies just don’t. (Guess what kind I had!)
Please be kind to yourself! I wish I had “lowered” my expectations of myself, which, looking back, would have been a great achievement in itself…
]]>By: Emily
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 01:16:02 +0000 too have a frequent waker. My first, at this point, was sleeping through. This one wants to wake every hour some nights. It’s exhausting. At some point, I’d like to be able to go out in the evening but if she isn’t awake then I’m too tired. Pah…one day!!
]]>By: Natalie Bailey
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 00:34:49 +0000 is just what I needed to read tonight after a bad day which ended in tears (from everyone!) – thank you. Mine (6 mths) is also waking more (tonight twice already) and I’m generally awake from about 3am for the day. Also being a perfectionist, getting frustrated not being able to get things done inc my list of things I want to do which are totally not essential like rearrange drawers!! I am feeling so nostalgic for the pj days where I spent all day on sofa watching OINTB guilt free (almost). No wonder sleep deprivation is a form of torture hey! Thanks again and hope you are currently fast asleep!? x
]]>By: Molly
Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:58:11 +0000 think you’re right!
]]>By: Molly
Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:57:58 +0000 think I’ve decided the newborn phase lasts at least 6 months…
]]>By: Ruth
Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:21:24 +0000 for writing this! It’s very much how I’ve been feeling… Especially the part about being a perfectionist and wanting to be on top of things. I guess we’re our own harshest critics?!