I am feeling exactly the same as you but for the opposite reason, where your child can’t walk but talks beautifully, mine at 22 months has been walking since the week after she turned one but I get a lot of people telling me “She doesn’t say much, does she?”. I get so angry, she flipping understands two languages at 22 months, she says a few words, she may only say the English or the Spanish word but knows the meaning of both, and you can see her taking in all in with great determination for when she is ready to blurt it all out. She also already has her mother’s stubbornness so she will do just fine. I just tell everyone she is bilingual and bilingual kids can take longer to talk. But I feel my blood boiling sometimes.
As Adele wisely says above, it’s people who don’t know you or her well, passers-by, people who are not important in your life. Those who matter will take time to observe how brilliant she is in every respect.
I went through the badge stage already when I wasn’t able to breastfeed, I consider sticking something from my changing bag saying: “Mummy wasn’t able to produce milk but she tried, she really tried, now she just wants me to be healthy!.
I may do an “I understand 2 languages already, how about you?”.