Comments on: Sisters, then and now
If not, ask GranTue, 29 Mar 2016 20:50:26 +0000hourly1 Catherine
Tue, 29 Mar 2016 09:54:57 +0000, we met an Australian doctor on a glacier in Iceland, who’d just been visiting London to check out working for the NHS. I’d mentioned Lizzy’s upcoming move to Oz and she said that Lizzy would have a fantastic opportunity to study tropical medicine. Furthermore, there was a large population of indigenous Australians who pose interesting medical problems, very different from those she’d find in Britain. I’m sure she’ll be safe. I’ve checked out the weather for this week – sun and 32 degrees – so now I have complete weather envy. My year abroad was one of the best ever, despite missing my family and my boyfriend and with no ‘instant’ media. I’ve already started saving for the air fare to Oz…all I need is a distraction for the flight – two little great nieces perhaps??? Great post Molly.
]]>By: Right Royal Mother
Sun, 27 Mar 2016 15:18:01 +0000 a lovely, lovely post. My sister and I have had our ups and downs over the years but are now absolutely best friends (something about having small children at the same time ..?!) Good luck to Lizzy and you – I am sure you’ll see each other soon and Frog will be fine :). xxx
]]>By: Ghislaine Forbes
Fri, 25 Mar 2016 17:34:19 +0000 you sister (big) for telling my eldest there are also salt water crocodiles to worry about!
Beautiful, kind words Molly….a far cry from your 10th Birthday Party (The Tudor dressing up Drama one) when Lizzy was stealing the show and you demanded we got her out of the drama studio “NOW!”
It is lovely knowing you deeply care for eachother, respect eachother and will ALWAYS look out for eachother.
Love ma x
]]>By: Jane clarke
Fri, 25 Mar 2016 13:23:52 +0000 I know Lizzy is miles away and face time and Skype aren’t the same but it is available now. Think of it as a holiday destination start saving up. Townsville is an amazing place with the old kinda trains running thro the centre of the town on tracks up the Main Street no barriers. A themed bar looks like a jungle inside. An aborigine cultural centre on the outskirts. Mount Archer. Saw no snakes. Did not go into the water. Never mind the Sharks what about the salt water crocs they are even closer to the beach. Box jelly fish. Keep the vinegar near. They do have netted areas to swim in. Lizzy is very sensible.
]]>By: Ruth
Fri, 25 Mar 2016 07:23:17 +0000 *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* I can relate to so much of this. I love my sister with every ounce of my being. I understand everything you’ve shared. Thank goodness for Skype and What’s App, I hope it’s enough for you both. Never the same, but better than nothing. For lots of reasons we’re already weighing up ‘do we don’t we think about having another baby’ and my own sister is such a huge driver for thinking about a sibling for Ff. Lots of love, I hope these next few first days apart aren’t too tough xxx
]]>By: Claire
Thu, 24 Mar 2016 22:47:06 +0000 what a lovely post Molly. I’ve seen how you’ve felt about your sister leaving and know it’s hard for you both. I loved reading about your relationship- I was the annoying younger one until I also became a big sister (middle child) but I also remember my big sister sticking up for me too. I love seeing my own girls relationship too. I was one of three sisters and so are they (also with similar age gaps between) but with an added brother. I don’t think distance can ever separate that sister bond (although I know things are different on a practical level). Wishing both you and your little sister all the best during this time xxx (also you have to have a holiday there to visit them!)
]]>By: Steph Oakes
Thu, 24 Mar 2016 22:42:42 +0000 Molly, I know exactly how you feel. My sister (also my bestie) moved to Hong Kong with her husband and my three month old niece and then Singapore for four years and although there were a lot of tears shed on her departure (mainly mine, she’s a lot stronger than me!), it most definitely wasn’t that bad. We facetimed A LOT, we holidayed over there a lot and travelled around Asia with the kiddies which was lovely and just before they had #2, they decided to come back home to blighty, phew!! Your sis will have a whale of a time and I’m totally jealous! Xx