Comments on: When sibling rivalry hits
If not, ask GranFri, 27 May 2016 14:08:08 +0000hourly1 Natalie Bailey
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 00:38:22 +0000’s hoping!! x
]]>By: Molly
Sat, 28 Feb 2015 20:55:52 +0000 advice. We’ve been doing the bedtime thing already, but I think I need to find other times I can spend one-to-one time with her too if possible. I just need more hands and hours in the day!
]]>By: Molly
Sat, 28 Feb 2015 20:51:50 +0000 feed baby while Frog gets her PJs on, then put her down before doing the rest of Frog’s bedtime routine. We don’t always manage it though – some nights baby take longer to settle, in which case NLM takes over Frog’s routine. I guess when they’re older they’ll have a story etc together, which will be easier!
]]>By: Natalie
Sat, 28 Feb 2015 18:49:45 +0000, do you then go back and feed baby/put her to bed after putting Frog to bed or does NLM put baby down? I’m wondering if I should try your tactic but worry if I then go to feed baby, eldest will come through/wake her up etc!
]]>By: Kate
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 13:46:31 +0000 went through that with Molly before Amelia was born……dragging a kicking child who screams “I HATE YOU!” and “LET GO OF ME!” whilst 36 weeks pregnant is no fun! I’m afraid we took a zero tolerance approach – we took all the nice, fun stuff away and popped her (calmly) in her room and shut the door……she would generally ROAR with anger at this point, but she was so wound up that there was simply no reasoning with her! Once she had calmed down, we would sit and talk about how it made Mummy sad when she behaved like that and try & make her understand that I knew she was cross and worried about the baby coming but that didn’t make it ok! They DO get through it, and dealing with it however works best for you and her is all you can do – perhaps alternating turns with Mummy at bedtime might be the way forward until she gets past it?
]]>By: Molly
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 13:41:04 +0000 baby is the easiest part of the school run! At least she’s still small enough to just bundle up and carry. God knows how I’ll do it once she finds her feet!
]]>By: Molly
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 13:40:08 +0000 it bad that I’m glad I’m not alone in being someone currently dealing with this?! It’s really hard trying to find the right balance isn’t it? Add work and attempting to stop the house resembling a flea pit, and it’s amazing I manage to get dressed in the morning, never mind get my oldest to school!
]]>By: Natalie Bailey
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 10:47:52 +0000 Another blog that I cpuld have written! We are definitely finding sibling rivalry tough. Our 4 year old adores her sister but bedtimes have been horrendous. We’ve tried everything and we also have turned thr corner since I have been having a bit of girly time with eldest before bed. I’ve had many crazy mummy shouty moments, particularly on school run, because she has been so out of character and shouty/tantrummy… and I’ve definitely received a few kicks!! Surr it will get easier, right?! x
]]>By: Emma
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 10:14:02 +0000 Molly, I can’t imagine doing the school run with a baby and a little one, but I promise you are not the only one bellowing in the street. Every day I come home and berate myself for not being more patient with mine, for being too shouty, in too much of a rush. I promise myself tomorrow will be different, but after the 10th time of asking someone to put some pants on or clean their teeth, we’re right back where we started.