Truffle says June 8, 2011 at 8:29 pm Oooooh I miss Yorkshire pudding! Ok, need to roll up my sleeves and make one. Those potatoes are lookin’ good! Reply
mothersalwaysright says June 8, 2011 at 8:36 pm You must – Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes are vital ingredients to any Sunday! Reply
Deborah the Closet Monster says June 6, 2011 at 4:37 am My salsa-beans-and-rice dinner seemed so lovely thirty minutes ago . . . can I get a redo? Reply
mothersalwaysright says June 6, 2011 at 9:18 am I should be sticking to a salsa beans and rice diet instead of gorging on a full roast – no idea how my wedding dress is going to fit in just over 2 months time! Reply
mothersalwaysright says June 6, 2011 at 9:17 am It’s the biggest hint that the picture wasn’t taken in my house! Reply
MummyMummyMum says June 5, 2011 at 9:36 pm That looks like the best yorkshire pudding I have ever seen! Reply
Kate Takes 5 says June 5, 2011 at 8:11 pm I’m sorry but is that a joint stuck in your Yorkshire Pudding? Reply
Oooooh I miss Yorkshire pudding! Ok, need to roll up my sleeves and make one. Those potatoes are lookin’ good!
You must – Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes are vital ingredients to any Sunday!
My salsa-beans-and-rice dinner seemed so lovely thirty minutes ago . . . can I get a redo?
I should be sticking to a salsa beans and rice diet instead of gorging on a full roast – no idea how my wedding dress is going to fit in just over 2 months time!
I got distracted by the Mr Sheen!
It’s the biggest hint that the picture wasn’t taken in my house!
That looks like the best yorkshire pudding I have ever seen!
ooooh is that a great big yorky?
Yorkshire pud yes please!
I’m sorry but is that a joint stuck in your Yorkshire Pudding?
Wow! Love the look of those roasties!
that looks so yummy!!
That looks SO good!!!