Just a few short weeks ago people were looking at my bump and taking bets on whether the baby inside was a boy or a girl. Whenever anyone asked me if I had a preference I was honest: I just wanted a healthy baby. My four year old regularly changed her mind when asked, which was the reason we decided not to find out the sex at the 20 week scan.
Even so, the moment when I held my baby up from the water and saw that she was a girl was a shock. Although we’d decided to wait for a surprise, I’d become pretty convinced I was carrying a boy. So many people (including my mum and husband) were sure the baby would be a boy and Frog often referred to the baby as a “he” when talking about becoming a big sister.
Once we were out of the water and I was lying on the bed cuddling my brand new baby girl I rang my mum and sobbed down the phone that she had another granddaughter. My husband rang his mum and told her the same. Another girl. And then it clicked into place: I have two daughters.
The (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine and I were chatting about Christmas the other day. “It’ll be so lovely with the girls,” I said. The GIRLS. Plural. Still sinking in.
And yet, it’s only been three weeks but it feels like our newest baby girl has been here forever. She has just slotted in. Shared bath times with Frog sitting in the bath helping to wash her baby sister. Early mornings with me feeding the baby while Frog clambers into bed with us trailing her beloved blanket. “Aw she’s SO cute Mummy! I love her SO much!”
It’s exciting to wander how this pair will relate to each other as they grow up. They are four years apart, the same as my own sister and I. There are not many memories I have of childhood that don’t include my sister. From her winding me up and doing handstands in front of the TV as I tried to watch Heartbreak High (remember that show?!) to us teaming up if someone had been mean to either one of us. We were (and are) fiercely protective of each other and extremely close. Will my own two girls be the same? I hope so.
Already Frog is proving a bit of a lioness when it comes to her baby sister. “Don’t say that to her Mummy, you’ll hurt her feelings!” She chided me the other day, as I joked that the baby was stinky after she produced a particularly ripe nappy.
In three weeks we haven’t yet had a “When is the baby going back?” moment. Frog repeatedly tells us how much she loves her sister and has accepted her arrival as if she’s always been here.
Of course in the case of all siblings, there’s one rule for Frog and one for everyone else. You call the baby stinky and you’re in trouble. Frog is the only one allowed to pass that verdict on her baby sister…
Aww so cute, it’s nice she’s accepted her so quickly into the family with no fuss or jealous
Frog sounds like a great big sis to have x
She’s proving to be very good at being a big sister – even managed to blame the baby for a tantrum she had yesterday, so she’s a pro!
This is so gorge! Frog sounds like an amazing big sis! Boo cannot wait for Bean to be born and is already fiercely protective over her, and Beanis the only one who can stop her crying sometimes (I have to do a high pitched voice pretending to be her!) ! I cannot wait for them to be together! And to say ‘our girls’! ????????????
Congratulations lovely!!! They’re beautiful together xxx
Ah that’s so sweet – sounds like your little girl is going to make an ace big sister too! x
Oh they’re so beautiful together! This post made me feel mushy inside. Congratulations again! x
Thank you! x
Being the eldest of 3 Girls and then going on to have 3 Girls myself (where the age gaps are pretty similar), I may be slightly biased when I say that Sisters ROCK – Yes, i am braced for the hormone fest that is heading our way and YES I am quite sure that they will all hate each other at some point…….but I also know that being a Big Sister is a very proud job – my middle sister is now 36 wks pregnant with my 1st niece of nephew & I am super excited to see this new chapter unfolds!
Oh you’re making me want another one now!
DO IT!! (Although, maybe wait till after Christmas…….)
Aw this has melted my heart. What a beautiful post. One of the best things in my world is watching the bond grow between my two. It’s amazing. Enjoy every moment lovely xx
Ah thanks Kiran. It really is an exciting and lovely thing to see. I guess as the baby gets more and more alert she’ll prove even more interesting for Frog. I can imagine it’s something that just gets better and better (apart from the inevitable bickering!). x
Aww it sounds like she’s settling into being a big sister brilliantly! and yes, there is something lovely about being able to refer to them as ‘the girls’
It’s funny – it’s not even been four weeks yet but it feels like baby has been here forever already!